Civil Engineering Salaries In Kenya – Civil engineers are very relevant in all societies that are moving in the direction of growth and development. These set of people are always needed as society progresses, and they always play a big role when progress is required. They are majorly involved in supervisions and construction of huge projects that are assigned to them. In fact, they also see to the maintenance of these projects to ensure they remain in a nice state long after they have been constructed. 

Civil Engineering Salaries In Kenya 2020

 S/N   Profession   Average Monthly Salary 
 1.  Civil Engineer  Ksh. 130,000

How much Is A civil Engineering Salary in Kenya Each Month?

This is one of the major things you might have been seeking for. Well, being a job in the ‘professional’ category, you should expect reasonable income. According to reports, civil engineers in Kenya can earn an average monthly salary of Ksh.130,000. Nevertheless, the amount you can earn as a civil engineer is hinged on various factors (including who the employer is, the type of structure required, and so on). 

Civil engineers are trained personnel, and there are different aspects of the field. Almost all, if not all, countries have civil engineers trained to serve important purposes. Some specialize in research, and some might simply opt for design. However, generally, they indulge in the building of houses, bridges, roads, and others. They serve both the private and public sector and are expected to be rightly rewarded for their skills, creativity, and efforts. 

As a civil engineer, one is expected to have huge knowledge in various aspects of the field, even if the person is trying to specialize only in one aspect (which is a very normal thing). 

Civil Engineering Salaries In Kenya

In this article, we will explore what is expected of civil engineers as well as what they earn. For those who are without adequate knowledge of what civil engineering entails, we will do all that could be done to get you appropriately enlightened, and also place emphasis on civil engineer salary in Kenya.

Before an individual can seek civil engineer positions, it means they have studied the course in the University, or have probably gotten a lot of civil engineering skills informally. Irrespective of where the person is coming from, either with a certificate or not, it is necessary to know the requirements as well as what responsibilities will be assigned to the civil engineer before taking steps to apply. 

Apart from the requirements, as a civil engineer in Kenya, it is appropriate to try having an idea about what you stand to earn before applying for the job – either in a private firm or a public firm. It shouldn’t get to you shockingly or by surprise. 

So, what are the roles and responsibilities of a civil engineer? Let’s first highlight them:

  1. A civil engineer is meant to know how to evaluate foundations (including testing the soils to know the strength of the foundation).
  2. Another role is to give the average costs of materials and labour when necessary or demanded. It is required to know the price of materials as well as other variables like labour and all it will generally cost to construct. 
  3. Civil engineers also have the responsibility of verifying projects by offering permit papers to the government to make it known that the project being constructed is legal.
  4. One of the roles of a civil engineer is to have adequate knowledge of strong materials to be utilized for constructing. Additionally, they are meant to test as well as hinder any havoc that might occur after the commencement of the building.
  5. Civil engineers are expected to also make blueprints for systems that will be made use of when constructing certain structures such as transportation systems. These are strong and powerful structures and requires proper layout to get things appropriately done. It should also be added that it is done with design software. Additionally, it is meant to be in line with the regulations and standards of the constructions policies to avoid issues from arising. 
  6. Another duty is to oversee the project as it moves and offers solutions when this is necessary. 
  7. A trained civil engineer is meant to offer environmental impacts and bid proposals that concern what he will be constructing. Such things as this prompt them to identify if it is beneficial to them. So, before taking any step to build and construct, the owner of the structure must approve and accept it. It won’t be pleasant when you stressed yourself to build something, only for the owner to be against it because it is not what they desire. 

Qualifications Of A Civil Engineer

What are the qualifications of these professionals? It should be noted that many times, a lot of these qualifications are general, and are not limited to just a region. The point is, some of these qualifications are not only for civil engineers in Kenya, but are general things that concerns professionals in other countries too. 

So, here are some important qualifications:

  1. The person is expected to have worked in a standard firm. This will go a long way to prove their competency as well as their experience in the job, and it will always bring confidence. 
  2. A standard civil engineer is meant to have an eye for design. It is just necessary, irrespective of the field the person has chosen to thread. This will help not to be helpless at all when it comes to preparing a structured plan of a project.
  3. Have Design software knowledge. In this age and century, a standard civil engineer is expected to have grown and know how to utilise technology to bring about the best practices in the industry. 
  4. To be appropriately recognized, the person is expected to have obtained at least a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from an accredited university.
  5. A civil engineer must be licenced and must have proof of such. It is not based simply on claims, as anyone can actually claim to be anything. One who is working or has worked in any firm is to have a license, as it facilitates work supervision of an engineer at work. It should also be added that license is not permanent. That is to say, if a civil engineer abused certain things, such can be withdrawn and terminated abstrucly.
  6. Decision and problem skills is another qualification required, as it helps in bringing about the smooth progress of things being worked on (it is inappropriate to be stranded and not to be able to move at the pace expected) 
  7. Civil engineers should have appropriate leadership skills. As professionals (a civil engineer is one), they are meant to play a big role in the growth and development of the society (they can be assigned administrative positions). So, either working for the government or private Industry, leadership skills are required, and it helps bringing about necessary progress. 
  8. Civil engineers are also expected to have organizational and good writing skills.

What Are Your Interests As A Civil Engineer?

Just as stated earlier, there are different aspects in this field, and it is left to you to go for what you believe is appropriate to you. 

There are several areas of specializations as far as civil engineering is concerned, and they are:

  • – Construction Engineers
  • – Structural Engineers
  • – Geotechnical Engineering
  • – Transportation Engineers. 

 Applying For Civil Engineering Jobs

For those who might have studied civil engineering in school and have graduated without finding a place to work, you should keep searching around and applying. There are actually different places to get job adverts from (including from the internet). When you come across any, don’t forget to first check out what is required as well as the qualification) not leaving out the salary being offered, to avoid a situation of being underpaid). Once you’ve seen what you want, you can simply apply.

That’s all on Civil Engineering Salaries In Kenya.


Civil Engineering Salaries In Kenya

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