Latest update on the best medical schools in Kenya. The study of medicine is important to humanity because upon it hinges our chances of survival as a species. Cures and treatments to illnesses and diseases, as well as advancement in surgery and all other aspects of medicine must be advanced. This is because germs are constantly evolving, and becoming more difficult to eradicate. Furthermore, the treat of extinction of the human species is looking all the more realistic if there is a mishandling of any serious disease breakout.

With this in mind, any serious society must improve on their medical capacity. The best way to do this is to start from medical schools. Medical schools must produce quality talent that can break new ground, and create or advance new ways of curative treatment, so as to improve mortality and the economy. 

In this post we want to look at Kenya. What is Kenya doing to improve medical science? What are the best schools to study medicine in Kenya? The following paragraphs will peruse them one by one. We now give you the top 10 best medical schools in Kenya. 

Top 10 Best Medical Schools In Kenya 2020

  • 1. Kenya Medical Training College 

The Kenya medical training college is a government owned corporation that functions directly under the ministry of health. The college was established under the ministry of health in 1990, by an act of parliament. Their mandate is to train students in various medical disciplines so as to boost internal capacity. They have been doing so quite commendably, and have produced many capable medical professionals over the years. If you want to excel in the field of medicine, you want to go here.

  • 2. University Of Nairobi Medical School 

The university of Nairobi medical school is one of the most prestigious in Kenya. This medical school was started as far back as 1967. The school teaches practical sessions to its graduate students at the prestigious Kenyatta national hospital, and also at the Chiromo hospital. The school is known for producing very capable students in many diverse fields of medicine, including anatomy, medicine and surgery, science and technology of the medical laboratory, nursing, as well as medical physiology. 

  •  3. Moi University Medical School 

Named after former President Arap Moi, the Moi university school of medicine (MUSOM) was founded in 1988 as a faculty of health sciences. The faculty has now been broken down into the school of public health, and the school of medicine. At the school of medicine you can study medicine and surgery, medical psychology, and also physiotherapy. The Moi University School Of Medicine is located in the outpatients building of the Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital (MTRH), which is located on Nandi Road, Eldoret, Kenya.  

  • 4. Kenyatta University Medical School 

The school of medicine at Kenyatta university is without any doubt one of the very best training institutions for medicine in Kenya. Although the faculty of medicine was founded in 2004, making it quite a new institution, it has excelled in teaching various branches of medicine including medicine and surgery, nursing and health care, and medical laboratory sciences. This school began operations as a training ground for instructors for the control and management of HIV/AIDS. This is a great citadel of learning, you should check them out. 

  • 5. Kenya Methodist University Medical 

This institution’s school of medicine was founded in 2004, so this is another new generation medical school. This school was founded as the school of health sciences, but it has recently been expanded into the school of medicine and health sciences. The school comprises of five departments located on the main campus in Meru, and two departments on the Nairobi campus. You can study medicine and surgery, nursing, health care, medical laboratory science, and nutrition and diet.   

  • 6. Maseno University School Of Medicine 

Maseno university school of medicine is another new generation medical school. Here you can study medicine and surgery, nursing with information technology, biomedicine and technology. The school promises to turn you into a highly trained and qualified physician, or practitioner of any other branch of medicine. It is considered to be one of the best medical schools in Kenya.

  • 7. Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology 

The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology medical school offers medical courses such as medicine and surgery, pharmacy, public health, physical therapy, sports medicine, and hospital administration. This is one of the most prestigious medical faculties in Kenya because some of the most prominent medical professionals in Kenya have passed through this institution. If you want to be in the company of the finest doctors in the land, then this is a good place to start your career.

  • 8. Mount Kenya University Medical School 

Mount Kenya University Medical School is one of the top institutions of learning when it comes to the study of medicine. The school teaches human anatomy, medical physiology, medical biochemistry, medical biochemistry, medical microbiology, and parasitological. The school also teaches public health, pathology, internal medicine, surgery, reproductive medicine, mental health, orthopedic surgery as well as child health and pediatrics.

  • 9. Uzima University 

Uzima University College was established by the Archdioces of Kisumu as a part of the Catholic University of East Africa. This school was established because it was decided that it was necessary to bring the Great Lakes Region up to speed in terms of medical education and research expertise. This was lacking in both depth and numbers. The school can turn you into professionals in the field of medicine and surgery, and also microbiology. The school is located in the cool and temperate Kisumu region and is designed to impart the principles of moral excellence, and service to humanity.

  • 10. Egerton Univeristy Medical Faculty  

The Egerton University Medical Faculty was founded in 1999. The school offers courses in medicine and surgery, clinical medicine, biomedical science and technology, as well as nursing. The school is located on the main campus in Njoro and the other campus at Nakuru. Generally speaking, Egerton University is renowned for producing capable professionals, and the Medical Faculty is no different. It is definitely a good idea to consider studying medicine at this institution. 


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