An update on the best architecture schools in the world – As we all know quite well that there are a whole lot of Universities in the world and only the fittest in terms of academic performance are termed the best. When it comes to the profession of architecture, there are quite notable numbers of Universities known across the world to be specialized on this career course as they are noted as the best in this career aspect, aside the fact that they are specialized on this career course, they also tend to offer another career course of which they may not be termed the best in those fields, but when it comes to the aspect of Architecture, these Universities are termed the best.

Choosing a career such as architecture is considered  a wise idea as this career course opens you up to magnificent views across the world, this profession is also a highly recognized and respected course across the world that opens up the doors of opportunities in making a meaningful impression on your immediate environment, aside these facts, when it comes to financial aspect, this profession proves excellent, we all know that no one would want to venture into a career professional that wouldn’t be profitable, meanwhile, there is no career in the world that doesn’t fetch money, just that the jobs present tend to bring money more than each other, take, for instance, a lawyer shouldn’t expect to earn just as the same as a doctor, though the earning range may be close to each other but definitely different, so is all the profession in the world variable to each other in terms of finance.

To become a highly reputable and respected architect across the world requires you get enrolled in a highly reputable school around the globe, as everyone who needs the services of an architect would likely want to have a professional from a highly recognized institution in the world. Today we bring you the Top 10 Best Architectural School In The World.

Top 10 Best Architecture Schools In The World 2020

  • 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Right here we have the first ranking University on this list; this great institute has proven its efficiencies in different ways. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is located in Cambridge, United States of America. The faculty responsible for holding up this career profession is keen to emphasize the real significance of interdisciplinary collaboration, especially where solutions about the environment are concerned. This focuses on the sustainability of architecture as well as the research that aids and moves it, and this proves to be a critical factor in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s lofty ranking.

Prospective candidates of this institution tend to undergo a standard application process, more also, are expected to tender series of short essays which has to cover a range of personalities as well as motivational based questions, of which if successful they are offered the best pace of the best architectural course across the world.

  • 2. University College of London

This Institution as spelled out in its name is located in London, United Kingdom. This school offering the best architectural course across the world tends to provide this course at the price rate of $12, 340 per session for candidates from the United Kingdom, and a price rate of £33, 400 per session for international students otherwise termed as international students.

This Institution was voted as the top United Kingdom University for this course (Architecture) by the industrial peer group every year ever since the year 2001, which implies that this University has been the best University for this career profession in the United Kingdom ever since the year 2001. This great University is known across the globe for innovative teachings as well as profound researches and the study methods of the architectural profession. This institution is also noted to host a prestigious exhibition every year of which every student of this institution is expected to partake in the presentation; this allows the students to stand firm in their academics as they are always allowed to showcase what they have been able to achieve each year.

  • 3. Delft University Of Technology

Although this name doesn’t sound like that of a University to some people, it’s a great higher institution known for offering their best for the students of this career profession. This institution is located in Delft, Netherlands, probably that’s the reason why this institution is named Delft. Speaking of the tuition fees of this institution, this particular course is offered for the rate of £2, 060 per session which is equivalent to $2, 430 for students from this country while foreign students are to pay the range-sum of $2, 430 – $18, 350 depending on the residency status of the candidate.

This institution is situated far north of the city called Rotterdam. The Tu Delft institution offers a bachelor degree program that explores urbanism as well as building science and general study in architecture. This broad variety approach to education has consequently seen the University through retaining It position as one of the best architectural school in the world and also one of the leading technical institution in the world.

  • 4. ETH Zurich

Here we have one of the best architectural schools in the world located in Zurich which happens to be a city in Switzerland. This great institution was established in the year 1855, and ever since then has been regarded as one of the finest STEM institutions in the whole world as it has the famous Albert Einstein as one of its alumni. This great Switzerland institution offers the following undergraduate programmes as well as postgraduate programmes. Well, one of the shortcomings of the institution is that candidates are required to communicate in the German language for the former, and later on, taught English or French. The mode of teaching or let’s instead say the system of education in this school is based on theoretical studies rather than an application that stands to be one of the features of the school’s architectural course.

  • 5. University of California, Berkeley

This University’s name is abbreviated as UCB; it is located in Berkeley, United States of America. This school is notably renowned as well as a prestigious University that is known to offer the full-time educational system to about 1, 000 graduate and undergraduates as well.

This University unlike other Universities in the world does not require the rendering of the portfolio during admission processes.

  • 6. Harvard University

If you happen to be a type that is familiar with World-renowned Universities, you would know of this great University. This University also tends to be one of the best architectural schools in the world. This institution is indeed a place to be even though it pops up as the sixth on this list.  This great institution is also located in Cambridge, USA. Speaking of course fees, this University offers interested candidate architectural courses at the rate of $46, 340 per session, which is quite exceptional for quality education in terms of architecture.

  • 7. Manchester School of Architecture

This University is located in Manchester, the United Kingdom, this institution also offers the quality education an architect deserves, more too, this university put you on the list of great architects across the world.  This University came forth as a result of merging two Universities which are the Manchester Metropolitan and the University of Manchester, and this result has proven to be one of the largest and also prestigious architectural institutions in the country.

  • 8. University of Cambridge

Here also we have another world-renowned University which happens to be one of the best architectural schools in the world. When listing out the overall best Universities in the world, this University does not take the back seat.

Looking at this University from afar, the little number of students enrolled in this department could be quite deceiving, but make no mistakes; this University is noted to be very deliberate as they aim at giving out their best to each student in the University.

  • 9. Politecnico di Milano

Right here we have an Italian University also termed one of the best architectural schools in the world.  This school is located in Milan, Italy. This University was established in the year 1863. This institution as expected focuses mainly on architectural designs offering candidates a highly recognized certificate.

  • 10. National University of Singapore

Right here we have the last University popping up on this list, though may come last but not the least of these universities as it also tends to offer almost the same quality system of education just as other on this list and too focused on the said career course.


Conclusion On The Top 10 Best Architectural Schools In The World 2020

Studying a great course from the best schools in line with your career is practically the best educational system you could get yourself, therefore, make a wise choice and get yourself enrolled in one of the best schools of architecture to get you the quality education you genuinely deserve.

Speaking of the best in this field, how are they rated? Well to our best of knowledge, they are ranked according to their performances in this career line across the world, more also, the educational system they offer their students as well as how the students of these Universities perform in their line of duty around the globe. Right here, we are going to make use of the QS University ranking, which is the body responsible for ranking Universities across the world. Now let’s get going and get to know the Top 10 Best Architectural Schools In The World.

Tag: Top 10 Best Architectural Schools In The World 2020

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