List of English speaking countries in West Africa. The continent of Africa is divided into five regions namely, Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern, and Central Africa. The focus of this information piece will be on English speaking countries in West Africa – Anglophone Countries.

West Africa is the region that makes up the westernmost part of Africa. In this region of Africa, the following countries are included Burkina Faso, Benin, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Cape Verde, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Guinea,  Mauritania, Nigeria, Liberia, Niger, The Saint Helena Islands, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, Senegal as well as Togo. The region has a population of about 362 million people.

Anglophone Countries In West Africa, Out of the 17 countries that make up Western Africa, there are 5 countries that speak English primarily. This article aims to identify those countries and give a brief overview of how they are.


  • GHANA:


The West African nation of Ghana or as it is known officially, “The Republic of Ghana” is a country located along the Gulf of Guinea as well as the Atlantic Ocean. This nation runs a unitary presidential democracy and it has an estimated land area of 238,535 square meters. To the west, Ghana is bordered by Ivory Coast and to the North, it is bordered by Burkina Faso. To the East, Ghana is bordered by Togo, and to the South, this beautiful nation is bordered by the Gulf of Guinea as well as the Atlantic Ocean. A variety of ethnic groups, linguistic groups as well as religious groups are represented by the population of this nation and according to statistics, a recorded 5% of the population of Ghana takes part in Traditional worship while an impressive 67.2% is more interested in Christianity. The others practice Islam. This nation’s president stands as both the head of State and the head of government as well.  The main language of this country is the English language which is also accepted generally as the Lingua Franca, however, there are 11 languages in the country, recognized by the government.



Liberia is a country that can be found on the coast of West Africa. To the West, it is bordered by Sierra Leone, and to the North, it is bordered by Guinea and by Ivory Coast to the east while to the South, it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. The country stretches across an area of about 111,369 square kilometers and boasts of a population of more than 4.7 million people. The official language of this nation is English although there are more than 20 other indigenous languages that are also spoken in the country by the different ethnic groups which make up more than 95% of the total population of the country.



This beautiful nation is a federal republic which is located in the Western part of Africa. The nation is bordered to the West by Benin and by Chad and Cameroon, to the east. To the North, Nigeria is bordered by Niger and the coast of the country in the south can be found lying on the Gulf of Guinea. There are 36 states and a Federal capital territory in this Nation. In terms of languages, there are more than 500 languages spoken in Nigeria, and some of them are considered extinct in this day. However, despite this large number of languages, spoken all over the country, one language unites all, and that language is English, the official language of the country.


Sierra Leone Among The English Speaking Countries In West Africa

The Republic of Sierra Leone as it is known official is an African country located in West Africa. To the Northeast, this nation is bordered by Guinea and to the Southeast, it is bordered by Liberia. The Atlantic Ocean borders this nation to the Southwest.


The Gambia

the Gambia is a West African nation which is almost completely surrounded by Senegal. This is the smallest country that can be found on the mainland of Africa. The nation has an area of 10,689 square kilometers and a population of more than 1.8 million people. In the Gambia, the official language is English, even though other languages are spoken as well. Some of these other languages include Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, Serer, Krio, Jola as well as some other languages also. French is also a common language in the area as a result of the geographical setting of Gambia. 

Interesting Things To Know About West Africa

Due to the various countries that make up this region and their various ethnic groups, cultures, and traditions, West Africa is as culturally diverse as other regions of Africa. However, despite these differences, upon close observation, one would ordinarily be able to see similarities, generally speaking. These similarities are in terms of dressing, food, music as well as a culture that is not necessarily shared with countries that exist outside of the region of West Africa.

List Of English Speaking Countries In West Africa

As relates to dressing, a common style in West Africa is one that has to do with both hemming and addition of embroidery to clothing. Clothing made this way has been of traditional affiliation to the region of West Africa for a very long time reaching centuries.

  • FOOD

The dishes in this area are another factor seemingly shared by the countries that stay within this region. A good number of foreign visitors to the region have indulged in the various cuisines in the area, taking with them on their return to their country, a part of the rich culture of West Africa. Western Civilization is known to have benefitted immensely from West African Cuisine for a very long time. In the Caribbean, several dishes enjoyed there are of West African origin. The various recipes may have experienced some alterations as a means of making it suitable to the taste of those in the area, but in essence, they remain distinctly West African.


The most common religion practiced in this region of Africa is the Islamic religion which was actually brought to the region by traders who visited the area in the 9th century. In West Africa, the biggest ethnic groups by population practice Islam, and the religion dictates their total lifestyle, from the way they dress to the type of food they eat and so on.


In West Africa, the languages most commonly spoken are the Niger-Congo languages which mainly, but not completely, belong to the Non-Bantu branches in the region. Nilo-Saharan, as well as Afro-Asiatic language speakers, are also found in reasonable numbers within this region of Africa. All in all, however, the Niger-Congo spoken languages which include languages such as Igbo, Yoruba, Fulani, Akan, and Wolof, are the most influential in the area and have the largest ethnic groups as well.

West Africa is, no doubt, a very significant part of Africa, and it is a sad thing when one learns of the fact that a good number of its people and strangers alike, do not have concrete knowledge of it, as they ideally should.


Some Important Facts about Africa you most likely didn’t know

  1. For thousands of years, the Kingdom of Ghana/Wagadugu/Ghanata was one of the most powerful empires in Africa. In the 7th century to the 13th century, this empire was notable for being one of the first among the great trading empires at the time. It was located in an area that lay between Sahara and the headwaters of rivers Senegal and Niger. This empire, at the time being spoken of in this article, was more developed than any European country could have boasted to be at the time.
  2. The ancient Sub-Saharan civilization, the Nok civilization is considered by most, to be one of the most advanced ever in the history of Africa. This civilization, based on research, was mostly concentrated in the West African country known as Nigeria and began at about 1500 BC. Some of the very earliest Terracotta and Iron smelting agriculture was produced by this civilization. Around the year 200 AD, the Nok civilization disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
  3. The 14th Century King Mansa Musa is known as the richest human being in all of mankind’s long history. He ruled Mali and amassed his staggering wealth via the means of exploiting the Salt and gold production in Mali.
  4. West Africa is known to be more culturally diverse than the entire continent of Asia, based on the varying number of languages, spoken in its member countries as well as their traditions and culture.
  5. The West African country, Liberia, was the first African country to gain her independence.
  6. The Islamic empire in the nation of Nigeria is known as the Sokoto Caliphate. It is led by the Sultan of Sokoto and was founded in the early 19th century, during the time of the Fulani Jihad.

There are more interesting facts about West Africa, owing to the rich history of the region and it would be a great disservice for one born in the area to not at least be well versed with some of these facts.



The other countries in West Africa may also use English as a language but their official languages are usually French, Portuguese and Arabic as well.

Tags: List of English Speaking Countries In West Africa, Anglophone Countries In West Africa

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