The countries with the best education systems in the world generally place a very high priority on education. The recognition they get from the quality of their education systems does not arrive by accident; this is the result of years of continuous investment in the planning, administration, and monitoring of the schools. It is common practice to attract and engage the brightest minds they can get, so as to give the best possible instruction to learners, thus building up the next generation of geniuses.

In order to be considered one of the countries with a very good education system, it is important to be innovative. This means taking bold steps and being the first to try out new things. When a country does this successfully, then other countries will attempt to copy their system.

Great education does not have to be complicated; the purpose of education should be to impart knowledge, and the ability to think critically to the students, so as to empower them to take care of themselves, and to contribute to society.

Top 20 Countries With Best Education System In The World

1. United Kingdom                             

Quality Index: 78.2

Opportunity Index: 69.79

The United Kingdom is the country with arguably the best education system in the world. The academic community in the United Kingdom is as large as a small country, and there are about half a million international students enrolled in various universities in the UK, which has been a major center of learning for centuries. Presently, the UK is the second leading destination for education; everybody wants to study in Britain.

The United Kingdom has some of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world; such as Oxford University, the University of Cambridge, and The University of Glasgow. The United Kingdoms’ education system is very competitive, very traditional, and very well organized.

Studying in the UK enables one to be immersed a rich culture that expects excellence. The UK is renowned for its excellence in the Arts, Literature, and Design courses.

2. United States                   

Quality Index: 72

Opportunity Index: 68.74

Americans seem not to know how great their education system is; they seem not to give it the pride of place it deserves. The United States is one of the pioneers of modern education.

The country has over the years made concerted efforts to make its education system great; the US has attracted the brightest minds in the world and has led the world in the area of research and development of technology. The United States has more Nobel Laureates than any other country in the world, and many of these brilliant minds are involved in education.

The United States has become a hub for Computer Science, Engineering, Business Management, Aviation Technology, Law, and Arts. The success of American companies can be cited as proof that Americans excel at teaching Business Administration and Management.

Some of the popular universities in America include Harvard University, University of Oxford, Yale University, and MIT.

3. Australia                             

Quality Index: 70.5

Opportunity Index: 67.52

Australia is steadily climbing up the rankings as far as education is concerned; the country is known for its high-quality of practical education and also for the excellent career opportunities it offers. The Australian education system is undoubtedly one of the best in the world; there are about 7 Australian Universities in the top 100, and the country plays host to an increasing population of foreign students.

Some of the important courses that attract high numbers of foreign students include to Australia include Engineering, Administration, Architecture, Media, Business, Communication, and Art. After school, there are several great places to put the newly acquired knowledge to practice.

4. Netherlands                     

Quality Index: 70.3

Opportunity Index: 67.21

The Netherlands has always had a good education; it seems that the world has only now started to appreciate the work and planning that has gone into making the Dutch education system so great.

Studying in the Netherlands allows one to taste a rich culture that dates back to Medieval Europe, in old academic institutions that challenge the student to aspire to great things. Classes in the Netherlands are usually smaller than what you can find in some other countries, and a major benefit of this is that there is a more personal touch to education in the Netherlands.

The Dutch were one of the first non-English speakers to develop courses in English to attract overseas students. They have an excellent curriculum and a well-monitored delivery system. The Dutch have great facilities and well-respected faculty. Education in the Netherlands is subsidized; it is far cheaper than in many European countries.

5. Sweden                              

Quality Index: 70.1

Opportunity Index: 66.96

Like other Nordic countries, Sweden is very well organized. Education is considered a basic necessity; just like food, clothing a shelter. The purpose of education is to make the individual better, resulting in a better society for everyone. Sweden does not prioritize grades; they aim at developing the potential of the student.

Sweden is very technologically advanced; this is a country that values innovation and places a high value on creative ideas that have the potential to bring about positive change. Sweden has contributed to the world with research that has resulted in great inventions like Bluetooth, Skype, Pacemakers, and Spotify. Sweden is one of the pioneers of wind energy; the country has several wind farms, some of them offshore.

