Here we are concentrating our radar on the monthly salaries of teachers in Ghana. Secondary and primary schools in Ghana can be divided into 2: Private secondary, primary school, and Public primary, Secondary schools.

For one reason or the other, parents and Guardians are step by step making a change in outlook towards Privately claimed secondary and primary schools because of different factors we would not dive into all together not to divert our emphasis on the topic. 

Discussing Secondary teachers’ pay rates in Ghana, we will hit on all viewpoints starting from  Private Secondary teachers, government school teachers in Ghana.

Private Secondary schools step by step leading the pack as far as improved teachers welfare, they are shutting the holes and filling in the falls abandoned by their government-funded school partners, Private primary and secondary schools is very surprising as far as organization, they ensure students are appropriately instructed, pursue and should finish the plans of work ( Curriculum) before the due date.

The consideration given to students realizes a superior teacher-student relationship dissimilar to the public schools, where the opposite is the cases of the day. 

In Private primary and secondary schools, teachers are made to stick carefully to the teaching style and educational program as endorsed by the school, and the inability to do so could cause programmed suspension or end of the appointment.

Most Private primary and  Secondary teachers pay rates these days can contend with workers in Corporate associations like Banks, insurance agencies, and some start-up oil servicing Companies.

Teachers Salaries In Ghana 2020

 Category  Teachers Types  Average Salary Range 
 Private Secondary School  Normal Secondary Teacher  595-1190 GHS
 Tuition-Based Schools   2245 – 4490 GHS 
 Public Secondary School  Teachers From Level 8  900-2995 GHS 
 Private Primary School  Based On Standard   300- 2245 GHS 
 Public Primary School  Based On Level   449- 1191 GHS

Salary Structure Of Private, Public Primary And Secondary School Teachers In Ghana

We have featured the pay rates payable by both private and public primary and secondary schools or better put, normal take-home compensation earned by private and public primary and secondary teachers in Ghana


Here we are discussing private secondary schools in Ghana and not the mushrooms ( Primary schools) though I’ll lay more insights on the primary sectors at the ending part of this article.

The normal secondary teacher pay in Ghana is between 595-1190, while tuition-based schools pay as much as 2245 – 4490 cedis There are not many schools that pay this high and with respect to teachers who need to get such fat salary, you should meet certain requirements and make them show proficient accreditations. 


The disposition put towards their activity has incredibly militated against their duty being perceived by the legislature. 

Many would ask why a good reasoning person would pick a public school (mostly state-owned)  over a private school, the reason is because of the following under-listed: 

1) Job Security 

In contrast to the private secondary school in Ghana, the state claimed secondary schools teachers employments are increasingly secure to work in, this is one of the laid back mentality experienced in government-funded schools, these teachers realize they can’t be sacked for not playing out their obligations ideally so they go to classes when they are fit to. The process of sacking a government teacher, pass through a series of tables of the ministry of Education so this procedure alone is very long and boring and secondary teachers consider this to be ideal and exploit it. 

2) Retirement Benefits And Pension Scheme 

Being a public servant, everybody is qualified for benefits after resigning either by age or serving a year. Despite the fact that the best type of retirement is by administration year which means serving as long as 25 to 35 years in the service, for this situation, the teacher finds a full advantage for the remainder of his or her life. 

Public secondary teachers are not well paid. there are levels which each teacher must experience, that is another subject individually which would not be perfect for this post. 

Secondary teachers in public-owned government-funded schools wouldn’t fret the payment structure agreed to them in as much as they are certain of being paid their full advantages upon pen down (pension) as known in the training segment in Ghana.

3) Less Pressure 

The genuine truth is that they work under less weight and supervision as in when compared with private secondary and primary schools were for all intents and purposes everything is scripted and should be finished by the directions of the administration of the school. Despite the fact that this should be about imagination with respect to the teachers. 

Teachers in secondary schools in Ghana probably won’t be the most paid, however, they are the most regarded when compared with the private school teachers. Most primary and secondary teachers in private. whenever given the open door would do a change to their government partners for different factors which would be somewhat tended to here, some of which are;

  1. A) Futuristic Purposes 

One noteworthy bit of leeway of working with the government division is development. With legitimate self-advancement instructively, there is a prospect for development in the educating line. Generally, teachers in this part are expected for advancement at regular intervals in the wake of sitting for tests sorted out by the government ministry of Education after scaling through and appropriate documentation completed, at that point teachers become due for advancement to the following level. 

  1. B) Prompt Payment of Teachers Salaries 

In contrast to most private primary and secondary schools in Ghana, owing to teacher’s take-home pay rates has turned into the standard.

  1. C) Access To Loans And Grants 

As a primary or secondary teacher, working with the government is practically equivalent to having security. 

Primary and secondary school teachers in government schools, for the most part, have simple access to advances from the bank their pay rates are being paid into by the government. It is as simple as that. All that is required is filling the vital documents as recommended and wait for endorsement from the better and you are greater. Learn to expect the unexpected. The advance given to teachers in this part is a non-premium advance which would be step by step deducted from their pay rates salaries however this relies upon to what extent and when the teacher filled for reasoning by the bank. 

Different elements include; 

    • Timing: Secondary and primary teachers have their uninterrupted time, they close as and when due.
    • Conduction of private classes because of time available to them, this is nearly unrealistic with private primary and secondary teachers.

Primary and secondary teachers in Ghana under the government as we would like to think to appear to be in an ideal situation in normal when contrasted with private school teachers. 

The normal pay of a secondary teacher in Ghana under the government depends on levels achieved, there is no broad or fixed payment for all level however we can certainly reveal to you that the scope of their essential pay is between 900-2995 cedis from level 8 to any place age or administration year resigns. 

Haven’t said much about primary schools teachers pay in Ghana, private primary schools teachers earn between 300- 2245 cedis depending on the standard of the school. While primary school teachers in government schools earn between 449- 1191 cedis

If it’s not too much trouble note that the above figures are not the precise pay of the secondary teachers in Ghana, yet an affirmed estimated assumed value that can be worked with.


Tag: Teachers Salaries In Ghana

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