With Kenya’s current economic situation, students who intend to pursue degree programs in the country should always make research so they won’t end up enrolling in courses that will leave them jobless for years.

Every year, Kenya’s higher institutions produce about 800,000 graduates who enter the labor market. 

Fortunately, once you graduate, a number of university degree courses can help you get a job easily, though such courses may be among the most competitive, highly demanding courses in Kenya and also pay well.

30 Highly Demanding Courses In Kenya

1. Medicine

Medicine and surgery is currently the most demanded degree in Kenya. Medical practitioners are currently in short supply in Kenya, and with the country’s rapid growth, the demand for high-quality healthcare is expanding. A student studying this course would surely have a promising future as a medical doctor – with a fat salary.

The study of Medicine and surgery empowers a person to save lives through medical practice. No doubt, you understand that it is a very important field of study that should naturally have some of the most stringent bureaucratic procedures before a person can scale through. While Medicine might come with a lot of mouth-watering benefits for its graduates, there is a price to pay as is one of the most difficult degrees in the University.

For instance; it takes at least 6 years of hard study in Kenya to be certified. Furthermore, a person needs an overall grade of A or at least C including mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, and English. An impressive result at the secondary school level does not even guarantee a person admission to study medicine, he will still need to be interviewed by a panel to show his attentiveness and mental abilities. After being offered admission he will then need to show great work ethic and personal sacrifice in order to scale through. 

One of the advantages of medicine and surgery is that some students get accepted even before they graduate or while still in school.

You can also start your own clinic, work in private health institutions, or even go to pursue a career abroad if you meet up with the required skills and certification.

2. Information Technology/Software Engineering

If you have great math skills and believe you can manage complex programming, software engineering could be a suitable fit for you. Software developers make between $200k and $500k per year, with mega-corporations like Safaricom, IBM, and Google, to mention a few.

In Kenya, IT (Information Technology) is a highly demanded but stressful degree as you’ll be responsible for programming, testing, and debugging computer programs. In addition to this, you also need to be creative and have solid time management skills.

Since this is a technical course, students must be proficient in mathematics and programming languages including C, C++, Java, Python, and PHP.

3. Dental Surgery

Dental surgery is a branch of medicine that deals with the teeth. As with other branches of medicine, it requires good attention as well dedication. A dental surgeon handles any issues relating to diseases or conditions affecting the oral cavity, dentition, facial tissues, and so on. This work involves the use of medicines, surgical equipment, and anesthetics. Wrongly done, it could result in fatalities.

4. Computer Science and Engineering

Just like Computer Science, Computer engineering, is also a highly sought-after course in Kenya. It has a high rate of employment and requires students to have both practical and theoretical knowledge.

Since this degree needs a lot of data analysis, you’ll need to be creative and analytical as a graduate. As a computer engineer, you must address technological problems, hence, you will need to have solid problem-solving skills.

5. Pharmacy 

This is another science subject that involves both theoretical and practical expertise. Since you’ll be testing numerous treatments, you’ll need to be familiar with human anatomy, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of drug in the body.

In the study of pharmacy you study how different medicinal chemicals interact with the human body. This course of study takes between 6 to 8 years to complete in Kenya, and one has to scale through a similarly stringent admission procedure in order to gain qualify. Then a person needs to show a great seal of dedication, and effort. 

As a pharmacist, you will be accountable for people’s health, while also working closely with doctors and medical specialists even as an undergraduate.

Furthermore, as a pharmacist, you can take advantage of being an entrepreneur by opening your own pharmacy or you might decide to work for Kenyan companies like GSK, NACADA, private and public hospitals, or clinics throughout the country.

6. Telecommunications and Information Engineering

Engineering courses are not easy, generally, but telecommunication and information technology are especially difficult in the context of Kenya. It takes a long time and demands a lot of diligence and hard work. In Kenya, this course is ranked as one of the absolute toughest, and most challenging- academically speaking- because only the brightest students take it on, and excel. There are numerous side courses to pass through in order to prove oneself fit for accreditation in this field.

7. Aeronautical Science/Engineering

In aeronautical engineering you learn the design, composition, maintenance, and disposal of aircraft, aircraft equipment, and the associated services that are used in the aviation industry. Lives are literally in your hands because once a plane takes to the air it cannot just stop for repairs. Therefore the person who checks and certifies a plane good for take-off must be absolutely sure about what he is doing. In order to guarantee maximum safety, therefore, it is very important to make sure that aeronautical engineers are highly trained personnel. That is why there is such a stringent qualification process, in which passing the secondary exams with flying colors alone cannot guarantee admission. The study includes the everyday use of computerized equipment, and demands extra effort to scale through.

8. Nursing

Despite the fact that Nurses earn less in Kenya, they remain in high demand especially in hospitals and clinics As a nurse, you will be working closely with patients every day, hence, this profession necessitates you to have good communication skills.

