Civil Society can be said to be made up of the community of citizens linked by common interests and bonded by collective action. So, what are the problems of civil society in Nigeria? This society is a non-governmental organization that checks the activity of the nation; so as to ensure that the policy of the government is of good interest to the members of the society.

For Nigeria to experience a healthy and effective democratic system, the need for an efficient civil society must come into place.


  • Nigeria Labour Congress
  • Oodua Peoples Congress
  • PANDEF – Pan Niger Delta Forum
  • Arewa People’s Congress
  • Ohanaeze Ndigbo
  • Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta

Though there is a presence of different civil societies in Nigeria, these societies are becoming less productive to Nigerian citizens. They have so far done little in the development of the country.

There are some problems faced by this civil society that have hindered them from being effective.

This in this article, we shall be exposing you to these problems of civil societies in Nigeria and seeking possible solutions to counter these problems.


  • 1. Political Instability

One big issue affecting Civil society in Nigeria is political instability in addition to the frequent change of government. This is also accompanied by inconsistent policies. All these affect the development and growth of civil society.

  • 2. Lack Of Proper Awareness By Nigerian Citizens.

Most Nigerian are ignorant of the presence of these societies and some do not know the value of this organization. This has therefore hindered the national spread of this society’s goals and objectives, so as to receive support from every Nigerian citizen.

  • 3. Political Illiteracy Of Nigerians

The political illiteracy of Nigerians has affected the way Nigerians accept this civil society. Nigerians, especially those in the rural setting have low or no education in the political system of Nigeria. Thus, they have been unable to use this civil society as a proper vehicle to pressure the government.

Problems & Examples Of Civil Society In Nigeria And Solutions

  • 4. Lack Of Unity

There has been a long-standing problem of division among civil societies. In communicating with the government about their interests, there have always been disagreements among Nigerian Civil society practitioners. These disagreements can be either a clash of interest between two civil societies or within a single society. Due to this inability to create a common ground, they thereby create a loophole for the government to play them.

  • 5. Inadequate Funding

Most civil societies suffer a lack of funding so that they can pursue their interests. Research has shown that due donor has ignored Civil society due to the deficiency in the proper organization. Also, this has made these societies shift their focus from pressuring the government to do what is right, to seeking funds from local and foreign donors. Some have even become a slave to the government and thus can no longer rise up against the government when the right things are not done.

  • 6. Lack Of Internal Democracy And Other Skills

This is a notable problem because members of these civil societies are unable to learn democratic norms and values. As a result, they are unable to teach the Nigerian citizens. They also lack important skills like advocacy and organization. These skills are required to be able to have an effective conversation with the government.

  • 7. Corruption And Personal Enrichment

There have been a lot of corruption accusations in many civil societies. They range from embezzlement and conversion of funds to personal accounts, to lack of transparency by these civil societies. Thus, has caused moral weakness in these societies to allow fruitful engagement with the government.

  • 8. Involvement In Partisan Politics

Some of the members of these civil societies are involved in partisan politics. Those are the same members that are checking the government and fighting the government when there is a wrong policy in place. These members are in political posts in the country. Thus, it is hard to criticize the government properly and effectively when they err in their duties and responsibilities.

Probable Solutions To The Problems Of Civil Societies In Nigeria

  • 1. Proper Organization By The Civil Society

When a society is well organized, it is easy to pursue and attain its aims and objectives. A well-organized society attracts donors that will contribute to their financial resources. It is difficult for the government to easily corrupt a civil society that is well organized. Also, the clash of interest is rare to happen in an organized society.

From all these reasons about you can see why it is so important for every civil society to be well organized.

  • 2. Proper Nation-Wide Awareness.

Citizens of Nigeria, especially in the rural part of the country need to be aware of the presence of these societies. This is very important, as such will boost up the membership in different parts of the country. As we all know that there is strength in numbers, these societies need to have enough members to be able to carry out their mission.

  • 3. Proper Political Education.

It is one thing to have enough members to pursue the mission of the society. But one important thing is to educate these members about proper politics. Political education is very paramount to each member of the Civil society, so that they may not be easily swayed by the government.

  • 4. Common Interests.

This is very important so as not to cause a clash among members of society. Every civil society should only include members that have a common interest. This will help in the development of such a society and enhance the pursuance of their vision and mission. This will foster unity and also block loopholes in which the government will want to use to undermine their activities.



In conclusion, we have seen the importance of Civil society in Nigeria and the role they play in the development of our country.

Though there is the presence of civil society in Nigeria, their impact is not so felt. This is due to some problems. Thus, we have gone through these problems we analyzed them and listed possible solutions in order to fix these problems.