The best beaches in Lagos may depend on perspective; some are lively and full of party-goers who love the rowdy atmosphere, while others are quieter and allow for some sober reflection, some quiet time, or some romantic moments between lovers. Therefore, the most appropriate beaches will largely depend on what exactly you are looking for.

Nevertheless, a good beach should offer safety; beach-goers should be safe on land and also in the water; therefore the beach should not have thieves running around and harassing people or stealing their belongings. There should also be some safety protocols, and people on hand to prevent any sad occurrences.

The best beaches in Lagos usually have entrance fees with which they are maintained.

Top 10 Best Beaches In Lagos

1.  Tarkwa Bay

Tarkwa bay is a small island, about 25 minutes away from Lagos Island. You would need to use speed boats, or other water vessels to get there, but the journey would be well worth it.

The Tarkwa Bay beach is sheltered artificially along Lagos Harbor, so there are no violent waves, or booms and crashes. The water is quite friendly, and people like to swim in it.

The waterfront is usually moderately populated; there are plenty of people; but the beach is not usually crowded. Aside from playing in the water, there are other activities such as horse riding to speed boat riding and even beach volleyball.

The local community is friendly, so you can chat with people, visit the market, eat fresh seafood at the restaurants, and just stroll around.

2.  Elegushi Beach

The Elegushi Beach is a private beach owned by the Elegushi royal family of Lekki. For one thing, it is safe and secure. The beach is well looked after; thoroughly cleansed, and sometimes musicians are invited to thrill the crowds. This is regarded as the best private beach in Nigeria, and it is certainly one of the most visited.

Elegushi beach offers one a chance to run around in the sand or soak in the water. Many people like to swim in the waters, and then there are the normal beach activities including horse-riding and ball games. On weekdays Elegushi beach is not usually crowded, so it is a great place to just relax and enjoy quality time with loved ones.

3. Oniru Private Beach

Oniru Private Beach is one of the best in Nigeria; it has vast open space, and there are various fun activities that one can engage in while at the beach. One can engage in horseback riding and there are swings installed on the beach. Furthermore, other sports such as speedboat riding and ball sports are available.

Oniru Private Beach is one of the beaches that appeal to the more refined people such as professionals and working-class people. The beach is safe and secure, and a great place to hang out with loved ones. Interesting enough; Oniru Private Beach is not particularly expensive. In fact it is one of the least expensive in that category of beaches.

4.  Landmark Beach

Landmark Beach is located on Victoria Island, so it is a place for the high and mighty. But it is more than just a beach; it is a resort center; a place of relaxation, quiet, and serenity.

Landmark Beach is lined with comfortable seats and thatched huts. There is even a fountain around which people sit to talk and smile and enjoy each other’s company.

If you choose to visit Landmark Beach you should keep in mind that it is a place of quiet enjoyment. It is ideal for mature people, and for upper-class people. If you want a place with a party atmosphere then you should try the other beaches.

At Landmark Beach, food and drinks are available at affordable prices, although there are also expensive drinks and cocktails.

5. Ilashe Beach

Ilashe Private Beach Resort is located on Snake Island, off the Lagos coast, going towards Badagry Creek. You will need to travel there by boat, but it is worth it. This is a luxurious getaway island; it has a wide coastline, with plenty of space to do nothing but lay down on the beach and relax.

It has multiple private lodges where people can stay for as long as they like. It’s a great place for couples on their honeymoon, and also for those who just want to get away for a few days so as to recuperate. However, such luxury is not cheap; Ilashe Beach Resort is for those who can afford it.

6.  Kuramo Beach

Kuramo Beach Lagos has gone down the rankings somewhat; it used to be a widely popular hangout spot. A few years ago, popular musicians used to perform shows at this beach every year.

While there are still music performances at Kuramo Beach every now and then, it is more or less a relaxation center that is more suitable for young people who want to party.

At Kuramo Beach one can enjoy family-friendly activities like horse-riding, volleyball, and swimming.

7. Eleko Beach

Eleko Beach Lagos is one of the best beaches in Lagos at the moment; it is a small island, just about 30 miles away from the Island of Lagos. This is a rowdy beach full of happy people dancing to the sound of music; they travel by boat to get there, and they usually come for some serious fun.

Eleko beach features plenty of fun activities including surfing, horseback riding, beach volleyball, and so on. It is a very secure place, and open to people of all economic levels. That means it is not only rich people that visit Eleko Beach; people of all classes come in to have great fun together.

8.  Redline Leisure Beach Resorts, Ajah

Situated along the Lekki Epe expressway, Redline Beach is the beach is a very serene place to relax and enjoy oneself with friends and family. The beach is known to be very neat; even when packed full, you would hardly ever see refuse littered about.

It is designed to appeal to expatriates, which is why they made a point to hire courteous staff that are very polite, and that communicate very well.

9. Atican Beach

Atican Beach is also located in Lekki, Along the Expressway. This is a very nice beach in a very calm area; on weekdays it is very cool, and one can just sit there with family and friends, reading books, or chatting.

On weekends there are more people, but the place is not typically rowdy and noisy; it is a very calm beach. Horse riding, swimming, and volleyball are some of the activities that one can enjoy at this beach.

Food and drinks are also available at Atican Beach. The cuisine available are many and varied.

10. Suntan Beach

Suntan Beach is located in the Badagry area of Lagos; it is actually after the Badagry town, heading towards the border with the Benin Republic. The beach is accessible by boat or by road. Suntan Beach is a nice place to hang out with friends and family; there are huts all over the place.

Horse riding, ball games, and so on are some of the things that one can do at Suntan Beach, and there is plenty of food and drinks. There are barbecue fish and chicken kebab, and many other delicacies.


On the best public and private beaches in Lagos – Lagos is obviously one of the most popular and influential States in Nigeria, as it can boast of various important things which some other Nigerian States don’t have. One of the things Lagos can boast of is that it has a handful of beaches – both private and public beaches.

Lagos is a stressful place no doubt, but then, there are also lots of relaxation centers for Lagosians. The numerous beaches are utilized by Lagosians to relax with their loved ones and to enjoy quiet time without disturbance. These beaches are also cool for corporate retreats and team bonding stuff. Some people also visit the beaches for personal reflection and to keep them away from the constant noise of the city.

So, perhaps you are seeking a nice place to spend the weekend, or you desire to have some nice time to enjoy the fresh breeze from the ocean, you can head towards of the best beaches in Lagos.

Just as we have stated earlier, there are various beaches scattered around Lagos. Some are public, and some are actually private; so, it’s up to you to decide which to settle for.

Since there are quite many of them, then we have helped assembled some of the most popular ones that you can decide to settle for. Therefore, you can simply pick the ones you like (or the ones close to your locality), and head there to have a nice time.


In conclusion, Lagos State has a handful of beaches that are superb. However, the ones in this list fell in the category of the “best beaches in Lagos” for various reasons, including how they are being neatly kept. You can plan to visit any of them any time soon to relax with your family and loved ones. You know, one of the common things about Lagosians is their love for work. But let us know the importance of relaxing the body every now and then, to avoid breaking down unpleasantly.