For candidates who are interested and are looking for the ideal best art courses to study in Nigeria, that can give them a nice job upon graduation and still leave you with plenty of time while you are studying them, these art courses have been carefully selected out of the many art courses offered in Nigerian universities.

These courses are considered the Best Art Courses to study in Nigeria; people who graduated from these departments do not have to seek jobs endlessly before they gain employment and students who actually study these courses had fun studying them.

It is advisable that before choosing, you should first consider those things you enjoy doing and find courses that are related to them so that when you graduate, you won’t be working for the money but enjoy what you are doing as well. Unlike the science courses which have a high employment rate, these art courses listed below as the Best Art Course to Study in Nigeria might come as a surprise. Without any further ado, below is the list, arranged in no particular order, these are:

Best Art Courses To Study In Nigeria

  • Mass Communication/Journalism

Mass Communication is a marketable course in Nigeria reason been that not many Universities offer the course, but it is needed by many organizations. The course is all about providing competent manpower for Radio and Television houses, Arts Councils, Newspaper companies, and other print-oriented industries. This need has become a hot cake and more pronounced due to the broadcast deregulation policy of government including private investments in the newspaper industry.

Aside from Radio/TV stations and print houses etc., graduates of Mass Communication are liable to work in places such as the embassy, can serve as ambassadors in English-speaking countries, as well as become freelance Journalists.

  • English

Candidly, the English course is one of the most marketable art courses in Nigeria currently. When you talk about studying English, all most students ever see is teaching or lecturing as the end result not knowing that an English course opens far greater doors than teaching. Here are some of the jobs you’ll be able to do aside from teaching as many suppose when you study English including Editorial assistant, Digital copywriter, English as a foreign language teacher, Magazine journalist, Newspaper journalist, Lexicographer,  Primary school teacher, Secondary school teacher, Writer, etc. The opportunity to be a freelancer is one of the joys studying this course offers you and also to work from anywhere you are which is not associated with other courses.

  • Law

So far in Nigeria, Law is considered the best of all art courses to study and this is no news. Studying this art course opens doors for you in Nigeria. To be a lawyer is almost equated to being the same level as a doctor. Law offers great employment opportunities and benefits; it is very competitive and you ought to be smart and outstanding in order to secure a good job.

Also, you win respect in the community and wherever you go. People perceive the aura of authority is on you because you are learned and vast in the law and you can reach places where others may or cannot reach. In addition, there are so many privileges in being a lawyer as you can work in various industries, including the banking sector.

  • Political Science

This is one of the very popular art courses that is studied amongst art students in Nigeria and it is a very lucrative career. It is highly competitive and if you can graduate successfully having an outstanding result, you are to gain employment almost immediately.

  • Music

Obtaining a B.A. degree in music is a thing worthy of honor. As a graduate in music, your search for a job is minimal; you would have been equipped and armed with different skills while at school, these acquired skills can make you an employer of labor, a singer, songwriter or establish your own record which means you become a record producer. The possibilities you will enjoy are endless. However, you need to have a personal liking for singing in order to make it big.

  • Theatre Arts

Over the years of the existence of this prestigious course, it has produced so many successful individuals in its various departments such as writing, Broadcasting, Media Production, Acting, communication arts, and others.

The three (3) best varsity to offer this course and that have produced the highest numbers of successful thespians in Nigeria are the University of Port-Harcourt, the University of Lagos and the University of Calabar; due to the high standards placed by these schools’ authority to make the department a serious one and not just a joke  and one to crave. If you are really passionate about acting then you need to consider Theatre art as a course of study. Also, it is one of the Best Art Course to Study in Nigeria. To be passionate about acting is the main key to succeed in this course since it actually deals with more passion than with brain work.

Best Science Courses to Study In Nigeria

  • Creative And Visual Arts, Fine Arts And Design, Fine and Applied Arts

This is one of the best core courses in the Faculty of Art and as such, it has to be included. It offers a lucrative career if you graduate in this course. Since the advent of the internet and an increase in its usage, there have been more demands for designers than anything. People daily keep looking for designers of logos for their businesses and website as well as corporate designs to promote their brands.

  • Foreign Languages

Foreign languages are another topmost art course in Nigeria especially Mandarin (Chinese), Spanish, Russian German, and French can open doors of employment for you. It is an attractive and lucrative course to study and one of its attractive sides is that you will have less competition because few students actually study this course. Graduates who study these courses can work in embassies or become private tutors and you may decide to become a freelance translator and work at your own convenience. You become marketable being a graduate in foreign languages, be it Spanish, Russian, German, French, or any other foreign language.

  • Counseling and psychology

This course though not very well recognized in Nigeria is bound to explode in a few years as it happened in other developing and developed countries of the world. In our society of today, a lot of people are depressed and as time goes by this number is bound to increase. Though presently in Nigeria, most people are not aware of counseling services in a few years from now they will surely be a hot cake as many people will be looking for their services.

Note that all courses are literally lucrative, it all bore down to your ability to be creative and use your imagination to become valuable and also be excellent. Whatever the course you study in school you can gain employment immediately if you plan properly before graduating.


What Is The Best Art Course To Study In Nigeria?

Art faculties comprise several departments offering different disciplines for those who are interested in choosing or those that want to dive into this field. These courses include performing arts, foreign languages, religion, and a whole lot of other disciplines that help students grow, develop and become real professional after obtaining their degree.


There you have the Best Art Courses to Study in Nigeria. I assure you that these are the Best which after completion of your study year, you are guaranteed not to be stranded and have something substantial done. Thus, as you are Preparing to make your choice of study ensure you look at this list carefully make your choice and remember to choose a course that is in line with your passion.

Art is all around us. It makes us enjoy much better lives, it gives a sense of humor, you enjoy the beauty, and miracles that arts provide. Studying this course is not as easy as it might sound or look. If you choose the Faculty of Arts in any Nigerian institution be assured that you will have to learn much more than just art. We have selected the Best Art Courses to Study in Nigeria for your perusal.

Arts courses and Arts students are often taken for granted by most people, especially Science students. They are not to blame or taken seriously because these people have limited knowledge and understanding of what it entails to be an Arts student or to study an Arts course. Candidly speaking, some Arts courses are far more marketable than most other courses people study in higher institutions these days.

In addition, there are many different colleges and universities of different statuses (federal, state, private) that offer different art courses in Nigeria. Thousands of students select Arts as their major field of study after graduation from secondary school.