The best county schools in Kenya are often researched by parents whose children or wards are ready for enrollment in secondary schools. The idea is certainly a good one; by researching the best schools, parents are able to ensure that their children get good education, not just to pass exams, but also to develop their potentials.

The role of environment in the development of children has been expounded enough; the conclusion being that children need to be in an environment that challenges them to do better, and to push past the boundaries of their imagination.

When a child is in the right learning environment, he is equipped with the curiosity and creativity to solve problems, leading to a life without limitations. In Kenya; there are several options to choose from.

Top 10 Best County Schools in Kenya 2023

1. Nyambaria High School

Nyambaria High School is a secondary school located in Nyamira County, Kenya. It is the school on everyone’s lips currently, after an exceptional performance in which the school sent all 488 candidates to university. This school is sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist, and established in the year 1966. The school has a student population of 2200 students.

Nyambaria High School has risen in prominence recently; it unseated traditional powerhouses in the recent KCSE Exams by qualifying all 488 candidates for university. The school also produced a mean score of 10.897, and a mean grade of A-{minus}. This is the overall best result at the KCSE; the result that has shocked the educational world in Kenya.

2. Cardinal Otunga Mosocho

Cardinal Otunga Mosocho is a public secondary school in Moshoco, which was established by the Catholic Church in 1961 as St James High School Nyabururu. That is about seven kilometres from its present location.

Cardinal Otunga is a mixed, day secondary school; it is sponsored by the Catholic Church.

Recently, Cardinal Otunga Mosocho showed its mettle as one of the best county schools in Kenya by posting great results at the KCSE Exams. The school posted a mean score of 10.76, and a mean grade A-{minus}.

3. Kokuro Boys

Kokuro Boys is a boy’s secondary school located in Sakwa Location, Migori County. This public school has suddenly risen in importance recently, the school has posted a remarkable result in the recent KCSE result. They had a mean score of 10.68 and a mean grade of A-{minus}.

Kokuro Boys is now seen as one of the most attractive secondary schools; this is where every ambitious parent and child wants to go now because it is believed that the standard of education offered in the school is very high.

4. St. Anthony’s Boys Kitale

St. Anthony’s Boys school was established in 1969 as a day school and was by then known as Kitale Day Secondary school. Aftere a fire incident the school was then transformed into a county secondary school. The school is sponsored by the Catholic Church, and has a student population of 1170 students.

St. Anthony’s Boys has emerged as one of the top performing county schools; even out-performing many of the country’s national schools at the KCSE Exams.

5. Gonzaga Gonza

Gonzaga Gonza High School is a county school located in Nyansiongo, which is within Nyamira County. The school is a mixed day secondary school, although not one of the more popular ones in the country.

It looks like the school is about to change its fortunes due to the great results it recently posted at the KCSE Exams. Gonzaga Gonza, Nyamira posted a mean score of 10.3, and a mean grade of B+{plus}. The school came out 12th overall best, which is far above the positions attained by many national schools.

6. St. Pauls Igonga

St. Pauls Igonga is a boys only public secondary school located in Kisii County, in the Nyanza region of Kenya. The school is just along the Kisii-Suneka road in Kisii County. For years this has been an obscure school; not many people even know of the existence of this school.

However, in a shock move the school has produced amazing results to become one of the top county schools in Kenya presently. The school produced a mean score of 10.24, and a mean grade of B+{plus} to come out best in Kisii County, and 14th overall in the whole of Kenya.

7. Kisumu Day Secondary

Kisumu Day Secondary is a public day county level secondary school located in the Kisii County; it is specifically located in Kisimu Town, which is in Kisii County. This school has a student body of nearly 2000 students, and has been known to be a powerhouse in the past, both in academics and sports.

The school once again upheld its tradition as one of the top schools in the country; it produced an impressive result at the recent KCSE Exams. The school attained a mean score of 10.074, and a mean grade of B+{plus}. This is one of the best results for the year under review.

8. Kaaga Girls High School

Kaaga Girls High School is a public school located in Kaaga Sub- Location, Kaaga Location, Miriga -Mieru West Division, Imenti North District, which lies within Meru County. This is a county school; it is a girl’s boarding secondary school.

Kaaga Girls High School is an excellent learning environment where academic excellence is the watch word. This is made evident by the school’s performance at the recent KCSE Exams.

Kaaga Girls High School produced a mean score of 9.96, and a mean grade of B+{plus}.

9. Matinyani Boys Secondary School

Matinyani Boys Secondary School is a public secondary school for boys. It is a county school sponsored by the Catholic church. The school is located in Matinyani near Kitui Town, Kitui West Constituency in Kitui County, Eastern Region, Kenya. The school is a boarding school, and has been quietly growing its standard of education although it is not one of the more popular schools in the country.

Matinyani Boys secondary was among those that shocked the education system with very good results; eclipsing more renowned schools at the recent KCSE. The school produced a mean score of 9.942, and a mean grade of B+{plus}.

10. Orero Boys High

Orero Boys High school is a public secondary school in Kenya. It is located in Homa Bay county, and it is an extra county school. This is not exactly a popular school, but it is not quite as obscure as some of the schools already highlighted.

Orero Boys High has posted similarly impressive results at the recent KCSE Exams. The school posted a mean score of 9.906, and a mean grade of B+{plus}.

The school had 447 candidates, and all of them have qualified for University.



The best county schools in Kenya are mostly old schools, but they have managed to maintain that culture of excellence over the years. While the common way of assessing a schools’ standard of education is the performances recorded at nationwide examinations, it is also important to watch out for what qualities are taught to the children.