Mca Salary In Kenya is received by members of the County Assembly. Learn about the amount of money paid to them on a monthly basis.

MCA is an abbreviation meaning “Members of County Assembly” and these county members are the most important components in the successful running of county governments in Kenya.

Mca Salary In Kenya 

 Occupation   Salary
 MCA Average Salary/Allowance  Ksh. 500,000

MCA role in Kenya is clearly stated in the constitution under section 9 of the county government act. The current members of the MCA are the second set since the amendment of the constitution and have been in office for a year.

Their major role and responsibility since in office have been legislation, representation, and oversight. MCA is directly elected by registered and valid voters to head and manage the Wards at the county level, also a number of them are nominated either from independent candidates or from a political party, who did not become winners in the concluded elections.

Mca Salary In Kenya

The salary structure of MCAs, Civil Servants, MPs, Senators, Teachers and other civil servants in Kenya are determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRS). According to the new salary scales released by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), it is expected that a Members of County Assembly earns maximally Ksh 145,000 as basic salary, a figure suggested by the SRC.

Do you know that Members of County Assembly (MCA) are among the highest paid politicians in Kenya? The salaries of MCAs are even higher than what doctors and lawyers earn on monthly basis. Apart from the salaries they are paid, MCAs also earn allowances and benefits in excess of Ksh 300,000 per month. According to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, an MCA is expected to earn a nothing less than Ksh Sh123,750 as basic salary but, after factoring in mileage allowances, and other allowances, an MCA takes home Ksh 500,000.

As of 2013, the basic salary earned by MCAs was Ksh 79,000 but after the protests from the MCAs, it was adjusted upwards to Ksh 123,000. Each MCA earns close to Ksh800,000 per month, this is due to many meetings they hold which attract allowances and also the visits they make to other countries.

MCA in Nairobi is paid Sh262,088 per month as presented by the Controller of Budget. In contrast, their Isiolo counterparts earn just Sh17,219. Even though the salary structure is different across counties, the minimum amount an MCA is paid is Ksh 400,000 per month which is why most Kenyans have opted to vie for this prestigious position.

Salaries and Remuneration Commission proposed a new pay for MCAs. According to Sarah Serem, Chairperson of SRC, this implies that MCA should earn a basic salary of Ksh 144,000, down from Ksh 157,574. This means the gross pay, after adding benefits and allowances, the salary earned will still be reduced by a small percentage.

Roles Of The County Assembly

The county assembly is the law-making organ of the county government in Kenya. The county is one of the state organs that have been delegated power by the county government.

There are 47 county assemblies in Kenya and are unique to each of the 47 counties. Before establishing the role of an MCA in Kenya, it is important to be familiar with the role of the County Assembly in Kenya because they represent the MCAs. Below is listed the roles of the County Assembly which includes the following:

  •    Approving the county government’s expenditure and financial blueprints.
  •    The county vets and assesses nominees for the appointment of county public offices.
  •    The county approves loaning’s by county government.
  •    Receives and approve plans and policies.
  •    The county assembly makes by-laws and passing of bills into laws that are necessary for the smooth and effective running of the county government and any other county businesses.
  •    Oversee the County Executive Committee operations and other Executive organs.
  •    Exercises oversight over the County Executive Committee and other county executive organs.
  •    They facilitate public participation and involvement in legislation and other county’s assembly and its committee’s businesses. This objective is achieved through the organizing of public forums and collecting the electorate’s wishes, views, and opinions by the MCAs.
  •    The legislative authority of a county is vested in, and exercised by, its County Assembly.

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Role Of Members Of The County Assembly (Mcas)

  •    The MCA maintain close contact with the electorate and consult them on important matters before or under discussion in the County Assembly.
  •    The MCA present views, opinions and proposals of the electorate to the County Assembly;
  •    The MCA attend sessions of the County Assembly and its committees;
  •    The MCA provides a linkage between the county assembly and the electorate on public service delivery; and
  •    The MCA extend professional knowledge, experience or specialized knowledge to an issue for discussion in the County Assembly
  •    The MCA should not directly or indirectly be involved in the executive functions of the County Government and its administration; or in the delivery of services as if the Member in question were an officer or employee of the County Government

Recall Of A County Assembly Member

  •    The electorate in a county ward may recall their Member of the County Assembly (MCA) before the end of the term of the member on any of the following grounds:
  •    If the member of the County Assembly is found, after due process of the law, to have violated the provisions of Chapter Six of the Constitution;
  •    If the member of the County Assembly is found, after due process of the law, to have mismanaged public resources;
  •    If the member of the County Assembly is convicted of an offense under the Elections Act, 2011

Qualifications To Run For An Mca Seat

For one to be cleared for the post of an MCA seat by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission as an MCA candidate in Kenya, one has to meet a number of criteria. They include:

  •    Must be a registered voter.
  •    Satisfies educational, moral and ethical requirements stated in the parliament act in the constitution of Kenya.
  •    Nominated by a political party
  •    An independent candidate supported by at least five hundred registered voters.
  •    Must not be bankrupt.
  •    Must not have worked as an officer of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission for the five years.
  •    One is not a holder of any public office.

In Summary

Since the proposed salary structure is yet to be passed into law, the Member County Assembly sitting allowance is Sh6,500 for the chairman of the committee per sitting, the vice-chairman is paid Sh5,200 for and members of the committee are paid Sh3,900 for a maximum of eight sittings a week. Their responsibility allowance remains at Sh32,000.

In addition, the MCAs also will be able to access a Sh3 million mortgage as well as their mileage allowance increased from Sh20,000 to Sh39,528 with a transportation provider for every extra kilometer traveled.


Conclusion on Mca Salary In Kenya

MCA is not a position opened to everybody except for the few that are politically inclined and also have the means to be there. Also, being an elected member of the county assembly does not guarantee that you will remain on seat till the end of the term elected. Thus, it will not be easy to be elected or appointed to occupy this position.

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