Have you ever wondered what this military power is all about?  Do you know there exist clear-cut differences between having an army and having the military strength? Do you wish to know the country that is more powerful in their military strength and the total weights they pull when it comes to military skills and craftiness?

The military power of a Country is a vital determinant of its strength as a country is most defined by its military power. A country without a strong military is open to external attacks from other countries. However, a country with a strong military will have the capability to counter any type of external attack targeted at it.

The United States of America ranks 1st place on the List of Countries by Military power ranking with a power index score of 0.0453, 1,390,000 functional military Personnel, 6,612 tanks, and 11 Aircraft carriers, closely followed by Russia, China, and India.

List Of Countries By Military Power 2023 Ranking

1. The United States of America

The United States of America ranks first with a power index score of 0.0453 and a defense budget of $770 billion. It is a country known to possess one of the powerful and strongest military, a nation with high network intelligence globally.The Active military personnel amounts to 1,390,000, a total aircraft strength of 13,247, 6,612 tanks, 68 Submarines, and 11 Aircraft carriers.

The USA possesses the largest aircraft strength of any other country, top-notch weapon artillery, and the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world.

2. Russia

Russia has a power index score of 0.0501 and a defense budget of $154 billion. The active military personnel of Russia amounts to 850,000 with a total aircraft strength of 4,173, tanks that sum up to 12,240, 70 Submarines, 1 Aircraft carrier, and a Total Aircraft Strength of 4,173. 

Russia is on number two position in the listing of the most powerful militaries globally because it owns the world’s biggest tank fleet, the second-biggest aircraft strength right after the USA, and the third biggest submarine fleet in the world. The country can deploy Soldiers abroad as proved by the deployment of its armed forces to Syria. 

3. China

The People’s Republic of China has a power index score of 0.0511 and a defense budget of $250,240,000,000. China also has active military personnel of 2 million officers, a total aircraft strength of 3,285, tanks that sum up to 5,250, 2 Aircraft carriers, and 79 submarines. 

With active military personnel that comprises 2 million officers, China has the biggest military personnel in the world, the next biggest tank fleet in the world after Russia, and the next biggest fleet of submarines in the world after the US. China is also ahead in its development of world-class military technologies like ballistic missiles.

4. India 

India is a nuclear power state and the most powerful nation inside South Asia. India has a power index score of 0.0979 and a budget of $49,600,000,000 allocated for defense. Furthermore, India has an active 1,450,000 military personnel, a total aircraft strength of 2,182, a tank fleet of 4,614, an Aircraft carrier, and 17 submarines. India has been reported to have access to nuclear weapons.

5. Japan

Japan is famous for its military, Cars, and economy. It possesses a power index score of 0.1195 and a defense allocation of $47,482,740,000. Similarly 240,000 active military personnel, 554 Helicopters, 1,449 total aircraft strength, 119 Fighter Helicopters, a tank fleet of 1,004, 4 aircraft carriers, and 21 submarines.

6. South Korea

With a power index score of 0.1261 and a budget of $46,320,000,000, South Korea is undoubtedly one of the leading countries with admirable military power. Furthermore, South Korea has 555,000 active military personnel, 739 Helicopters, a total aircraft strength of 1,595, 2 helicopter carriers, 22 Submarines, and 2,624 tanks.

7. France 

The power index score of France Is 0.1283 and the defense budget is $40,900,000,000. The country owns 205,000 active military personnel, 1,055 total aircraft strength, 435 Helicopters, 10 submarines, 1 aircraft carrier, 406 tanks, and 3 Helicopter carriers. France Army are well trained and experienced. It is top in the ranking of the militaries globally.

8. The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom undoubtedly has a commendable military power with a power index score of 0.1382 and an allocation of $68 billion for defense. Likewise, the country has 194,000 active military personnel, 693 total aircraft strength, 235 Helicopters, 2 Aircraft carriers, 10 Submarines, 5,015 Armored Vehicles, and 227 tanks. 

9. Pakistan

Pakistan’s military strength is measured by a power index score of 0.1572 and the country has a budget of $7,690,148,664 allocated for defense. Likewise, the country owns 9 submarines, 2,824 tanks, a total aircraft strength of 1,387, Helicopters that amount to 307, and 640,000 functional military personnel.

10. Brazil

Brazil’s power index score is 0.1695 and its defense allocation is $18,785,000,000. The country also has 360,000 functional military personnel, 7 submarines, a Helicopter carrier, 439 tanks, 179 Helicopters, and a cumulative aircraft strength of 679.

11. Italy 

With a power index score of 0.1801 and a defense allocation of $29,198,401,050, Italy is certainly a country with respectable military power. Additionally, Italy has 170,000 functional military personnel, 2 aircraft carriers, 8 submarines, 200 Tanks, 6,908 armored vehicles, 396 Helicopters, and a gross aircraft strength that amounts to 862.

12. Egypt

Egypt is mostly characterized by its pyramids and antique culture. It is inside Africa and also the most powerful and strongest in African country because of its possession of considerable numbers of tanks and aircraft.

Egypt carries a power index score of 0.1869 and a budget allocation of $4,357,200,000 for defense.  Furthermore, the country has functional military personnel that amounts to 450,000 officers, 4,394 Tanks, 2 Helicopter carriers, 8 Submarines, a total aircraft strength that amounts to 1,062, 313 Helicopters, 91 Fighter Helicopters, and 10,000 Armored Vehicles.

13. Turkey 

The military power index score of Turkey is 0.1961 and the country allocated a whopping $9,690,000,000 to defense. Turkey has functional military personnel of 425,000 officers, 3,022 Tanks, 12 Submarines, 13,370 armored vehicles, 474 Helicopters, 1,057 cumulative aircraft strength, and 107 Fighter Helicopters.

