Science courses are said to be the hardest courses to study. Many students tend to run away from science classes right from secondary schools especially because of calculations that are involved. Anyway, the course you study in the university matters in a developing country like Nigeria, the reason being that a lot of courses studied in the universities still lack value currently in society.

Therefore, prospective university students often want to know what are the best science courses to study in Nigeria? A very critical question. However, in a bid to provide an answer to the above question, we venture on the quest to select the Best Science Courses to Study in Nigeria.

Top 10 Best Science Courses To Study In Nigeria

  • Medicine

Presently in Nigeria, medicine is the most coveted and lucrative health science course because it is one of the most marketable courses in Nigeria. The reason was that there is almost a 100% possibility of getting a job. Admission to study medicine is very competitive in Nigeria, and it requires scoring very high marks in the JAMB UTME exams. Also, the course is a tedious one and thus, has respect and prestige that accompanies the title of a doctor and this is another reason why it is rated the best Science Course to study in Nigerian.

  • Microbiology

Microbiology is the study of Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi, Prions, Protozoa, Viruses, etc., amongst other living organism that cannot be seen with the human eye except with the use of other apparatus. Microbiology is one of the best Science Courses to Study in Nigeria for science students. In addition, it’s a very well-respected course at the University. After studying this science course, you will be opportune to work in several industries like pharmaceutical companies, drug-producing industries, and so on.

  • Medical Laboratory Science

This course is known by different nomenclature in different universities and other higher institutions. However, it is a healthcare professional degree that deals with microscopic analyses on body fluids and tissues, bacteriological diagnostic, chemical, cytopathological, hematological, histopathological, immunologic. Graduates of this course work in clinical laboratories in the hospital, reference laboratories, non-clinical industrial laboratories, etc. Graduates of this course easily get a job and are paid a fat salary also.

  • Architecture

Architecture deals with the designs of building structures. It is also one of the major science courses studied in Nigeria. Studying architecture guarantees you to work for a building firm and to also work privately at the same time. Graduates in this course are called Architects and they will always be needed for the designing and construction of buildings and other structures.

  • Computer Science

Computer science is one of the leading courses studied in Nigerian and it basically deals with software design and engineering. Some of the processes under software design are algorithmic thinking, programming languages, human-computer interaction, and the history of computing as well. It is one of the most desirable science courses for students throughout the country because of the present computer evolution world. The advantage of being a computer science student is that you are creative enough, to set up a blog, website, design an application, and get paid for your job. All you need do is to explore your knowledge and get the adequate accessories needed.

  • Engineering

Engineering is a very broad course and thus, it has been split into several branches some of which are; civil engineering, petroleum engineering, agricultural and environmental engineering, industrial production engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.

You can give engineering a try if you have been deliberating on which science course to choose at the tertiary level and you will never regret doing it. Any of the divisions mentioned earlier are all under engineering and they are one of the best science courses for students to consider and make their choice in the university stage. Engineers are respected, rated, and rewarded highly and heavily for their services over the years in Nigeria. Also, the field of engineering is in relation to our present environment, engineering courses are incontestable with low or no competition.

  • Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering also is one of the top and best engineering courses studied in Nigerian universities. It is a professional engineering course that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the natural and physically built environment such as the construction of bridges, airports, canals, dams, sewerage systems, pipelines, roads, and railways.

  • Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

This is another profitable and marketable science course in to study Nigeria and despite the course looks tedious. Graduates who study this course are wanted in high-paying oil companies like NNPC, CHEVRON, TOTAL, OANDO, and others.

  • Nursing / Nursing Science

It is a fallacy and no truth that the Nursing/Nursing science course is predominantly for female students alone. Nursing is not gender-selective but meant for every science student, and not the females alone. To attain the best health in hand with a quality life, the nursing profession has deeply focused on taking care of families, communities, and individuals in accordance with the healthcare sector throughout the nation. Also, Nursing / Nursing Science is like medicine and has been very profitable and of high prestige in the university. This science course is another good choice to make for science students in the field of science.

  • Рharmacy

Pharmacy is a top course in Nigeria and it is one of the courses that require a high score in JAMB UTME. It is a well-respected course in Nigeria, and it requires the best minds and a great brain. The course generally deals with everything about medicines (drugs); how they are made, how they work, the side effects. Рharmacist students are well respected on campus like medical students.

  • Agriculture Science

Agricultural Science is a vast interdisciplinary field combining agriculture and biology. Obtaining a degree in this course will open you to many career opportunities depending on the educational pathway you chose to follow. If you choose to study this science course, you will be prepared for jobs that are related to the science and business side of agriculture. You can also further your education in other related disciplines after you have completed your first degree because Agricultural science is the broad course.

  • Dentistry

This is another science course relating to health and it is a lucrative course as the others mentioned earlier. It is an outstanding science course that any science student can choose to study at university. According to Wikipedia, it is a branch of medicine that deals with teeth and focuses majorly on the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral cavity. Dentistry is Profitable and a course to boast about and a very good choice of course for science students yet to make their choice. If you desire to study one of the best science courses at the university, then opt for Dentistry.

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We have come to the conclusion of the Best Science Courses to Study in Nigeria. As children continue to grow and fit into the world of the technological and scientific world, there is a need for proper confinements and they should be put in place especially on the education path they should follow in the quest to impart necessary and useful knowledge to them, therefore as they grow and develop, they will be able to improve the country and its economy as a whole.

It is noteworthy that all these courses that are listed here are accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC). Though these are not all the science courses both so far they are the best to Study in Nigeria. There are still other disciplines offered to science students, so it is up to you to decide which institution you will select and where you will obtain your higher education.