Because of the increase in the number of investments by the millionaires and billionaires Zimbabwe, there has been a quite development in the economic situation of the country. But who are the richest men in Zimbabwe and how much do they worth?

An updated list of the richest men in Zimbabwe. Even though Zimbabwe’s poverty and the unemployment rate rose to a staggering 94% in 2008, amidst the worst economic and political crisis in the country’s history, it is not all gloom and doom. Zimbabwe boasts an array of capable minds, captains of industry, taking the lead in righting the economic ship that is Zimbabwe.

These men, through their unique vision and outstanding management skills, have built empires that benefit not just themselves but the nation at large. They provide services that add value, that provide jobs, and that put Zimbabwe on the economic map. Furthermore, they attract foreign exchange into the country through their commercial activities, which is a major boost to the economic state of Zimbabwe.

Let us now highlight these men of foresight and daring, men who can stand their ground anywhere in the world, but who Zimbabwe is lucky to have. We now give you the Top 10 Richest Men in Zimbabwe.

Top 10 Richest Men In Zimbabwe

1. Strive Masiyiwa

  • Net worth: Estimated US$1.9 Billion
  • Industry: Telecommunications Systems

Occupying the first position in the list of richest men in Zimbabwe, Strive Masiyiwa, the founder as well as executive chairman of the Econet Group. Which has grown into a diversified telecommunications group, with operations all over the world? The company has investments in Africa, Europe, South America, North America, and East Asia Pacific Rim. Strive Masiyiwa holdings are about 50% of the mobile telephone company.

Strive Masiyiwa is a well known creative individual in Zimbabwe. He became so famous when he protracted government opposition in order for him to launch Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, a private mobile phone network in 1998. In addition, he is also the owner of 52% of Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, which is part of his larger Econet Group which has its headquarter in Mauritius. In addition to his wealth, he also owns 50% of blue chips liquid Telecom Group and Cassava Smartech. The company is known for providing fibre optics and satellite services to numerous telecommunication firms across Africa. Being a major investor, he also has numerous investments in Fintech, Water, and Power distribution firms in the continent. Currently. He is among the wealthiest men in Africa and the World respectively. 

2. Zed Koudounaris

  • Net worth: Estimated US$1 Billion
  • Industry: Restaurant Business

Another entrepreneur known for harnessing numerous wealth is Zed Kuodounaris. He is among the founder of Innscor Africa Limited together with Fowler in 1997. Additionally, both of them own a major share in other Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed companies in Axia Holdings, Simbisa Brands, National Foods, Padenga, and Colcom. Their company, Innscor, is also known for having interests in Profeeds, Profeeds, ProBrands, NatPak, and Irvines. Because of the high performance of the company, it is considered one of the most successful conglomerates in Zimbabwe. Other areas of interest of Zed Kuodounaris are real estate, farming, mining, and tourism. 

3. Micheal Fowler

  • Net worth: Estimated US$900 million
  • Industry: consumer goods

Now we land at Michael Fowler whose name has been mentioned earlier in this post. He is the co-founder of Innscor Africa Limited which started as a chicken shop but has now grown into a large manufacturing company which also deals with many different type f FMCG Company.

Because of the enormous commitment of the two magnates to the development of their company, Innoscor is one of the most successful conglomerates in Zimbabwe. This business has also expanded, gaining a firm foothold not only in Africa but also globally. He is worth over 900 million dollars.  

4. Billy Rautenbach

  • Net worth: Estimated US$740 million
  • Industry: Mining, Car Manufacturing, Agriculture

Billy Conrad is a well-known businessman in Zimbabwe. In fact, he is also known as the Napoleon of Africa. He was given the name because of his fast-growing business empire expanding to over twelve (12) countries in Africa including Zimbabwe, South Africa, DRC, Angola, Mozambique, and others.

