Welcome here for the latest news on Nigeria police force recruitment 2019 portal update. NPF is an organization of trained Nigerian citizens, that are given power by the Nigerian government to carry out vital functions in respect to safeguarding the human lives and properties and to enforce the law in the country.


  • APPLICANT Must be a Nigerian citizen by birth and must possess National Identification Number.
  • APPLICANT Must be at least 18years of age and not more than 25 years
  • APPLICANT Must have an O level certificate of five credit passes
  • APPLICANT Must come from a responsible background and have a good character.
  • APPLICANT Must not be an ex-convict
  • APPLICANT Must if males should be at least 1.67 meters in height and if a female will be at least 1.64 meters height
  • Applicant chest must have less than 86 cm expanded chest for male applicants alone.
  • Applicants must be physically fit with no natural deformities, he or she must not have any speech impediment,  bow legs, knock knees, bent knees, flat feet, deformed hand, body scars, tattoos, bad eyesight, deaf or dumb, amputation of any body part, bad teeth formation, protruding navel etc.
  • Pregnant women are not allowed to apply.
  • Applicants must not owe any debt or any financial mess that might attract embarrassment.
  • Applicants must download and fill guarantor’s form that be signed or referenced to the traditional ruler of the applicant’s hometown, Local government chairman of the applicant’s local government, Head of educational institutions the applicant attended, career civil servant not below the rank of grade 12, Nigerian police officer that has the rank of CSP and above, or a military officer that has a rank of lieutenant colonel and above.
  • APPLICANT Must have a medical proof to show that he or she is medically fit.


To apply, follow the steps presented, all applications are free of charge, and must be submitted online.

  1. Provide a functional email address and phone number before application processes take place.
  2. Visit the Nigerian police portal to register online at www.policerecruitment .ng, you can visit a cyber cafe if you can do this in your own
  3. 3)    Fill the application form presented, cross check your data to avoid unnecessary mistakes, then press “SUBMIT “once registered once cannot be re-registered
  4. 4)    Print out the hard copy of the information sent to your email, this information is very vital in the application process.  Copy out the registration number for future use, and save it as well. This number is very vital to the applicant, it’s proof that the applicant registered for the recruitment.
  5. Note, application for Nigerian police force recruitment for 2018 has ended, names of individuals that will take the screening examination has already been shortlisted, so for interested citizens that wish to apply for Nigerian police force recruitment, will wait till next year when the application form is released.

What the applicant needs to present when shortlisted for recruitment in the Nigerian police force.

Applicants of Nigerian police force recruitment do undergo screening examination, the people that are shortlisted for the exam are the people that have a successful application, the people that are considered eligible, this is decided by the Nigerian government.

Applicants that are shortlisted for recruitment are the ones that did well in the screening examination organized by joint administration matriculation board. The qualified applicants will undergo several medical tests before they are finally admitted into the Nigerian police force.  Here are the requirements needed to be presented by the Applicant when shortlisted for recruitment.

  •    Original copies of their credentials including birth certificate bearing their age.
  •    Applicant must come to screening for recruitment with a proof invitation sent to them by the police force.
  •    Applicant must show up exactly the date and time written on their individual invitation letter.

What Applicant Of The Nigeria Police Force Recruitment Portal Should Know

Nigeria police force was established in the year 1820, according to the history of Nigerian police force, they began with Imo state police. In 1879, 1200 members formed a force organization, they were called paramilitary Hausa constabulary, after the formation of this force group by the northerners, the southerners formed theirs in Calabar in the year 1894, This was known as Niger Coast Protectorate. The Royal Niger company set up a constabulary 1888.

After the proclamation of the Northern and Southern protectorates in the 1900s, the Niger Coast Constabulary became southern Nigerian police, and the Royal Niger Constabulary became the Northern Nigerian police. Some of the Nigerian police that associated with local government authorities during the period of colonization, were made Nigerian police officially under the first Nigerian republic which took place in the year 1960. These forces were rationalized at first and then nationalized.

Reportedly, the strength of the Nigerian police forces as at 1983 was almost 152,000, but currently, NPF has 371800 and still planning on recruiting 280000 to increase the force to 650000 strength.  The Nigerian police have about 1500 police stations, 36 states commands grouped into 12 zones and 7 administrative bodies. A police officer is mostly not armed, except when they are on a special duty or abnormal circumstance. The Nigerian police are presently headed by IGP Ibrahim Kpotun Idris.

Nigeria Police Force Recruitment Portal


  • Inspector General of Police                8.5 million Naira yearly
  • Deputy Inspector General of police     6.5 million naira yearly
  • Assistant Inspector General of police 5.9 million naira yearly
  • Commissioner of police 3.6 million naira yearly
  • Deputy Commissioner of police           3.3 million Naira yearly Assistant Commissioner of police 2.5 million naira yearly
  • Chief Superintendent of police             2.3 million Naira yearly
  • Superintendent of police 2.2 million naira yearly
  • Deputy Superintendent of police    2.0 million naira yearly
  • Assistant Superintendent of police 1.5 million naira yearly
  • Inspector of police   1.0 million naira yearly
  • Sergeant major 661000 naira yearly Corporal   613,363 naira yearly
  • Police Constable 519,525 naira yearly
  • Police new recruit 108,233 naira yearly


  • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION: They are responsible for the administration of Nigerian police and handling its financial issues.
  • DEPARTMENT OF OPERATION: They are the department in the police force that has the responsibility to prevent crime, ensure that there is public order, and public safety.
  • DEPARTMENT OF LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY: They are responsible for public works and estate management of the police. They are mostly concerned with the welfare and proper functioning of the police force.
  • DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: They train and develop new recruits and other under trained officers, they train them on what to do and how to go about their job as Nigerian police officers.
  • DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH AND PLANNING: They are responsible for handling all the data of the police force, they discover the efficiency of the police force and make effort in improving their performance and efficiency of the force.
  • DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: They take care of the ICT related issues and communication management.

Still On The Nigeria Police Force Recruitment Portal


Nigerian police force whose motto is “Police is your friend” are expected to carry out these roles in the country. The Nigerian Government expects any Nigerian police officer to carry out this responsibility when the need be. They are expected to carry out their duty even at the cost of their lives. So, these people risk their own lives in carrying out these roles. These responsibilities are in scripted in the book known as ‘Act of the police ‘, it’s a book containing all the roles of the police.

  1. Prevention and detection of crime
  2. Detention of culprits
  3. Preservation of the Nigerian laws and order
  4. Protecting the lives and properties in the country
  5. Performance of military duties on behalf of the Nigerian military within the country and beyond.
  6. Prosecution of offenders before the law court
  7. Arresting of anyone that committed a crime including foreigners within the country
  8. Searching for a suspect’s property, belongings and residence when issued a search warrant.
  9. Taking of measurements, photographs, and fingerprints in a crime scene.

POLICE officers not allowed to go against the law, according to the Nigerian constitution, everyone is equal before the law, and so, any officer that for against the law will be persecuted according to the law.

That’s all about the latest news on Nigeria police force recruitment 2019 portal. We would update you the moment the NPF portal is open for application


Tag: latest news on Nigeria police force recruitment 2019 portal update, Police Recruitment News Today Live Update

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