14. Iran 

 Iran possesses a power index score of 0.2104 and a defense allocation of a whopping $5 billion. The country’s military boasts of 575,000 functional military personnel, 19 Submarines, 7,600 armored vehicles, 12 fighter helicopters, an aircraft strength that totals 543, 126 Helicopters, 2,831 tanks, and no aircraft carrier.

15. Indonesia

The power index score that Indonesia has is graded at 0.2251 and the country has allocated a whopping $9.3 billion to defense. The total functional military personnel amounts to 400,000 and they boast of 445 cumulative aircraft strength, 4 Submarines, 314 tanks, 15 fighter helicopters, 172 Helicopters, and 1,444 armored vehicles.

16. Germany 

The military strength of Germany is measured with a power index score of 0.2322 with a budget of $50,300,000,000 allocated to defense. The country boasts 184,000 functional military personnel, a total aircraft strength that amounts to 617, 287 Helicopters, 55 fighter helicopters, 266 Tanks, 6 submarines, and 9,217 armored vehicles.

17. Australia 

With a power index score of 0.2377 and a defense allocation of $44,618,000,000, Australia surely has remarkable military strength. Additionally, the military of Australia boasts of 59,000 functional military personnel, 22 fighter helicopters, 133 Helicopters, a cumulative aircraft strength of 430, 2 helicopter carriers, 6 Submarines, and 59 Tanks.

18. Israel 

The power index score of Israel is 0.2621 which indicates an impressive military power. The country goes a step forward to allocate a whopping $17,800,000,000 to defense. 173,000 active officers make up Israel’s military. Israeli military boasts 597 total aircraft power, 127 helicopters, 48 fighter helicopters, 8,044 armored vehicles, 1,900 tanks, and 5 submarines.

19. Spain 

Spain has an impressive power index score of 0.2901 and a defense allocation of $11,750,000,000. 120,000 functional officers make up the Spanish military which boasts 23 fighter helicopters, 119 helicopters, 503 cumulative aircraft strength, 327 Tanks, an aircraft carrier, 2 submarines, and 5,033 armored vehicles.

20. Saudi Arabia

The Arabian country scored a power index grade of 0.2966 and a defense allocation of $46 billion. The Saudi Arabian military boasts 225,000 functional officers, 897 cumulative aircraft strength, 1,062 Tanks, 34 fighter helicopters, 6,202 armored vehicles, 258 helicopters, and no submarines. 

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A military is described as a well-trained group formally given power by the Head of state to use lethal or dangerous force and weapons to protect the state’s interest. That’s having the power to protect, to defend, and to save one’s territorial right. Air Force, Army, and Navy are the three combinations of military branches that are put in place and saddled with these sole responsibilities.

Power, on the other hand, is the ability of someone or a group of persons to accomplish any given task that might be assigned to them. Therefore, military power is explained as the Armed Forces of a country that is able to live up to the expectations of the country and the entire citizen of that particular nation. The best use of this military power is the one that achieves the objectives that are very useful to the nation and its aliens.


We can judge a country to have military power and strength, if such a country/nation can in every way oversee her affairs without external influence which shows the total sovereignty of such a nation. Also, military power can be determined in terms of the Arsenal of any country nation, the number of weapons, warship craft, ballistic missiles, warfare apparatus that pose such a nation as a threat to any country planning to embark on war or encroach in the country right.

The submarines, the tanks, aircraft carriers, number of active Personnel in the army, and attack helicopters are the fundamental factors to be considered for military strength and total weights any country pulls when considering countries with military power. To briefly shed light on the function of the aforementioned factors to consider as a military power country, Soldiers, are military that is assigned to safeguard a country whether in wartime or a natural disaster. Soldiers having aircraft are the Air Force or the flying falcons while the Navy, which is a defender of the seas are the soldiers having submarines to fight and protect the nation via her seaports and other aquatic habitat-related issues.


Every country has its respective military strengths which are most times measured by a power index score. Other factors considered in measuring the military strength of a country comprise the number of functional military personnel, defense budget, and the equipment/weapons available in a country’s arsenal.

The United States of America tops the List of Countries by military power with a power index score of 0.0453, a defense budget of $770 billion, and a cumulative aircraft strength that amounts to 13,247. I believe that you have found this piece helpful, so why don’t you tell me what you think about the military strength of the countries on our top 20 ranking above. You can do that by dropping your comments and thoughts in the comment section right below this piece. I value your thoughts and comments so please don’t hold them back!

In conclusion, the write-up has critically probed into the meaning and factors to look into to know if a country has a military strength and some basic things to be made available before the military strength of a nation can be discussed. Among nations on the surface of the globe, we have carefully selected and talked about countries with the highest to the least military power, which was the focal point of the write-up.

2 Replies to “List Of Countries By Military Power 2023 Ranking

  1. 1 alicesantre voqiqe
    2 Russie
    2 Chine
    3 france
    4 Allemagne
    5 albanie
    5 Turquie
    6 CUB
    7 Slovaquie
    7 Japon
    8 gipre
    9 hungerie
    9 souede
    10 kosovo
    11 Italie
    12 Albanie
    13 catelonie
    14 Croatie
    15 Slovénie
    15 Norvège
    16 Bosnie
    17 Roumanie
    18 Japon
    19 egipte
    19 Finlande
    19 danmark
    20 armanie
    20 Mexique
    20 Bulgarie
    21 Macedonie
    22 monetegro
    22 armanie
    23 maltavie
    24 Lettonie

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