Most of Billy’s business ventures include car manufacturing, farming, wildlife safaris, cobalt, and diamond mining (through Central African Mining and Exploration Company) and trucking. Given birth to in 1959, he took over the family’s business known as Wheels of Africa. Since he took over, he has turned the company into one of the largest trucking companies in Africa. His involvement in the Green Fuel Chisumbanje plant, which is an eco-project that has created more jobs in Zimbabwe over the last ten years, is considered as his major achievement. He is believed to be the brain behind the diamond, petrol, and gold cartel in Zimbabwe. He also has numerous links with top politicians in the country.

Billy Rautenbach’s business interests include selling trucks, mining of gold and diamonds, car manufacturing, and agriculture. He is also known to be involved in rendering financial services to a few select individuals in Zimbabwe and outside the country as well. He is a well-respected businessman, employing thousands of people in Zimbabwe through his numerous business ventures.

5. Nicholas Van Hoogstraten

  • Net worth: Estimated US$750 million
  • Industry: Diamond Mining, property development

Even though Nicholas Van Hoogstraten was born in England he has spent many years in Zimbabwe and In a naturalized citizen. He has an eye for business and started selling stamps since the age f 11. HE had a brief stint in the Merchant Navy but left after only a year.

Given birth to in England in 1945, Nicholas started his career as a businessman at the age of 11 selling stamps from personal collections to noted collectors. Six years later, he joined the merchant navy for only a single year. Afterward, he founded his property business at such a very young age. He was the youngest millionaire of Britain at the age of 28. Then, he moved to Zimbabwe and owns numerous businesses and over 1600 square miles of land. He is also a major investor. In addition, he also owns numerous diamond mining centers in the DRC. He was very famous for loaning over $10 Million to Mugabe. 

6. Nicholas Rudnick

  • Net Worth: $420 Million
  • Industry: Telecom

Being a lawyer, Nicholas Rudnick is the sixth richest man in Zimbabwe. Given birth to in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, he worked for Kantor and Immerman before moving to the United Kingdom. He is also the founder of Liquid Telecom Group which is known for installing fibre cable connecting countries such as South Africa, Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Tanzania. Since 2004, he has been acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the company. He also serves as the Director of the Econet Wireless group and lives in the United Kingdom.

7. Rob Davenport

  • Net Worth: $400 Million
  • Industry:

Another major investor in the country is Rob Davenport. In fact, it is known that it is because of the major investments that made him occupy the seventh position in the list of richest men in Zimbabwe. He has huge stakes in Tripple C Pigs. The company is also known for being part of Colcom, Zimbabwe Listed Colcom Zimbabwe, SeedCo Zimbabwe, and SeedCo International, and Garfunkels. He and his family also have property interests in Harare.

8. Charles Davy

  • Net Worth: $370 Million

Given birth to in 1952, Charles Davy is the eighth richest man in Zimbabwe and he is known for owning around 1300 square miles of land via Lemco Safaris and HHK Safaris in the country. The Safaris started as businesses of hunting safaris in Zimbabwe. He is also well famous because of his close contact with Robert Mugabe. It is a common belief in Zimbabwe that his hunting business made him a rich man in the late 1990’s. It is also in the record that his businesses provide employment for around 600 black families in the country. His daughter, Chelsy Davy, is the former on-off girlfriend of Britain’s Prince Harry between 2004 and 2011.

9. John Bredenkamp

  • Net Worth: $367 Million
  • Industry: Tobacco Trading, Diamond Mining, sports marketing

Given birth to in South Africa in 1940, John Bredenkamp moved to then Rhodesia when he was a kid. He was the founder of Caselle Group of Companies in 1976. The company was primarily a leaf tobacco merchant company before turning to the fifth tobacco merchant in the world. He sold the company in 1993 and since then, he has spread his tentacles to other business areas including grey-market arms dealing, sports marketing, and property. Today he is a very rich man, with interests in tobacco trading, diamond mining, and sports marketing.

