Nis Kenya Salary Scale is used by the National Intelligence Service (NIS); an agency established by the government.

National Intelligence Service (NIS) is a Federal Intelligence agency established by the Kenyan government is both the (national) domestic and foreign intelligence agency. It originated from the “Special Branch” a department of the national police created in 1952 under the British administration. Previously, the agency was known as the National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS). The agency among other things provided intelligence during the Mau Mau uprising.


The salary of Kenya’s National Intelligence Service is among the highest in disciplined forces. The salary scale and structure for fresh graduates per month are discussed below.

  •    National Intelligence Service salary for Certificate holders is up to 50k.
  •    National Intelligence Service salary for a Diploma graduate is up to 80k.
  •    Fresh degree graduates can earn a salary of up to 130k.

However, the National Intelligence Service salary tends to increase and shoot up to 250k after a few years of experience.

In line with Kenya’s Constitution, the hierarchy of the National Intelligence Service is structured as described below. The Director-General is appointed as the overall administrator of the service; and is seconded by the eight directors, heading each specific Division in the service. NIS Kenya has eight Divisions which are:

  1.    Internal intelligence (under the director of internal intelligence)

This division is responsible for collecting domestic (local) intelligence. The Internal Division is saddled with the task of gathering Kenyan Internal intelligence on political, social-economic, and security issues

  1.    External intelligence (under the director of external intelligence)

The Division is in charge of the collection of foreign intelligence in relation to political, social, economic, and security issues. The division as well is responsible for Intelligence on organized crime.

  1.    Administration

The Administrative division is tasked with the responsibility for the general administration, financial, and Human Resource management of the Service.

  1.    Analysis & production under the director of economic affairs

This division plays a vital role in the analysis, production, and dissemination of intelligence to NIS customers. They also manage a specialized NIS School of Analysis, which has been created to teach and train analysts and researchers for the Service, National Security stakeholders, and external partners.

  1.    National Intelligence Academy under its own director

The NIS Academy has the responsibility of identifying the training needs of the Service as well as implementing the training program for intelligence officers. Also, the academy also coordinates all other staff training program that is not directly related to the core function apart from training newly recruited Intelligence Officers. The division maintains a relationship with other training institutions with which the NIS has a liaison. The institution partnered with include Government training institutions, private institutions and Universities, and others run by friendly foreign governments.

  1.    Counter Intelligence Division

This division’s role is for collecting counterintelligence countering the activities related to foreign espionage.

  1.  Operations under the director of operations
  2.  Information technology under the director of information technology

The Directors who are in charge of the various divisions are appointed by the Director-General of the National Intelligence Service in consultation with the National Security Council (NSC).  A Director is still subjected to the directives and under the command of the Director-General despite being the administrative head of a particular division.

The number of intelligence officers working in Kenya’s National Intelligence Service is determined by the Director-General National as he consults with the National Security Council before making any decision. The basic and primary factor considered when recruiting new staff into National Intelligence Service is that the number selected is commensurate and is enhance the NIS to be effective as well as to properly discharge its mandate and functions.

Still ON NIS Kenya Salary Scale

The Director-General is the head of the National Intelligence Service, nominated by the President of the Republic of Kenya; and is approved by the National Parliament, and the tenure in office is five years term to serve, an office that has usually been drawn from the military, especially from the senior ranks of the Military Intelligence.

The Director-General enjoys privileges such as security of tenure while in office, and his contract can be renewed or extended for an additional five years. Also, the Director-general can serve a maximum of two sequential terms in office.

Organizational Structure

Kenya’s National Intelligence Service is in three (3) divisions and each of these divisions is headed by a Director who is appointed by the Director-General (DG) as provided in section 15 of NIS Act, 2012. The three division includes:

  • Internal
  • External
  • Counter Intelligence


Internal Division is responsible for gathering domestic intelligence.


This division is tasked with the duty of gathering foreign intelligence.


The Counter Intelligence Division is saddled with the task of gathering and performing counterintelligence.


Other divisions existing in the Service is necessary for the proper, effective and efficient performance of the functions of the Service may be created by the Director-General in accordance with the NIS Act, 2012



19th-century Kenyan intelligence

When the Nandi heard of the British, plan to attack them. The Kamba people, on the other hand, responded differently to the British because they had traversed the central and coastal areas as long-distance traders during which they gathered intelligence for their leaders.

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Mercenaries were recruited by the British colonists as porters and guides. The mercenaries foremost provided information to the British, but later they served as community chiefs, overthrowing the traditional leaders. This depicts that most of those who became chiefs were opportunists.


Our vision is to be a professional security intelligence service comparable to none that shall ensure a prosperous and secure Kenya.

National Intelligence Service Mission

  •    Detecting and Identifying any potential threat to Kenya
  •    Advising the President and Government of any security threat to Kenya
  •    Taking steps to protect the security interests of Kenya whether political, military, or economic.
  •    To Checkmate people that may hold positions that require a security clearance.


NIS job opportunities are opened to Kenya nationals who are above age 18 and measure up to the qualifications required. The wide range of NIS activities makes it important that employees should have a variety of academic backgrounds and abilities to multi-task.

To carry out their operation effectively, the NIS requires expertise from different professional disciplines such as lawyers, scientists, engineers, communication technicians, and other specialists. When there exists an open vacancy for employment, the Service advertises the posts available in various newspapers.

To enroll and be accepted into NIS you must be a Kenyan Citizen and meet the qualifications below;



  •    Applicants or candidates must be aged between 22-31 years
  •    Must have acquired Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), mean grade C+ plain or its equivalent
  •    Must have attained a degree from a recognized institution
  •    Must be a Kenyan national without any criminal record and is physically fit



  •    Applicant or candidates must be aged between 20-30 years
  •    Acquire Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), mean grade C plain or it’s equivalent
  •    Obtained a college diploma, earned over at least 18 months of study in a recognized tertiary institution
  •    Must be a Kenyan national without any criminal record and is physically fit



  •    Applicant or candidates must be aged between 20-26 years
  •    Acquire Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), mean grade D+ or its equivalent
  •    Candidates must have obtained a relevant Certificate from a recognized institution, covering at least 6 months of study
  •    Candidates must be Kenyan nationals without a criminal record and are physically fit.



Kenya’s National Intelligence Service is a great place to display your expertise in your professional field. Must I say, their salary structure is wonderful and one of the best paying agencies in Kenya? Presently there is no vacancy in the agency but if you are interested to work for the intelligence agency, keep checking online on their official website.

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4 Replies to “NIS KENYA Salary Scale 2024 And Structure

  1. Some Graduate training program for 2019 was advertised in most of career and job search sites but upon trying to open and apply the website doesn’t seem to open,how else can one do this I have always taken interest to work for NIS,kindly advise

  2. Alert for any advert of job,I have always taken interest to work for NIS, kindly advice.

  3. I love and liked being one of the nis working person as I’m fully interested and wishing to know-how I would join the team

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