The Schengen Area agreement was established in 1995, consisting of 27 states. They are the countries that acknowledge the removal of internal borders among all member states for the free movement of people, goods, and services. It also includes the agreement of common rules for controlling external borders and fighting criminals by having and strengthening a similar judicial system including the cooperation of the police.

Schengen countries are the countries in the visa agreement which acknowledges the removal of internal borders among all member states for the free movement of people, services, and goods. It also includes the agreement of common rules for controlling external borders and fighting criminals by strengthening a similar judicial system and cooperation of the police. Thus, in this article, we’ll be writing on the Schengen Countries

List of Schengen Countries in Europe and Their Capitals

  • Austria – Vienna
  • Belgium – Brussels
  • Czech Republic – Prague
  • Croatia – Zagreb
  • Denmark – Copenhagen
  • Estonia – Tallinn
  • Finland – Helsinki
  • France – Paris
  • Germany – Berlin
  • Greece – Athens
  • Hungary – Budapest
  • Iceland – Reykjavik
  • Italy – Rome
  • Latvia – Riga
  • Liechtenstein – Vaduz
  • Lithuania – Vilnius
  • Luxembourg – Luxembourg city
  • Malta – Valletta
  • Netherlands – Amsterdam
  • Norway – Oslo
  • Poland – Warsaw
  • Portugal – Lisbon
  • Slovakia – Bratislava
  • Slovenia – Ljubljana
  • Spain – Madrid
  • Sweden – Stockholm
  • Switzerland – Bern


The Schengen visa was called Schengen visa because the agreement was signed near a small town in Luxembourg called Schengen, situated within the border of both France and Germany. The signing took place aboard the ship Princesse Marie-Astrid on the Moselle River, Luxembourg.

With the recent update and changes in the EU due to Brexit, the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, a lot of people are interested in knowing the countries that still remain in the EU and the list of countries in the Schengen region.

So below are the updated brief details about the Schengen Countries in Europe and their Capitals

  • Belgium

Belgium is one of the first five countries that agreed and signed the Schengen agreement on 14 June 1985, and began implementation on 26 March 1995.

  • Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is located in central Europe and it is bordered to the west by Germany, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east, and Poland to the northeast.

The Czech Republic agreed and signed the Schengen agreement on 16 April 2003 and began its implementation on 21 December 2007.

  • Croatia

Croatia is located at the crossroads of southeast and central Europe and it is bordered to the east by Serbia, Hungary to the northeast, Slovenia to the northwest, Bosnia, Montenegro and Herzegovina to the southeast. Croatia agreed and signed the Schengen agreement on the 1st of January, 2023. Croatia is officially and currently a part of the Schengen area.

  • Denmark

The Danish government agreed and signed the Schengen agreement on 19 December 1996 and began its implementation on the 25th of March 2001. However, Denmark is currently one of the six Schengen countries that have reintroduced border checks due to the security situation in Europe.

  • Estonia

Estonia is located in northern Europe. It is bordered to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia, to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia, and to the north by the Gulf of Finland. Estonian government signed the Schengen agreement on 16 April 2003 and began its implementation on 21 December 2007.

  • Finland

Known officially as the Republic of Finland, the Nordic country is bordered by Norway to the north, Russia to the east, and Sweden to the northwest. Finland’s government signed the Schengen agreement on 19 December 1996 and began its implementation on 25 March 2001.

  • France

France is the most visited country in Europe. It is not all about the Eiffel Tower when talking about France. It is one of the five founding countries of the Schengen Zone on 14th June 1985. France started its implementation on 26 March 1995.

  • Germany

Germany is known as the land of invention and innovation, it is also the second most visited Schengen country. Germany span through an area of 357,386km2 and has 16 constituent states. It is the most populous EU state as well as the European country that borders most other countries. Germany is also one of the five founding countries of the Schengen agreement, signed on 14th June 1985. It began its implementation on 26 March 1995.

  • Greece

This is the country known to be the cradle of Western civilization. It is strategically situated the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Greece is considered as the birthplace of democracy, historiography, political science, western literature, Olympic games, etc. Greece government signed the Schengen agreement on 6 November 1992 and began its implementation on 1 January 2000.

  • Hungary

Hungary is centrally located. It is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Austria to the northwest, Serbia to the south, Croatia to the southwest, Romania to the east and Slovenia to the west. Greece signed the Schengen agreement on 16 April 2003 and began its implementation on 21 December 2007.

