Top Loans For Students In Ghana And Requirements

A list of loans for Students in Ghana and their requirements. Student loans could be accessed from banks, private organizations, the federal government, or other financial institutions. These loans are obtained to finance the cost of tuition, books, and living expenses for post-secondary or higher education. 

There are three forms of student loans: the federal loans funded by the federal government, the private loans funded by lenders, banks, or credit unions, and the consolidation loans from a combination of several parents and student loans from one lender.

One major requirement for applying for student loans in Ghana is that an applicant must apply from his home country. 

Top Loans For Students In Ghana

1. Student Loan Trust fund

Applicant Requirements 

  • You must be a registered student of your school
  • You will be asked  to provide your social security number 
  • Two passport-sized photographs
  • An active telephone number
  • In the same bank, you must have an E-zwich account linked to your own bank account  
  • You must provide one guarantor

Qualification Requirements 

  • Your school must be accredited by the Ghana National Accreditation Board
  • Your course of study must be accredited by NAB
  • You must be Ghanaian schooling and living in Ghana
  • You must be a needy applicant

Guarantor Requirements 

  • Guarantor must not be more than 53 years of age
  • He/She must be a Ghanaian
  • Must be a contributor to the SSNIT scheme and must have been active for 36 months 
  • Must be a guarantor to a sole applicant except in cases where parents guarantee for all their kids
  • Must provide evidence of participation in a recognized religious body



  • Ghanaian students offering approved courses in approved tertiary institutions
  • Valid social security number
  • Three guarantors for loan endorsements
  • An active bank account
  • Endorsement from appropriate authorities in the institution of study
  • Two passport-sized photographs


3. Societe Generale Ghana


  • You must be employed with an evidence of 3 consecutive payslips
  • You must have an active account with Societe Generale


4. HFC Bank


  • It is meant for only graduates
  • You must have an account with HFC bank
  • They must have worked for a year or more with proof of their salaries in their account
  • They must provide proof showing that they have no outstanding debt


5. Bank of Africa Ghana


  • The loan is meant for people who are in employment and are willing to further their education
  • Completely filled application form
  • Applicant must be up to 21 years of age and not up to 58 years old
  • You must have a good record and not blacklisted
  • Two recent photos
  • Proof of salary
  • Proof of employment
  • Proof of address
  • Bills from the institution of study
  • A certified copy of identification card


6. Opportunity International Circle Branch


  • A guarantor is not needed if the money is not more than 1000 Ghanaian cedis


7. ABSA 


  • Completely filled application form
  • You must have an account with Absa
  • You must be in paid employment
  • Your account should have one month’s salary credit or even more
  • National ID card
  • Bank statements for the last 6 months for the non-ABSA account holder
  • Latest payslip for ABSA account holders

Closing On Student Loans In Ghana 

That’s all on the list of top student loans in Ghana and their requirements.


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