Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) is a federal agency In Nigeria and we would list FIRS offices in Lagos, Nigeria. It is the only federal government Parastatal saddled with the responsibility and sole objective of collating and collection of Federal Government Taxes in the country.

FIRS Offices In Lagos State 

It is not strange that Lagos houses every major institution, ministry, and agencies in Nigeria, and It would have been a surprise if FIRS has no office in most and the major commercial state in Nigeria. Lagos generates a high amount of revenue due to the presence of numerous and large industrious organizations. FIRS indeed has a lot to do and finances to generate for the federal government in this state. Not just that, FIRS joins the host of organizations that locate their office in Lagos for easy discharge and operation of her duties within the state. You can locate Federal Inland Revenue Service FIRS offices in Lagos in any of the addresses below.

    • Email: [email protected]
    • Tel: 09070319491
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Tel: 09070319466

Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) In Lagos And All You Need To Know About Them

Please read through in order to know your right as a citizen of the country and also to know your dues in your various places of work. In this article, we would be looking at all you need to know about FIRS as a government agency. The institutions deploy all arsenal to ensure that their duty is discharged. Knowing fully well how many business owners (private and public organizations) like evading tax, is not good for the federal government who in turn uses the income generated from tax and other endeavors to carry out projects and programs within the country.

  • About Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)

The Federal Inland Revenue Service was initially established as part of a colonial tax organization under the nomenclature the “Inland Revenue Department of Anglophone West Africa.”

The Federal Inland Revenue Service was formed in 1943 when it was carved out of the former Inland Revenue Department whose operation then was to cover what was then the Anglo-phone West Africa (including Ghana, Gambia, and Sierra Leone) during the colonial era. The Board of Inland Revenue was established In 1958  under the Income Tax Ordinance of 1958. After the institution has undergone a series of transformations in 1961 and 1993, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) secured its autonomy through the emergence of the FIRS (Establishment) Act 13 of 2007. The Act commenced on the 16th of April 2007. The Act is a catalog of the establishment, management, power, financial provisions, tax administration, and other provisions guiding the administration of FIRS.

Presently, FIRS is one of the Federal organizations, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) whose primary duty and responsibility of access, collecting, and accounting for the various taxes to the federal government. In a Revenue Collection agency like the FIRS, quality service delivery is tantamount to success.

In the bid to deliver quality service to taxpayers and operate an efficient and transparent tax system that optimizes tax revenue collection for National Development as vividly stated in the vision/mission statement, this charter has been published to provide insight on the services provided by FIRS and the standards our esteemed clients (Taxpayers and other Stakeholders) should expect every time they deal with us.

According to the federal structure of the Nigerian State, tax administration in the country is in various tiers. The States Boards of Internal Revenue and the Local Government Revenue Committees perform similar operations at the State and Local Government levels respectively.

  1. The vision of Firs is to deliver quality services to taxpayers in partnership with all stakeholders and
  2. To make taxation the pivot of national development.

Our mission is to operate a transparent and efficient tax system that optimizes tax revenue collection and voluntary compliance.


It is expected that every organization has a fundamental standpoint and structure which they operate. Also, one of the importance of this core values is that it also helps the agency to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals, mission, and vision by creating an unwavering guide. Below is the core value of Federal Inland Revenue.


  1. Competence and know-how
  2. Accountability

iii.    Fairness

  1.    Continuous learning
  2.    Respect to taxpayers constituted authority and colleagues


  1.    Candor
  2.    Courage

iii.    Transparency

  1.    Self-Discipline


  1.    Speed
  2.    Accuracy


  1. Collaborative decision making
  2. Team spirit

iii.    Partnering

  1. Information sharing


The function of the Federal Inland Revenue Service is:

  1. Promoting civic responsibility, patriotism by citizens, and social responsibility by corporate citizens.
  2. Stimulating priority social and economic activities and sectors while discouraging less preferred ones.
  3. Providing sustainable finance and funding for governance, public and social services, and economic development.
  4. Bringing about the redistribution of wealth and bridging sharp disparities in living standards.
  5. Giving taxpayers the moral and legal right to demand (thereby engendering) a culture of accountability.
  6. Serving as a gauge for measuring the level, growth, and health of economic units and economic activities.
  7. Individuals and corporate organizations are conferred with definite benefits, rights, and privileges in the system based on their tax compliance status.
  8. Tax compliance enables law-abiding citizens to avoid the consequences, penalties, and sanctions of non-compliance.



Tax collection is important to the growth of a nation and this responsibility has been fully saddled beyond doubt to Federal Inland Revenue Service. FIRS is indeed an important Federal agency in Nigeria. Knowing fully well their functions and the activities they discharged they cannot be undermined. Thus having their office in Lagos state is not strange but important. Not just Lagos state but in several states in Nigeria so as to operate easily and be very close to their customers.  

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