You’ll also need to be creative because you’ll have to come up with innovative techniques to make patients feel comfortable during recovery. 

As a nurse, you can work for government agencies, hospitals, and clinics, or start your own small clinic.

9. Psychology

Physiology is another science course that demands students to have excellent communication skills because they will be interacting with people on a daily basis. You’ll also need outstanding problem-solving skills, as you’ll be dealing with various psychological issues on a regular basis.

Graduates of psychology can work in government agencies, schools, and hospitals. Graduates in psychology can also find work in private institutions such as health clinics, counseling firms, and criminal investigations.

10. Project Management

This course demands students to be good in mathematics and science. You’ll need great listening skills as a project manager because you’ll be required to listen to clients, colleagues, and superiors.

Project managers are employed by private firms, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and even individuals who choose to work for themselves.

11. Occupational Therapy

As the name implies, the goal of this course is to assist people with disabilities in overcoming their limits so that they can live normal lives. You’ll need strong communication skills because you’ll be interacting with clients on a daily basis.

Graduates of occupational therapy programs work in government agencies, schools, and hospitals.

12. Architecture And Building Construction

This is an extremely important field of study because houses that eventually collapse do not always immediately appear to be faulty. It is therefore important that the builder has passed through all the industry best practices while putting up the structure. Therefore, students are made to pass through long hours of tough study courses and to show themselves proficient. They have to prove themselves creative, design-savvy, and willing to learn.

13. Microbiology

Microbiology is a science course that necessitates good laboratory techniques from students because you’ll be making research on cells, and microorganisms. In addition, this course also requires a solid understanding of chemistry and biology.

As a microbiology graduate, you can pursue a career in medical research or work in the pharmaceutical industry.

14. Philosophy

Philosophy is a difficult but demanding course in Kenya which requires students to be open-minded and able to communicate their opinions on a variety of topics. You’ll have to assess data and also come up with answers that are backed up by facts.

15. Physics

Physics is another science course that demands students to have strong problem-solving skills in order to find practical solutions to theoretical difficulties.

Because the theories are built on mathematical concepts, you’ll also need a thorough understanding of mathematics. This is a difficult course, however, it is one of the most demanding, as you can work in the University, Private Institutions or even dive into the engineering sector if you have a good degree coupled with solid experience.

16. Economics

This is a social science course that requires students to have strong mathematical skills and knowledge of business concepts. You’ll also need great writing skills because you’ll be writing essays, reports, and presentations on a regular basis.

As an economics graduate, you can work for the government, non-profit groups, or start your own business using the knowledge of entrepreneurship learned in school. 

The course is one of the most difficult to study in Kenya. It consists of huge computations that include calculus, mathematics, statistics, financial accounting, and other theoretical courses. Well, economics prepares a person to handle the finances, not just of his own person, but of public ownership, and so, it is not surprising that this course should not be a stroll in the park. Nevertheless, if a person is mentally endowed and so committed, it is very possible.

17. Mathematics

Mathematicians are in high demand in Kenya, thanks to the growing demand for data scientists. A person who finishes this course of study will be proficient in handling great mathematical problems with absolute ease. He will also be able to create computer applications to solve computational issues. A person who wishes to excel in this field must put in a great effort, to understand deeply the course, and also the practical applications.

As a mathematician, you can further your education to get another degree, thereby increasing your chances of working in several sectors – especially in Tech and Engineering. You can work as a software engineer, data scientist, programmer ethical hacker, and more.

18. Certified Financial Analyst

If you have a Chartered Financial Analyst degree, you do not need to go for any other degrees before getting a job with fat salary. This is because most employers are aware that this is a challenging course. So they are confident that if you can have a good degree studying this course, you will be qualified to fill the open positions.

When compared to other marketable degrees, the unemployment rate for financial analysts stays at 10%, which is the lowest in Kenya. If you want to pursue a CFA course, you must have an undergraduate degree in statistics, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Commerce, Law, or Actuarial Science.

19. Statistics 

If mathematics does not work out, statistics can be used as a backup strategy. Many job positions, such as risk analyst, project manager, and even economist, require knowledge of statistics and probability.

If you think you’re good at math and science, this course will help you get a job as soon as you finish your studies. Once you obtain your degree, you can either get a job or work as a consultant. With this knowledge, you can broaden your job options; for example, while still in college, you can work as a data analyst, accountant, financial analyst, or actuarial specialist.

20. Actuarial Science

Actuarial Scientists create risk models for government agencies, insurance corporations, and auditing firms. They work with RBA, IRA, CIC insurance, Alexander Forbes, Old Mutual, Kenya RE, and Nairobi Securities Exchange, among others. 

