The best nursing schools in Nigeria are in those institutions that have paid special attention to the dissemination of healthcare education. This special attention has not been unnoticed by key players in the Nigerian education sector; students who wish to study nursing are often directed to these schools because everyone knows that these are the places where they can get excellent nursing education, which is a stepping stone to a promising career in the healthcare sector.

Nursing is an important field of work; without capable nurses it is impossible to have a solid healthcare delivery system, and to manage disease outbreaks.

Nursing also provides an opportunity to earn high salaries at a steady pace. It even opens up further opportunities to work abroad, and contribute to healthcare delivery as a whole.

Best Schools Of Nursing In Nigeria

1. University Of Abuja, School Of Nursing

The University Of Abuja School Of Nursing is widely accepted as the number one school of nursing in the country; it is part of the larger ecosystem which is the University of Abuja.

This school of nursing has the particular advantage of being located in the Federal Capital Territory, where all the arms of government are located. That means it has more eyes monitoring the process of knowledge dissemination, and the process of administration of the whole school.

Furthermore, the University of Abuja School of Nursing gets everything it needs to be a world-class institution; whenever there is a need it gets more attention and coverage. Anybody who gets a chance to study Nursing at the University of Abuja has been handed the opportunity to get excellent health education in an environment that is very well monitored.

2. University Of Ibadan, School Of Nursing

The University of Ibadan is probably the most respected institution in Nigeria. Even though this university is best known for its college of arts, it is not because other schools or colleges have not been doing well.

The School of Nursing of the University of Ibadan has been noted over the years as one of the most reputable schools of nursing in the country. It has been around since 1952, and has established itself as one of the foremost places to gain education in nursing.

The school itself describes its mission as to “train skillful professional Nurses of international standards to fulfill the fundamental health needs of Nigeria.”

3. University Of Nigeria, School Of Nursing

Another prestigious citadel of learning that has stood the test of time is the University of Nigeria, and with it the School of Nursing which has been in existence since 1973. This institution has made great contributions to the standard of nursing in particular, and to education in general.

The School of Nursing at the University of Nigeria offers Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Nursing, after 5 years of rigorous study. The school has excellent teaching facilities, and a faculty that is made up of established professionals.

The school gives effective training, and assures students that they will be able to compete favorably on the international level.

4. University Of Benin, School Of Nursing

The University of Benin School of Nursing is associated with the University of Benin Teaching Hospital which has been in operation since 1973. The school offers a (3) year General Nursing Programme leading to the award of Registered Nurse Certificate (RN). UNIBEN is known to a highly competitive learning environment; one where you will find people from all the geographical areas in Nigeria.

The University of Benin School of Nursing offers the chance to learn this crucial art in a real life hospital setting where students can get practical knowledge in an environment that familiarizes them with the pressures that come with the profession.

5. Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, School of Nursing

The Ahmadu Bello University is a prestigious institution of learning; this is one the most famous universities in Northern Nigeria. The Ahmadu Bello University School of Nursing has been in operation since 1968, making it one of the oldest such institutions in the whole of Nigeria.

Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital School of Nursing offers a three (3) years Basic General Nursing training which ends with candidates being certified as Registered Nurses.

This training is done in a real life hospital environment so as to give students the chance to experience the pressures that come with working in the field of healthcare.

6. Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, School Of Nursing

Lagos State University Teaching Hospital is perhaps the most popular in the country. Without doubt this is one of the best School of Nursing in Nigeria because despite the dynamic nature of the healthcare sector in Lagos, it remains the place where most critical cases are taken for treatment.

Lagos State University Teaching Hospital School of Nursing is over 60 years old, and has a faculty that is made up of accomplished industry leading professionals.

There is hardly any school of nursing that is busier than this one; and there is hardly any school of nursing that will test a student’s resolve to be successful in this field.

7. Mater School Of Nursing

Mater School of Nursing and Midwifery, Afikpo, Ebonyi is a School of Nursing that is a Catholic-owned institution under the Mater Misericordiae Hospital in Ebonyi State. This is one of the oldest schools of nursing in Nigeria; having been established by Irish Missionaries and Dr. Akanu Ibiam in 1946.

Now, this is one of the most prestigious institutions of learning in the field of nursing in the whole of the eastern region of Nigeria. This school has excellent facilities, and is one of the major highlights of the education system in the state. This school draws in students from all over Eastern Nigeria; it is one of the major attractions to the town of Afikpo.

8. ECWA, School Of Nursing

ECWA School of Nursing was founded in 1955 by missionaries of the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM). This school is located in Egbe, in Kogi State, and ranks among the older class of nursing schools in the country, who have contributed immensely to the growth and development of the field of nursing in Nigeria.

The school is run by the Evangelical Church of West Africa, and open to all qualified candidates across the country. The school states that bits mission is to train nurses to be respected and hardworking professionals who will contribute to the growth of society.

This school has a rich history, excellent facilities, and offers the opportunity for students to learn in a balanced combination of a classroom environment and a real hospital environment.

9. Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, School Of Nursing

The Nursing Department at the Obafemi Awolowo University is aimed at producing competent nurses and mid-wives to build up the nursing profession in the country. The school offers numerous nursing courses including Basic General Nursing which takes (3 years), Post Basic General Nursing Duration (which takes 18months), Post Basic Midwifery (which takes 18months) and Pre-operative Nursing Duration (which takes 12 months).

Obafemi Awolowo University is one of the most prestigious citadels of learning in Nigeria; there is a high standard of learning at this school, and so mediocrity cannot be tolerated.

10. Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, School Of Nursing

Usmanu Danfodiyo University was formerly known as the University of Sokoto. It is a Federal University; one of those with a well established culture of excellence. The Department of Nursing at this school operates through the University Teaching Hospital, which means that students get to experience the practical side of nursing from the early stages of their studies.

Usmanu Danfodiyo University School of Nursing has a standard to maintain; those who get to study there enjoy the best facilities, and well as tutelage under distinguished professionals.

Nursing As A Course

Nursing is a course in the higher institution that tends to give anyone who studies it a license in the field of nursing. Studying nursing as a course helps you to become a qualified and licensed nurse after the stipulated time period of study.

Moreso, studying Nursing helps to improve the mentality of everyone or anyone studying the course in any institution of his/ her choice to have the required knowledge of what to do or how to care for the people who need their attention on an Emergency basis before a Doctor finally attends to the case, which simply means, studying Nursing and becoming a nurse helps you to save lives faster than a doctor can do because you will be the first in most cases to attend to any patient and probably the last also.

  • Who is A Nurse?

A nurse can either be a male or female but in most cases they are female, you might be surprised a male becomes a nurse, yes, it is true, a male can become a nurse, they follow the same procedure a female nurse follows and they are good to go.

A nurse is a person who is licensed to care for the sick or anyone that needs medical attention or a person who attends to patients that require their attention.

Nurses work in the Hospital, doctor’s office, they also work in the community as a community nurse and they can render home service to their patients.



The best schools of nursing in Nigeria are mostly revered institutes of learning most of which have earned their reputation after several decades of excellent service to humanity. With this excellent history behind them, and the funding they receive from their sponsors, they are able to create an enabling environment that ensures that excellent nursing education becomes their hallmarks.