  • Iceland

Iceland is located in the North Atlantic and is volcanically and geologically active. Iceland government first signed the Schengen agreement on 19 December 1996 and signed a second agreement on 18 May 1999, which replaced the first, due to the incorporation of the agreement into the law of the European Union including the Treaty of Amsterdam. Iceland began the implementation of the agreement on 25 March 2001.

  • Italy

Italy is situated in the center of the Mediterranean Sea and at the same time is the fourth most populous EU member state. It signed it previously on 27 November 1990 and began the implementation of the Schengen agreement on 26 October 1997.

  • Latvia

The Republic of Latvia shares borders Estonia to the north, Lithuania in the south, to the east is Russia, and Belarus to the southeast. Latvia signed the Schengen agreement on 16 April 2003 and began its implementation on 21 December 2007.

  • Liechtenstein

The Principality of Liechtenstein is a landlocked German-speaking microstate, located in Central Europe. It covers an area of only 160 km2 and 37,666 residents making it the fourth smallest European country. Liechtenstein signed the agreement on 28 February 2008, making it the last country that joined the border-free Schengen area and began its implementation on 19 December 2011.

  • Lithuania

Lithuania is y shares a boundary with Latvia to the north, Belarus to the east and south, Poland to the south, and Kaliningrad Oblast (a Russian exclave) to the southwest. It has a population of 2,908,249 residents. Lithuania government signed the Schengen agreement on 16 April 2003 and began its implementation on 21 December 2007.

  • Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a country that spans through a landmass of 2,586 km2 and has a population of 575,747 residents. It is also one of the founding countries of the Schengen agreement, which was signed on 14 June 1985 in the village of Schengen in Luxembourg.

  • Malta

The Southern European Island country has an area of 316 km2 and a population of 429,362 residents. Malta signed the Schengen Agreement on 16 April 2003 and started its implementation on 21 December 2007.

  • Netherlands

The Netherlands is mostly known for the colorful tulips, numerous windmills, and delicious cheese and it consists of twelve provinces. The country shares a boundary with Germany to the east, Belgium to the south, and the North Sea to the northwest. It covers a land area of 41,526 km2 and 16,987,330 residents. Netherland has the highest English-proficiency in the world as well as the world’s second-biggest beer exporter, after Mexico.

  • Norway

Norway signed the Agreement on 19 December 1996. Then signed a second agreement which replaced the first on 18 May 1999 following the incorporation of the agreement into EU law with the Treaty of Amsterdam. Began its implementation of the agreement on 25 March 2001.

  • Poland

Poland is located in Central Europe. It has an area of 312,683 km2 and it’s divided into 16 administrative subdivisions. Poland signed the agreement on 16 April 2003 and began its implementation of the agreement in late 2007.

  • Portugal

Portugal is the westernmost European country, it, shares borderland only with Spain, to the north and east. It covers a landmass of 92,391 km2 and 10,371,627 residents. Portugal alongside her neighbor Spain signed the Schengen agreement, on 25 June 1991 and began its implementation on 26 March 1995.

  • Slovakia

This is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is bordered to the north by Poland, Ukraine to the east, the Czech Republic to the west, Hungary to the south, and Austria to the southwest on 16 April 2003 it signed the Schengen agreement. On the 21st of December 2007, it began its execution of this convention.

  • Slovenia

Slovenia is home to 2,077,862 individuals. It is bordered to the west by Italy, Hungary to the northeast, Austria to the north, Croatia to the southeast, The country signed the Schengen agreement on 16 April 2003 and began its implementation on 21 December 2007.

  • Spain

Spain covers an area of 510,000 km2. Spain signed the Schengen agreement alongside Portugal, on 25 June 1991 and both countries began its implementation on 26 March 1995.

  • Sweden

Sweden is a Scandinavian country located in the Northern part of Europe. It covers an area of 449,964 km2 and it shares a boundary with Finland and Norway. Sweden signed the Schengen agreement on 09 December 1996 and started implementing it later on 25 March 2001.

  • Switzerland

Switzerland was formerly a non-EU country, and became part of the Schengen area after signing the Schengen agreement on 26 October 2004 and started its implementation on 12 December 2008.


Conclusion on List Of Schengen Countries In Europe and their Capitals

There you have the List of Schengen Countries. If you have a Schengen visa, remember you have 27 countries at your fingertips that you can visit.