There are various types of mosquitoes found all throughout Nigeria, including all parts of the country. They are an inconvenience to most as a result of the marks and disease mosquito bites leave behind, yet they can as well cause risk of life. However, mosquitoes are regularly portrayed as the deadliest creature on the planet because of the diseases they transmit to their victims. As indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), mosquito bites have killed more than 1 million people consistently – most of these victims are killed by fever.

Here we have listed out the kinds of mosquitoes that are found in Nigeria. 

Types Of Mosquitoes In Nigeria 

Aedes Mosquito

  •  Aedes 

This variety of mosquito was initially found in tropical territories, yet have since been seen everywhere in Nigeria. Aedes mosquitoes are known for viral diseases like dengue, West Nile, chikungunya, malaria, and some other diseases. The two most regular species are the Aedes albopictus (also known as Asian Tiger Mosquito) and the Aedes aegypti (also known as Yellow Fever Mosquito). 

The two species are mostly found in various parts of rural areas in Nigeria. 

Female Anopheles

  •  Anopheles 

Also called Marsh mosquitoes, this kind has around 460 unique species. The most common species is the Anopheles gambiae, which is notable for spreading malaria. Mosquitoes is the number two reason for death on the planet and kills hundreds of millions of people globally which Nigeria is not an exception. 

Culex Mosquito

  •  Culex 

Also called the House mosquito, the Culex kind contains a few animal groups that are vectors of West Nile, encephalitis, and Rift Valley fever to give some examples. They are found in Nigeria and are the most widely recognized mosquito found in most Nigerian urban-rural areas.

  • Culiseta 

The Culiseta family have adjusted to the cold, and are found in Nigeria except in developed cities like Lagos and Abuja. Most species generally bites birds and animals, and their hatchlings are commonly found in lakes, streams, dumps, and rock pools. 

Mansonia Mosquitoes

  • Mansonia 

These mosquitoes are bigger than other kinds of mosquitoes in the country and are dark with shining wings and legs. They’re found in many rural parts of the country and are known to transmit encephalitis. Mansonia mosquitoes prefer biting in the evening.

  •  Psorthe ophora 

Psorophora mosquitoes vary in size, they vary in different sizes. They’re found in tropical territories of the eastern part of the country and are vectors for Ilheus infection and encephalitis. They are alluded to as water mosquitoes since they like laying their eggs on as the water.

  •  Toxorhyncites 

Also called the Elephant mosquito, this family doesn’t feed on blood. Like their male partners, the females feed on plant nectar and don’t cause harm to people. Curiously, their hatchlings are like that of other types of mosquitoes.

  •  Wyeomyia 

Commonly found in rural parts of Nigeria, this type isn’t known to carry disease, so they don’t cause harm to people. There are 140 known species and they are commonly found in blossoms, bamboo, tree openings, and holders.

What does a mosquito look like? 

Mosquitoes are very small little insects, around 1/8 – 3/8″ long as shown in the images above. They have six legs and long mouthparts called a proboscis. Their colour differs from brown to dark with some having white color, green or blue markings. Exclusively, mosquitoes are very hard to detect where they are, as they fly on account of their little size and because they mostly operate at night.

Do mosquitoes just benefit from blood? 

Just female mosquitoes bite and feed on people. They need a blood meal so as to lay fertile eggs. Most types of female mosquitoes breed constantly, so a female will search for a blood supper roughly every two to three days so as to lay another clump of eggs. However, both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar from source as their primary source of feeding.

How should I prevent mosquito bites? 

Most nations have a mosquito reduction program set up to limit the neighborhood populace and help keep the public safe, although, it seems like Nigeria is an exception this. These programs ordinarily include catching mosquitoes in various territories and testing them for known pathogens. This helps regulate the spread of fevers and caution people in general of dangers in the zone. 

  • Most types of mosquitoes bite around dusk and dawn, so avoiding going outside at those times will reduce the probability of getting a bite.
  • If you’re outside and basically in rural and rural-urban areas, wear long sleeves, long pants,  insect repellent to protect skin from mosquitoes. 
  • If you’re outside for a small meeting or gathering, you should on your fan to also reduce mosquitoes, as their wings are not strong.
  • Use a treated mosquito net over the bed if your sleeping room isn’t air-conditioned or screened for extra protection, treat the mosquito net with the pesticide permethrin.
  • Spray a pesticide and insecticide or repellent on wears, as mosquitoes might bite through skinny wears.
  • Spray pyrethrin or a similar insecticide in your sleeping room before attending.

Signs and Symptoms of Malaria 

The sign of malaria is fever. At first, side effects may emulate this season’s flu virus. A fever might be joined by shaking chills and muscle hurts.

How Do I Know Whether I Have Malaria? 

Malaria is diagnosed from a blood smear when the parasite is seen under the microscopic lens. Different tests are accessible, however, microscopy remains the king of diagnosing. Malaria is treated with explicit prescriptions. Oral drugs are generally used, aside from in serious cases.

Serious cases may cause organ failure or death. Travelers are substantially more exposed to serious malaria than residents of Nigeria where mosquitoes are available; travelers are unlikely to have the immunity that secures residents who are familiar with mosquitoes.

Malaria Treatment 

Malaria is treated with the doctor prescribed medications. Traveler medications and the length of treatment vary depending on: 

  • which kind of symptoms parasite you have deposited on the victim 
  • how severe the symptom is
  • the victim’s age 
  • whether you’re pregnant.

Mosquitoes should be avoided by all means to avoid deaths in the country, that’s all on the types of mosquitoes in Nigeria.


Tag: Types Of Mosquitoes In Nigeria.

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