6. France                

Quality Index: 69.9

Opportunity Index: 66.3

France has the highest enrollment rate in early childhood. France has been a very important part of the development of man in the modern world; they have contributed to medical research, winemaking, art, and so much more. It is therefore a privilege to study in France; this is one of the top destinations for students from all over the world.

French is the language of France, but many of the Universities have courses adapted in English to encourage international students from English-speaking countries. There are foreign students in almost every stage of education in France; Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, and Higher Education.

France is another place where a lot of attention is paid to the development of student skills and potential; rather than focusing on grades, students are helped to develop skills that can help them in life.

7. Denmark                            

Quality Index:    69.8

Opportunity Index: 62.54

Denmark has a 99% literacy rate. As mentioned before, Nordic countries are very well organized; Denmark has a very high premium on education; so much so that it is considered a human right- just like food and shelter. Free education is offered in Denmark from primary to higher education. Like everything else in Denmark, the education system is well designed and well monitored.

The curriculum is one of the best in the world, and the faculty is made up of distinguished individuals with years of experience.

8. Canada                                

Quality Index: 69.8

Opportunity Index: 61.01

Canada is disrupting the world with very high-quality education offered at sometimes very low tuition fees. When studying in Canada you get to experience a whole new way of life; a mix of diverse cultures and different ways of life.

Canada has emerged as one of the preferred places to study, and most of the Institutions offer instruction in both English and French. Canada is seen as a new world; a new country where there are opportunities to make something of oneself. However, some of the institutions in Canada are a few hundred years old and have produced some very important people in diverse fields of endeavor.

Canada has produced 28 Nobel Laureates, and so the academic community requires and expects one to strive towards excellence. Canada is known for Engineering, Commerce, and the Arts.

9. Germany                            

Quality Index:    69.5

Opportunity Index: 60.64

Germany is a very well organized country; it is a great place to live, study and work. For certain fields of study, Germany is the best place in the world to gain knowledge and experience. Non -English speakers already find Germany a very attractive place to study; while many courses are offered in English, it is important to note that Germans are very particular about their language.

Germany is a country where is everything is designed to be efficient, the transport system, industry, and of course education. The country is home to brands like Audi, BMW, and Volkswagen. Germany is a great place to study engineering, physical planning, and chemistry.

10. Switzerland                       

Quality Index:    68.3

Opportunity Index: 60.12

Switzerland is a very educated country; by law, every child must attend school. An interesting thing about the Swiss education system is that it is very diverse in nature. This is because there are lots of variations from region to region. However, Switzerland has for a long time been an advanced country with a very high priority in education.

The oldest university in Switzerland dates back to 1460. Students are separated according to their strengths early on, and are helped to achieve their potentials. Switzerland has 27 Nobel Laureates, and many of them are involved in academia, thus passing down their wealth of knowledge to the next generation.

11. Japan                   

Quality Index:    68.2

Opportunity Index: 59.46

Japan is a technological giant; and this feat is partly as a result of having a great education system. Studying in Japan gives one the opportunity to taste an old culture; one that has been almost perfectly preserved. Japan has a 99% literacy rate; this makes the country a very advanced one indeed.

Education in Japan goes back some six hundred years; and flourished under the feudal system. Japan is now a favored location for students from all over the world; it plays host to about 312,214 international students from all over the world.

12. Israel                    

Quality Index: 66.9

Opportunity Index: 57

For such a young country, Israel has really come of age. Israel has a very advanced educational system; one that attracts students from all over the world. Presently, there are about 12,000 international students studying a diverse range of courses.

Technology plays a vital role in Israeli society, and so this is a great place to study technology-related courses. Medical research is also very important in Israel, as are alternative power development, and agriculture. Israel has 13 Nobel Laureates, and a good number of them are involved in academics.

13. Finland

Quality Index: 66.8

Opportunity Index: 56.68

Finland is a very educated country; education is compulsory for an 11-year period. Furthermore, about 44% of the population has a post-secondary diploma or degree.

