I know you must be wondering about Spanish speaking countries in Europe, from some of the researchers made many people have asked about the question. You should know that there are 21 countries where Spanish is an official language, this article has been compiled to provide answers to all your questions about European countries that speak Spanish.

Spanish Speaking Countries In Europe

Spanish is a language that has been adopted by some countries, there are 21 countries that Spanish is being taken as the official language, I know you must be eager to get the answer to your questions about the list of Spanish (Espana) speaking countries in Europe, well the answer goes like this; Spain is the only Spanish speaking country in Europe. You know that there are other countries in Europe, each country is known to have their official language, Spain is one of those countries and they have adopted Spanish as their official language. There are many notable men and women that came from Spain, I know you must be wondering when are we going to go into details about Spain, you should know that this article will see that all your questions are being answered.

About Spain

Spain is a country that is located in Europe on the Iberia Peninsula, Spain is known to consist of two Archipelagos which is located at the Canary Island which is off the coast of Africa, and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Spain is known to be the largest country in Southern Europe, the second-largest in western Europe and the European Union with an area of 505,990 Km2, Spain have major large areas like Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao, Seville, Barcelona, in terms of population it is the sixth-largest in Europe and the fifth-largest in the European Union. Spain is the only European country to share a physical border with Africa, there are lots of details we will show you about Spain, just grab a cold drink as you will find this article very interesting.

Mainland Spain is a highly mountainous part, it is covered with high plateaus and mountain chains, the main mountain ranges of Spain is the Cordillera Cantabrica which is also known as the Cantabrian range, the highest point in Spain is the Teide which is about 3,718-meter active volcano in the Canary Island. Like many other countries, Spain is known to have several rivers like the Tagus, Ebro, Guardiana, Douro, and a host of others.

You should know that Spain consists of three major Climatic zones which are the Mediterranean Climate, the Semi-arid climate, and the Oceanic Climate. You should know that the Mediterranean Climate has two distinctiveness which is the warm/ hot and dry summer which is dominant in the Peninsula and it has two types which are the CSA and CSB.

Talking about the CSA; it is known to be with hot summers which are associated with the Mediterranean Sea and the Southern Atlantic coast and it is predominant for both, apart from these, the CSA zones cover relatively between warm and cold winters which are known to throughout the country at a particular period of time. In the case of the CSB; the CSB zone has warm summers and extends to additional cool winter areas unlike the CSA zones and the CSB zones are not typically associated with a Mediterranean climate.

Spain is known to have a mixed economy which is the 14th largest in the world and the 5th largest of the European Union.  Launching the Euro in 1999, unemployment was at a rate of 17.7% in the year 2017, since the year the 1990s, some companies in Spain have gained ground in the market structure in Europe and lots of others. In Latin America Spain is the second biggest investor there which the United States is taking the first position, they have also invested in Asia and Africa which is the early expansion and trying to bring in their language system into those two continents. Spanish companies have invested in the fields of Renewable energy commercialization, a textile company, petroleum, and a whole lot of others.  They have also invested in the Automotive industry which is one of the largest in Europe, Spain is the 2nd largest car manufacturer in Europe while Germany taking the first position, the automotive industry has created lots of employment opportunities for a lot of people in Spain which has also added a boom in their economic growth and more manpower to the system.  By the year 2016, 8.7% of Spain GDP was gotten from the automotive industry which made a massive boom to their economy, if you have read from the beginning of this paragraph, you will know we talked about Spain having a mixed economy, well let’s check out other areas their money is coming from.

Going into the area of Agriculture, not every country has the privilege or has the resources to carry out projects concerning Agriculture. Agriculture is being known to be one of the major booms in many countries economy, there are many countries today that has invested in Agriculture and Spain is not being left out, agriculture is known to have helped reduce the rate of unemployment in so many countries and it has caused many nations GDP to be on the rise. Irrigation farming is said to be carried out in Spain and crops like fruit trees, strawberries, tomatoes, fodder grass and a whole lots of others are being planted, rainfall has to be the major source of water though in some parts of the country. Poultry and dairy products are not also left out and because of the vast population, lots of these dairy products and poultry products are being consumed on a daily basis.

Another way Spain has improved in its economy is Energy. Spain is one of the worlds leading country in the development and production of renewable energy and this has increased massively to their GDP and has also reduced the unemployment rate, investors have been there to invest and they have also taken this far and wide to other countries. In the year 2010, the wind turbines in Spain was able to generate a good amount of energy and which was 16.4% of the electricity which was being used in Spain as of that time, that same year 2010 during the month of November Wind turbines was able to generate at least 54% of the Mainland electricity which was very surprising, Spain also uses other forms of electricity like the Biomass, Marine, and Hydroelectric.  Another area which has developed their economy is the aspect of tourism, many countries have been using this area to develop their economy and Spain is not left out, in the year 2017, Spain is known as the 2nd most visited country in the world, Spain is known to have lots of beautiful places for tourist attraction. They have coastlines, diverse landscape, historical legacy, vibrant culture, and excellent infrastructure, international tourism in Spain has grown to be the second-largest in the world in terms of Spending.

Every country will want to make their transport system easier than ever, Spain is not being left out as they have invested heavily in transport and has made a massive impact on their roads. Spain road is highly centralized with six highways which are going from city to city, they have the most extensive railroad network in Europe and second in the world with China leading the first position.

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In Conclusion, we have talked about the Spanish speaking country in Europe which is Spain, I believe this article has given you answers to all your questions and has proven to be entertaining, we believe you have been able to know some detailed facts about Spain and Europe.

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