List of the types of leave in Civil Service In Nigeria. The civil service is well known for its “human side”, in that, it isn’t just concerned about ensuring employees keeps bringing results (especially as regards profit), but that their well-being should be catered for continually.

So, going on leave is a right you have as an employee. Nevertheless, unfortunately, while many private firms don’t regard these things, the civil service is compelled to adhere (which is one of the advantages civil servants have). 

Although they can vary from one co-operation to another and from state to state, here are the most popular types of leave available:

Types Of Leave In Civil Service In Nigeria

  • – Sick leave
  • – Maternity and Paternity Leave
  • – Leave of absence 
  • – Annual leave

Details on the types of leave in civil service in Nigeria.

  • Sick Leave 

When a civil servant is battling with an illness, such is entitled to a maximum of twelve working days of paid sick leave. It must be noted that before it can be granted, the sickness must be first certified by the registered medical practitioner. 

Sick leave, according to the labour law, is meant to be a fully paid leave. It should be calculated as the employee’s basic wage which is exclusive of overtime pay as well as other allowances. Additionally, the civil servant gets checked by a qualified medical practitioner, and when the worker is insured, there are certain medical benefits such is entitled to (including specialist consultations, ophthalmological services, and so on and so forth). 

As far as sick leave is concerned, the job security remains strong, as the employment of the employee remains secure during the 12 days of paid sick leave. Anyone can fall sick at any point in time (we are all humans), and it should not be the reason for someone to lose their job (neither should any civil servant should compel to work being sick just for the fear of losing their job). 

  • Maternity and Paternity Leave

According to the Labour Law, all-female civil servants are entitled to at least 12 weeks maternity leave with full pay. As for the paternity leave which deals with men (fathers), it isn’t currently recognized by our own Labour Law. Nevertheless, in a state like Lagos, civil servants are entitled to 10 days’ paternity leave within the first two months of the birth of their child. 

  • Leave of Absence 

There are times when an employee might have some very good reason to be away from work for a few days without planning beforehand. At such times, they can demand a leave of absence. It should be noted that before the boss can get it approved, the employee is expected to state vital information such as the reason they intend to go on leave (which must be a very good reason) and how long they will be staying away from the office. 

  • Annual Leave 

This is the number of days civil servants are allowed to be away from office within a year’s time without issues. The employer has been compelled, by the Labour Law, to ensure that they pay for this period, as it is a right of the employee (which they can choose to activate at any time they desire). One of the interesting things about the annual leave is that it occasionally attracts some allowances. Nevertheless, the issue that usually comes up often time has to do with the duration and the entitled allowances.

Although it is a right, there are still some terms and conditions involved. For instance, it is not allowed to activate leave allowance and duration beyond 6 days on employers. That is what the labour law highlighted (and civil servants are expected to be aware of these things beforehand). As touching the amount of money that an employee is entitled to when they go on annual leave, there are different patterns being embraced and subscribed to by different co-operations. 

Working For Government

There are various reasons why many Nigerians prioritize working for the government even above working for some private coys that are ready to pay them hugely. It is natural for people to consider their well-being too. To many Nigerians, what is the use of working as an elephant continually without an appropriate time to live life without losing? No one desires situations where they have to work tirelessly without consideration for their well-being. 

About the issue of leave, it is actually something that all employees are entitled to, and it is really for various good reasons. Some of them are made to ensure they fulfill their obligations a mother, a father, a parent, the child of someone, etc. Some are meant to allow workers to rejuvenate from a long period of work. 

Notice that we said, “entitled”. It is because some of these leave (particularly annual leave) has been mandated by Labour Laws which is not limited to Nigeria (it is a worldwide affair). In fact, for such a leave, there are amounts of money that should be paid to workers (which are agreed beforehand). 

Here is what a part of the Nigerian Labour Law states:

  1. Every worker shall be entitled after twelve months’ continuous service to a holiday with full pay of-
  2. a) At least six working days; or
  3. b) In the case of a person under the age of sixteen years (including an apprentice), at least 12 working days.
  4. The holiday mentioned in subsection (1) of this section may be deferred by agreement between the employer and the worker: Provided that the holiday-earning period shall not thereby be increased beyond 24 months’ continuous service.
  5. It shall be unlawful for any employer to pay wages in lieu of the holiday mentioned in subsection (1) of this section to a worker whose contract has not been terminated.
  6. A person who ceases to be employed after having completed-
  7. a) Less than twelve but not less than six months in the continuous employment of an employer; or
  8. b) Not less than six months in the continuous employment of an employer since he last qualified for a holiday under subsection (1) of this section, shall be paid with respect to that period of employment an amount bearing the same proportion to full pay for one week at his normal rate as that period bears to twelve months.

That’s all about the Types Of Leave In Civil Service In Nigeria.