Finland has a specialized system of education that separates students based on whether they wish to pursue academic or vocational careers. This is one of the countries with the best education system in the world; and through this system, they have built a working society where the interests of the people are put first.

Finland has about 20,000 international students coming in from all corners of the world. The country has 5 Nobel Laureates, and many of its universities are highly ranked.

14. Taiwan

Quality Index: 66.6

Opportunity Index: 55.27

Taiwan is a country in Asia that has been making steady progress in all facets of its society, including education. Much of Taiwan’s education is practical; the country is one of those to watch for technological development for the future. There are about 92,000 international students from all over the world studying in Taiwan.

Many of the students come in to study engineering, as well as other courses relating to industry. Taiwan is surely one of the countries for the future.

15. Singapore            

Quality Index: 66

Opportunity Index: 55.22

Singapore is a country in Asia that has seen spectacular development since the 80’s. Singapore has a very good standard of education; the country plays host to about 50,000 international students; mostly from China, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Some of the courses to study in Singapore include: Medicine, Applied and Pure Science, Hotel and Hospitality Management, and so on.

16. Slovenia 

Quality Index: 65.8

Opportunity Index: 54.38

Slovenia is not one of the most popular countries in Europe, but it is a great place to study. The country has a very high standard of education; in fact, it is regarded as one of the countries with the best education systems in the world. The curriculum is great and society is very peaceful.

Slovenia has about 6,000 international students, and some of its universities are quite highly ranked.

17. South Korea                      

Quality Index: 65.2

Opportunity Index: 53.5

South Korea is a very stable country; one that is making lots of progress in every sphere of life. South Korea has a culture of efficiency and hard work. This is a great place to study; the environment is very goal-oriented, and very students are taught to develop their talents and potential so as to produce results.

South Korea has about 72,000 international students studying undergraduate programs at its universities. This is one of the highest concentrations of foreign students in Asia. The country is a favorite destination for students from all over the world.

 18. Norway                               

Quality Index: 65

Opportunity Index: 53.41

Norway is a Nordic country; so you expect them to be very well organized over there. This has emerged as a favorite location for students from all over the world; particularly from Africa and Asia. The standard of education is great; the culture is great, and some of the instruction comes at no tuition costs. Nordic countries tend to make life easier for their people; money is not usually a hindrance if a person wishes to study.

19. Belgium                              

Quality Index: 64.2

Opportunity Index: 53.02

Belgium is another European country where education is given a high priority. The country has a solid system of education- one that is just getting the attention it deserves. Walking down some of the cities of Belgium one can find it easy to imagine what life was like during the medieval period. If a person chooses to study art, history, or cultural studies, there may be no better location than Belgium. Many of the universities offer instruction in English and French.

20. United Arab Emirates                   

Quality Index: 64

Opportunity Index: 52.94

The United Arab Emirates has made a great deal of investment in the education sector; they have worked towards attracting some of the most qualified academics to teach at their institutions. Even though the fruits of these investments will take years to become fully evident; the UAE already has one of the best educational systems in the world.

This is a great place for medical research, studies relating to the development and application of technology, and to study finance.

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The best public schooling from kindergarten to high school with the tertiary institutions has a lot to do with the development of a nation, we list the countries with the best education system in the world. In the world today, one of the systems that still keep everything in shape is the Educational system. No developed country can boast of the achievements and cutting-edge discoveries made without making reference to the educational system that was used in such a country. One of the things that are indispensable to any society or nation is the Best Education system because without this no nation can beat their chest and point fingers to say we have achieved all the fit they ranked to without the help of the educational system.

Education is one of the hallmarks of a civilized society; in some countries of Europe, it is actually compulsory by law. By looking at the countries with the best education systems in the world, you get the impression that education is more than just a sector of the economy.

Education is the very backbone of the society, upon which all other sectors are built. Education drives research and development; medical research, agriculture, engineering, and technology all depend on a solid educational system to grow.