Professionals in this field of work must analyze future financial events before they happen, so as to save his principals from financial loses. It is therefore not surprising that a field of study like this should accept only the brightest students they can find, as this is the only way to ensure that the best hands are taken for the job. Furthermore, the process of acquiring the skills and work ethic that can help a person excel in this field is quite long and tedious. Students are trained to analyze a big load of financial data, preparing them for a brutal working experience.

Actuarial science is a marketable degree, but to get the most out of it, you’ll need skills to match your degree and professional certifications from the ICFA and SOA. Few Kenyans participate in the course, leaving professionals with a plethora of options.

21. Computer Science

Computer science is the study of computers, which have become ingrained in our daily life. You must be familiar with programming languages, databases, and networks in order to comprehend this advanced course.

Students will be required to solve problems, conduct research, and write reports in this course, so they must be dedicated and hardworking.

A career in computer science might be perfect for you if you have a knack for technology and computers. The ICT business in Kenya is in desperate need of computer scientists and workers in a variety of fields.

There will be higher chances for people with computer science knowledge and abilities as the world is now going digital. 

Although this degree has a lengthy learning year, it is in high demand among graduates. 

22. The law

This is the course for you if you are interested in law, justice, and judicial systems. Lawyers are needed in both the governmental and commercial sectors in Kenya.

Writing long essays, remembering all they learn, giving accurate presentations on numerous topics, and passing tests are all part of what you’ll do in law school.

If you want to study law, you must love writing, data analysis, and have problem-solving skills. You’ll need a lot of patience because this course takes a long time to complete. Judges, prosecutors, legal officials, business lawyers, and many other professions are open to law students.

23. Accountancy & Finance (CPA & CFA)

Taking the 19th spot on our list of highly demanding courses in Kenya is Finance.  If you plan to study finance, you should be passionate about numbers since this course is mainly about economics. It also requires students to learn all the rules of business.

Accountancy is rather tough skill to master. This is because you need to have the head for mathematics, as well as the understanding of the financial applications of numerical values. Students who are not naturally good with numbers usually find this course of study to be beyond them, while those with good knowledge of numbers still have to put in the effort to succeed. 

24. Computer Security & Forensics

Computer Security & Forensics is gradually becoming a popular course in Kenya. With cyber-crimes on the increase, it’s worthy to say that security and forensic experts will remain in demand even in the future.

25. Agriculture

Kenya is Africa’s biggest agricultural product producer, with numerous job openings for people interested in working in this sector. With a degree in Agriculture, you can work in a farming enterprise, work as a farm manager, or be in a position where you control and manage the country’s natural resources.

26. Management and Leadership

Leadership and management is another popular course in Kenya. Leadership and management are becoming increasingly important, particularly in the private sector, where organizations are looking for qualified people to manage their employees.

You can work as a team leader, manager, or even establish your own firm with a degree in leadership and management. 

27. Journalism

Kenyan politics has been shaped by the fourth estate, which continues to impact the country’s future. A journalism degree will enable you to work as a news reporter, editor, or even start your own blog.

In Kenya, qualified journalists interested in writing about technology, business, and other relevant topics are currently in high demand.

28. Hospitality Management

With the growing tourist and hospitality industry, there is a demand for qualified employees to manage hotels, restaurants, and other associated businesses.

As more people visit Kenya, there is a significant demand in both the public and private sectors.

29. Quantity Surveying

The demand for quantity surveyors who can work on building sites has expanded as infrastructure development has increased.

The public and private sectors, as well as the building industry, are in great demand for graduates in this aspect.

30. Geospatial Engineering

With the tremendous rise in demand for location-based services and mobile technology, geospatial engineering has now grown in popularity.

The training entails mapping our environment using satellite photos. Many firms and institutes that require mapping as part of their research endeavors rely on this knowledge to quickly obtain information from faraway locations.

The demand for this course is huge in both the public and private sectors, as well as research institutions.

31. Digital Marketing

Online marketing has become a popular professional path as digital media have grown in popularity. Digital marketers create plans and initiatives to assist businesses in connecting with customers via electronic media such as social media, websites, and mobile apps.

32. Special Needs Educations

Working as a daycare teacher, special education teacher, or even a school administrator is possible with a degree in special needs education.

Kenya has a scarcity of teachers who can work with children who have learning problems and other difficulties. Autistic youngsters, deaf pupils, and kids with speech difficulties are among those that fall under this category.

33. Arts

With a degree in Art, you can work in the Kenyan entertainment sector like the music and movie industry.

34. Medical Laboratory Science

Medical laboratory scientists are also in demand in Kenya as they work alongside medical doctors and nurses to help restore patients’ health back to normal. Medical laboratory scientists can work in governmental organizations, hospitals, clinics or can even set up a mini-clinic if they have the capital.



This list was compiled following a thorough study and research in every fields of education. Also note that the order of ranking does not indicate relevance.