When talking about Climate, you should know that there are several types of climate in Nigeria. The Nigerian weather is quite different, located in the tropical region that means it can be very humid and damp, the weather you will see in Nigeria depends on where you are at that moment. You should know that Nigeria comprises of 36 states and each state comes with a different type of climatic region. The Northern part of Nigeria is mostly tagged as very hot and dry while the Southern part has most rainfall in Nigeria. We will be giving you exciting details about the types of climate in Nigeria and every other thing which you need to know.

Types Of Climate In Nigeria

We have talked about Nigeria having different climates and how it will take some time for all of these kinds of climate to come into place since it’s a large country. Nigeria has the equatorial monsoon, Sahel Climate, Wet Climate and others which will be talked about briefly below and we will make you understand every one of them and when they occur.

Types Of Climate In Nigeria & Their Climatic Zones 

 S/N  Climate Type   Climatic Zones
 1.  Tropical Dry or Sahel Climate  Northern Part Of Nigeria
 2.  Equatorial Moonsoon  Southern Part Of Nigeria
 3.  Alpine or Highland Climate  Areas of 1,52om above sea level
 4.  Savannah Climate  Central Part Of Nigeria (Abuja)

Details on all the climatic zones in Nigeria.

  • Dry Climate Or Sahel

When you talk about the dry climate or the Sahel climate, this is the type of climate that you see in the Northern part of Nigeria; this climate temperature is nothing to write home about, the weather by this time is not forgiving. From the month of June to September is when you have rainfall which will help in cooling up the place and making it looks wet a bit, after the raining season in Nigeria, the northern region goes back to being hot and the Celsius can go about being high as 40 Celsius, this is why many Northern are very black because of the sun it’s too hot and it’s not good for the skin.

  • Equatorial Moonsoon

Another name for the equatorial monsoon is the tropical rainforest and this kind of climate can be found in the Southern part of Nigeria. This is influenced by the South Atlantic Ocean which has a positive impact more in the city of Warri. There is a high amount of rainfall in the Southern part of Nigeria and you are being advised to check the weather if you want to come visiting that region at that time of the year.

  • Alpine Climate

The Alpine Climate is one of the very best, these are areas in the country that are above sea level. Areas like this, the temperature is very low than what you will find in any other part of Nigeria, but the fact that it is in the tropics makes it feels like tropical weather. The higher the elevation, the cooler the temperature will get and the average temperature drop is about 10 degrees Celsius.

  • Savannah Climate

The Savannah climate is a popular type of climate in Nigeria. This weather is very different and it has a well defined rainy season and a well dry season structured out, the temperature stays above 18 Celsius in the entire year, a city where you can find this type of climatic change is Abuja, the dry season over there starts in December.


Climate is the long term average weather and this is typically averaged over a period of 30 years. The climate of a location is determined by the altitude, latitude, and terrain. Climate change is occurring and it is caused mostly by human activities, like in terms of heat you should know that earth temperature goes down and go up yearly but for the past few years it has gone up more than what it’s used to be and this has been quite alarming because of the speedy rate this took place. The heat kept breaking a record every year and it kept increasing at a rapid rate and this has affected a lot of change in the atmosphere and this has kept happening because of we humans. Humans contribute to a lot today in our environment and climate changes with lots of burning going on daily which has made heat to be trapped in the air, CO2 which is slowly being trapped with other greenhouse gases which have formed a thick blanket that has trapped heat on the earth’s surface.

Even while in school, many of us have been taught about the greenhouse effects, it’s not like we are not aware, we are very much aware of this but many find it hard to reduce it or even put a stop at it. Humans carry out burning too much and this is slowly burning or tearing down the ozone layer which protects us from intense heat and if it eventually comes to worse then the sun will be heating us up in a short while. Before the effect of all these, it has been seen that Co2 will warm the planet at first but they never knew how bad it will be from tearing up the surface that protects us from intense heat and this is what we are facing right now, if there is a way humans can reduce burning then things will get better and easier for everyone. Now talking about the Arctic, you should know that it has warmed up more than any place of the planet and this is quite threatening because of several species living in the sea and other in that region, the ice cover for the arctic has thinned and shrunk and this poses as a great risk and has many negative effects.

In the year 2003, there was an extraordinary heatwave that killed some people and it was recorded about 70,000 people. Many people are not supposed to die that way but because of the way we have used and filled up the air lots of Co2 and this has done us more harm than god. Floods occur more frequently killing people and us humans are very much responsible for this. Global warming adds moisture to the air removing it from land and Oceans, many animals and plants are now becoming extinct some are leaving places that are now too hot for them and going into other regions which is not supposed to be so and this will have lots of negative effects. Ice is now being melted and some species of animals that stay on the icy part are now being forced to leave, making things difficult for them and forcing them to adapt to a system that they are not used to. We will be talking about the types of climate in Nigeria now, so just read below.

In conclusion, we have given you information about the types of climate in Nigeria and there have been lots of changes over the past few years. The man keeps destroying the ozone layer through lots of burning which is being carried out on a daily basis, we hope you find this article useful and it has answered lots of your questions.


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