10. John Moxon

  • Net Worth: $300 Million
  • Industry: retailing, banking, farming, and hospitality

John Moxon is well known for being a relative of Thomas Miekles and the founder of Miekles Group of Companies. He also interests in numerous other areas including retailing, banking, farming, and hospitality. He has a considerable amount of stake in Barbours stores which is a local departmental store and ZSE listed Miekles.

Zimbabwe is one of the fast-growing developing countries in the World. This is because of the enormous investments made by the people to the betterment of the country. Most of the millionaires and billionaires in the country are also known for making major investments in the telecommunication sectors. 

Philip Chiyangwa

  • Net worth: Estimated US$ million
  • Industry: Real Estate

The number one man when it comes to money in Zimbabwe Is Philip Chiyangwa. The man has made a serious killing since he jumped into Real Estate and Property Development.  It is said that this far-sighted businessman holds approximately 12 000 hectares of land in the country. The man also has a powerful reputation. He is so well respected that the Zimbabwean Government and the Harare City Council decided to return to him contested land in and around Harare. His companies Ordar Farm and Ordar Housing Development Consortium a conglomerate of 56 companies, houses more than 20 000 families.

Ken Sharpe

  • Net worth: Estimated US$ million
  • Industry: consumer goods

Ken Sharpe comes next on our illustrious list of the richest men in Zimbabwe. He is the brain behind the West Group of companies. He started his venture in 1990 as a confectionery business. That business has grown into a well-established conglomerate. His fortune Is in the region of 690 million dollars. It was providence and not the money that saved him when he met with a near-fatal accident, and got 60 percent f hi brain gapped up in a cavity. He survived the accident and woke up from his coma n hi daughter’s birthday. He has a long way to go at 47 years of age provided he can be more careful he should be around to manage his businesses so that the thousands of people who work in his establishments will have their jobs secure

Sam Levy Family

  • Net worth: Estimated US$ million
  • Industry: Supermarket Chain

Sam Levy died of cancer on the 5th of June 2012. Hi, fortune n falls to his eldest son Sam Levy Jnr. Sam Levi made his fortune through property development. His legacy Is the Sam Levi Village, which is a beautiful and enormous shopping mall in Harare. HE loved to sell and has always been in the supermarket business. He founded the Macey’s Stores Limited, a supermarket chain, in 1960. His fortune is worth over 677 million dollars at the time of his death. His eldest son now has the responsibility of managing his businesses on behalf f his family.

That makes 10 rich and powerful men. But this list would not be complete without a very notable person, one destined for great things in the future.

Shingi Mutasa

  • Net worth: Estimated US$160 million
  • Industry: Construction & Commodity Businesses

Shingi Mutasa is a well established Zimbabwean businessman. He is not only one of the richest men not just in Zimbabwe but in the region as well. He has interests in construction, energy and he also serves on the Boards of a number of companies where his decision-making skills are tapped from. He was born in Zimbabwe on the 26th of November 1958 and is 60 years old. He was fortunate to study abroad at the University of London, although much of what he has achieved seems to come from a natural talent.  Shingi Mutasa turned his family commodity business into a multimillion-dollar venture. He Is also into refined oil marketing, as well as construction and development in Zimbabwe.

Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa

  • Net worth: Estimated US$120 million
  • Industry: Religion/Spirituality

Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa. There is so much to say about Emmanuel Makandiwa, who is the second richest man in Zimbabwe at age 37 years of age. He is a talented speaker, writer, televangelist, and quite a far-sighted businessman.  This man has shifted his focus to lifting the local business landscape in Zimbabwe through motivation, engagement, and mutually beneficial partnerships.

It is believed that Prophet Makandiwa is the chief stake-holder at Radar Holdings (Private) Limited among other multi-million dollar businesses in and outside Zimbabwe.


Closing On The Richest Men In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is one of the countries located in the southern part of Africa. It is a country known for its dramatic landscape and diverse wildlife, much of it within parks, reserves and safari areas.

However, there are numerous other features that set Zimbabwe aside. Some of these features include a high number of millionaires and billionaires. Officially known as the Republic of Zimbabwe, the country is one of the developing countries in Africa.

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