CBN Exchange Rate: Check All Cbn Nigeria Exchange Rate Dollar To Naira Today ( Euro, Pounds, Yen, CFA, …)

Knowing the current CBN exchange rate is crucial to some particular business setup and NaijaQuest is here to assist with a freshly updated page for CBN Nigeria exchange rate. Hope you know that the Central Bank of Nigeria recently introduced a new forex policy to help add confidence to the market and eventually normalize the foreign exchange rate.

Below are the CBN Exchange Rate / CBN Nigeria Exchange Rate Today November for US dollars, Pounds Sterling, Euro, Swiss franc, Yen, CFA, WAUA, Riyal, Danish Krona and SDR :

Central Bank Of Nigeria

CBN exchange rate dollar to naira { USD to Naira }

  • Buy: 379
  • Sell: 380

CBN Pounds To Naira Exchange Rate { GBP € }

  • Buy: 507.1778
  • Sell: 508.516

CBN Euro To Naira exchange rate { Eur £ }

  • Buy: 460.9019
  • Sell: 462.118

CBN exchange rate Swiss franc to Naira

  • Buy: 427.7652
  • Sell: 428.8939

CBN Exchange Rate Yen to Naira { Yen ¥ }

  • Buy: 3.646
  • Sell: 3.6556

Cbn CFA exchange rate { Xof }

  • Buy: 0.6836
  • Sell: 0.7036

exchange rate Waua to Naira

  • Buy: 544.5196
  • Sell: 545.9563

Cbn exchange rate Riyal to Naira

  • Buy: 101.0316
  • Sell: 101.2982

exchange rate Danish Krona to Naira

  • Buy: 61.9038
  • Sell: 62.0672

Sdr to Naira exchange rate

  • Buy: 545.2294
  • Sell: 546.668

South African Rand

  • Buy: 25.3188
  • Sell: 25.3856

exchange rate Yuan / Renminbi to Naira

  • Buy: 57.8785
  • Sell: 58.0321

As the federal government of Nigeria keeps looking for effective means of reducing the pressure on dollars in order to revert the negative trend Nigerian currency exchange rate. All fingers are crossed, hoping God intervene.


The Central Bank of Nigeria, where lots of activities concerning the monetary system take place in the country. They are responsible for external reserves of the country, promote monetary stability and a sound financial environment, and also to add as a banker of last resort and financial adviser to the Federal government.

CBN Dollar To Naira

The central bank soon became involved in lending directly to consumers which makes it’s contravening its original intentions to work through commercial banks in activities which involves consumer lending.

Below, let’s take a look at a brief history of the central bank and also some amazing facts.

In the year 1948, an inquiry under the leadership of G.D Paton was established by the colonial administration to investigate banking practices in the country Nigeria. After much trial and error in some banking system, in 1958, a bill for the central bank of Nigeria was presented to the House of representatives of Nigeria.

On July 1, 1959, the Central bank came into full operation, in the month of April, the bank issued its first treasury bills. During May 1961, the bank launched the Lagos bankers clearing house which provided licensed banks a framework in which to exchange and also clear checks rapidly.

The main function of the Central Bank was to act as the government agency for control and supervision of the banking sector to monitor the balance of payments according to the demands of the Federal government and also to tailor monetary policy along the demands of the Federal government.

Below are some facts you should know about the Central Bank of Nigeria.

  1. In 1991, the Bank’s and other financial institutions Act (BOFIA) formerly BOFI was promulgated to replace the CBN Act of 1958 and the Banking decree of 1956. This policy brought the non-bank financial intermediaries under the supervision of Central Bank of Nigeria.
  2. The earliest known bank of issue is the Riksbank of Sweden (1656). The Central bank of Nigeria began operations in Nigeria in 1959.
  3. The first development stock was issued in 1946, Central Bank of Nigeria was responsible for issuing stocks, the Nigerian stock exchange was set up in 1961to take over transactions in the stocks.
  4. The Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme was established in 1977. This was done under the management of the Central Bank of Nigeria. This scheme was designed to encourage banks to increase lending to the agricultural sector by providing a guarantee against inherent risks.
  5. Nigeria joined the International Monetary funds in 1961, which now has 184 members with its headquarters in Washington D.C, USA. This was to promote the health of the world economy.
  6. The federal Ministry of Finance advises the federal government and also collaborates with the Central Bank of Nigeria on monetary matters. The responsibility for the supervision and licensing of banks was shared between FMF and CBN until 1991 when CBN became the sole authority.
  7. The National Planning Commission was brought up to help alleviate or curb the menace of the poverty in Nigeria and also bringing it to the lowest minimum.
  8. The London club of creditors; these are mainly uninsured and unguaranteed debts extended by commercial banks to nationals of debtor nations. Members of these clubs are commercial banks mainly in industrialized countries. The first meeting was held in 1976.
  9. The Paris club of creditors which includes members of the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Canada, they guarantee the export activities of their nationals. This set up takes place when the government of a national government cannot pay the equivalent of the imports domestic currency cover.
  10. Operation Feed the Nation was introduced by the Federal Government.  It has the aim of increasing food production on the premise that the availability of cheap food will increase a higher nutrition level.

These are some facts about the Central Bank and also some events which took place.

There you have it on CBN Exchange Rate Dollar To Naira: Check All Cbn Nigeria Exchange Rate Today 2019″, share your thoughts and suggestions with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or follow us on twitter @ Thanks

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Tags: central bank of Nigeria federal, CBN exchange rate dollar to naira, April

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