Do you know that 1 out of every 2 people from West Africa, 1 in every 4 African and 1 out of every 5 black and 1 out of every 43 people in the world is a Nigerian or related to Nigeria? The most populous black nation on earth making it prides itself as giants of Africa. DO you wish to acculturate yourself with the country or you plan visiting the country either for business or pleasure? Then this is your self-help article to help sort some often-overlooked issues as concerning traveling. NIGERIA AS A COUNTRY


Date Public Holiday Name Day
1st January New Year Sunday
10th April Good Friday Friday
13th April Easter Monday Monday
1st May Workers’ Day Friday
27th May Children’s Day Wednesday
24th May Id el Fitr Democracy Day Sunday
25/26th May Id el Fitr Additional Holiday Mon/Tuesday
12th June Democracy Day Friday
31st July Id el Kabir Friday
1st August Id el Kabir Additional Holiday Saturday
1st October Independence Day Thursday
28/28th November Id el Maulud Sat/Sunday
25th December Christmas Day Tuesday
26th December Boxing Day Friday
31st December New Year’s Eve Saturday

Nigeria officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria is a West Africa country lying between the desert and the ocean with the arid Niger to her North, the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic oceans to the South, the Benin Republic to the west and Cameroon and Chad to the east. Nigeria an invention of Lady Flora Shaw in 1914, meaning Niger Area in reference to the lower Niger river that meanders through the country after the amalgamation of the British South and North protectorates under the supervision of Lord Lugard the then colonial governor.

List Of Public Holidays In Nigerian 2020 And All You Need To Know About These Days 

Nigeria is a multiculturally country with over 300 ethnic groups clustered in the 923, 768 sq. km landmass at an estimated population of 190 million people making it the 7th largest country by population. The country has a rich history of civilization dating as far back as the 500 BCE with the Nok civilization, Nri Kingdom, the Oyo Empire, the Benin Empire, the Hausa kingdom, the Fulani empire, and the Kanem- Bornu empire which influences winged beyond the present geographical contraption called Nigeria. The present President of Nigeria is Muhammadu Buhari with the seat of government in Abuja. Other important cities in Nigeria include Lagos, Kano, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Benin City spread across the 36 states of the country. The following under-listed holidays are the statutory public holidays in Nigeria: –


In 45 BC, Emperor Julius Cesar of Rome and Sosigenes an Alexandrian astronomer designed the Julian calendar based on the Solar system and the first day of the newly designed year is celebrated as the NEW YEAR DAY. It is usually celebrated on the 1st of January the name of the double-faced Roman god of doors and gates ‘Janus”. Since then this holiday had been in existence, though the date in some countries is celebrated at a later date. But in Nigeria, every first of January is declared a statutory public holiday with a full closure of business and activities save for the essential services.


is an international public holiday observed by the adherents of Christian faith. The day is a movable date that falls between March and April of every year and is always on a Friday that precedes the Easter Weekend. A day the Christians believed Christ Jesus was arrested, tortured, and crucified. In Nigeria, the day is a statutory public holiday.


is another international holiday of the Christians in the world? It is the Monday after the Easter Sunday through the date varies between western Christianity and eastern orthodox Christianity. Nigeria because of her leaning towards the west aligns with the western Christian liturgical date.


This is a holiday earmarked to celebrate international labor workers. It was announced by the second international, a conglomerate of the socialists and labor parties from 26 countries in 1889. Every May 1st is declared to commemorate the Chicago Haywire affairs as international workers’ day and the day is also a public holiday in Nigeria.


May 29 in Nigeria from 1999 was a watershed in history when the iron curtain of the military government was finally drawn close after 16 unbroken military rules in the country and for 18 years, the holiday had been observed in the country but by executive order on June 6, 2018, President Muhammadu Buhari announced the adoption of June 12 as the statutory democracy day in Nigeria


By executive order, the hullabaloo surrounding the June 12 saga in Nigeria was finally put to bed, as the day was formally adopted as the official democracy day. The story of June 12 dates back to 1993 when the adjudged freest and fairest election in the history of the Nation was conducted and the presumed winner of the presidential election was Chief M.K.O. Abiola before the military government of General Ibrahim Babangida canceled the election and the day is always observed by human rights activists and other pro-democracy groups in the country annually to press their demand for them to uphold of the results and the presumed winner to be declared. This continued until 1998 when the presumed winner, M.K.O Abiola died in detention and the struggle only remained a flickering flame in the heart of every genuine democratic believer as only some few states do observe it.


in the very early hours of October 1st, 1960, a nation was born as the British jack union flag was lowered and the green-white flag was hoisted, thus bringing an end to the 46 years of British occupation, and Nigeria was birthed with Tafawa Balewa as the prime minister and every 1st of October is observed as a National holiday to commemorate the event.


This is a religious and cultural holiday for Christians and non-Christians across the world. This day is adopted by the mainline Christians as the birthday of Jesus and Nigeria also follows the nations of the world to observe the holiday.


This is the day following the Christmas day is known as the Christmas box day. The holiday has a history from the United Kingdom and I mostly celebrated by the British Commonwealth countries before it was adopted across the world. It was observed by the sharing of gifts and goodwill.

Other holidays remain which are subject to the observance of the lunar cycle and are declared by the Federal government. Such holidays include: –

  •    ID UL FITR: This is a Muslim religious festival. This holiday is observed by the Muslims worldwide at the end of the Ramadan month that is usually journeyed with fasting and is usually heralded by the new moon which marks the beginning of the ninth Islamic month, the Shawwal.
  •    EID UL KABIR: The Eid ul Kabir is a religious festival to commemorate the readiness of Prophet Ibrahim [Abraham] to offer his son Ishmael as a sacrifice. This day is always celebrated by Muslims worldwide with the slaughtering of rams and in the festive mood of high pitch. This day in Ghana is subject to the lunar cycle movement and is therefore movable.
  •    EID UL MAULUD: This is the last festival of the Islamic calendar to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammed S.A.W, the messenger of Allah. This date also is not fixed in line with Islamic lunar observance.

NOTE: If any of the Nigerian public holidays falls on a weekend is continued on the following Monday.


Conclusion On The List Of Public Holidays In Nigeria 2020

Having been briefed on the necessary holidays observed in Nigeria, you are equipped with the necessary information that will help you in your trip planning and save you of logistics challenges faced during the holidays.

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