When mention is made of the most marketable courses in Kenya, it usually refers to the courses or skills that are in high demand in the country, and which guarantee high paying careers. Alternative terms for ‘high demand’ are ‘scarce’, or ‘essential.’ These are high impact skills which the country needs for essential sectors to function smoothly.

These high value courses will help one not just to earn good money; but also to contribute to the betterment of society, as very important personalities. With time, one will become a custodian of these important skills, passing on the baton to the next generation of Kenyan professionals, while basking in the satisfaction of knowing that he has contributed his share to the development of his country.

Some of these courses will also open doors of international travel, and enable to have far reaching connections throughout the world.


  1. Medicine and Surgery
  2. Education
  3. Pharmacy
  4. Marketing
  5. Computer Science
  6. Architecture
  7. Law
  8. Mechanical Engineering
  9. Piloting
  10. Surveying

So if you reside in Kenya or planning to study there, you can look up this list and pick any of the course that suit your personality. Without any further ado, join us as we discuss on the Most Marketable Courses In Kenya that you can opt for. The list is arranged base on how marketable they are in the country.

1. Medicine

Medicine is absolutely necessary for any society to thrive. It is impossible to have a prosperous country when the Health sector is moribund; which is why every reasonable government gives priority to its health-workers, making sure that Doctors and Nurses are well paid, enjoy good conditions of service; and that the hospitals are well equipped.

It is, therefore, no surprise that medicine is one of the most marketable courses in Kenya. However, medicine is also one of the most closely monitored courses; it is a field that is mostly reserved for only the brightest students. Therefore, in order to accepted to study medicine, one must score a mean grade of B+ or above in KCSE.

After graduation, one can work in the public sector, the private sector, or even open up your own practice. While medicine is very lucrative, it is important to note that the best motivation should be to save lives.

2. Education/Teaching

Teachers deserve more respect than they are given; the foundation of any society is the education sector. It is the teachers who train the doctors, engineers, and politicians who govern the country. Education is therefore a great career choice because it guarantees one good pay, good working conditions, and opportunities for career advancement.

Kenya already gives precedence to the education sector; the majority of the civil servants in the employ of the Kenyan government are teachers.

In order to work as a teacher in Kenya, one needs to take a course in education; of which there are different courses such as certificate, diploma, or degree courses. Thankfully, the requirements for studying education are not as high as those for medicine, and you can select a combination such as biology/education, agriculture/education, English/education, and so on.

The working conditions are very good, and teachers are very well respected in Kenyan society.

3. Pharmacy

Pharmacy is a related field of the health sector; however it is separated from the core of medical practice because it is basically about expertise with drugs. Pharmacy is a very important discipline; it literally means holding the lives of your fellow countrymen in your hands.

Even though Pharmacists do not get to diagnose patients, or to treat them of their ailments, or even to perform surgeries; as a Pharmacist one would still be involved in the recovery process by administering drugs. Pharmacists are necessary because they prescribe the drugs in the right amount and dosage to help return people to good health.

Pharmacy is very marketable in Kenya; one can get jobs in public hospitals or private establishments. One can even start his Pharmacy.

4. Marketing

Marketing is an important profession; it plays an essential role for all kinds of businesses. Every business needs to make sales in order to generate revenues, and make the profit it needs to remain in business. Marketing is therefore all about making sales. As a marketer one would be charged with taking products and services to the public; and getting them to buy.

Marketing may also involve advertising, although that may be taken as a completely different field. Marketing usually comes with bonuses and other forms of incentives to enable marketers do their jobs effectively. When one attains the higher positions, the salaries are quite enviable.

5. Computer Science

Computer Science is a high demand course in Kenya, as with most other parts of the world. From news, to media, to commerce and other important sectors; Computer Scientists do the hard work of designing computer programs and algorithms that provide these technology solutions.

As more businesses go online; they are forced to hire infinitely more young people with the right skills in computer science. Aside from working full time in companies, one can also set up his own consultancy business, and be engaged by several companies.

6. Architecture

Architecture has always been important in Kenya; but now it is even more important due to the rapid pace of development. now, property developers and private individuals all need Architects to create the best architectural solutions to help them make the best use of available space.

Investigations have revealed that Architecture students can even start earning before they graduate from school; the concentration is no longer just on designing buildings, but on creating innovative solutions for the future such as self sustaining buildings, green cities, and houses with minimal need for power.

7. Law

Law has always been one of the most desirable professions in Kenya; however, it comes with very rigorous learning at a university, and then the Kenya School of Law. One has to be articulate, calm under pressure, and very eloquent.

Lawyers are very well paid; and they are some of the most respected members of the Kenyan society. They are called upon to settle legal issues between individuals, institutions, and businesses. Many lawyers go on to become politicians.

8. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineers are responsible for designing the mechanical systems which are used by manufacturing companies as well as other industries. Mechanical Engineers would design machines from scratch, or be called upon to service and maintain existing ones.

Bottling Companies, Textile Companies, Manufacturing Companies, Chemical Companies, and so on, all need mechanical engineers to drive production. Mechanical Engineers do not even have to be attached to individual companies; they can work as consultants, going from place to place, as the need arises.

9. Piloting

The Job of a pilot is to fly planes. Ideally, this course has a lot of academic and psychological requirements because the job practically puts thousands of lives in the hands of the pilot, at about 33,000 feet in the air, where there is no way for help to come from outside.

Pilots therefore have to be very responsible, and must pass tests proving their levels of concentration. Academically, one must have a minimum grade of C+ in KCSE, and also score at least C+ in both physics and mathematics.

Fees are quite high, but job placements are almost guaranteed.

10. Survey

Surveying is an important job in Kenya; collecting relevant data about the ground helps to ensure that projects like real estate development, mining, and so on are properly done. They also ensure that the exact boundaries of the landed properties are respected, and that the proposed projects are good fits for the locations where they are sited.

Surveyors mostly work as independent contractors; they are paid by various real estate developers, as well as mining companies; or even the government.



The most marketable courses in Kenya can mostly afford one the opportunity to work on his own as a consultant; even though one may first need to gain some experience by working in well established organizations. The marketability comes from the fact that there are abundant job opportunities available, and also one could become an employer by studying the courses.