Gone are the days when a country’s strength was measured solely by its military power. The viewpoint has shifted dramatically, as there are now numerous things to consider before ranking a country among the most powerful countries in the world – other than military power. 

Have you ever imagined why the 2 major wars in the 20th century were called World Wars when it was just only between a few nations? The reason is these countries are the world policymaker behind the major world decision and the economic flow. Currently, Who Are The Most Powerful Countries In The World? who are the countries that mattered that can be classified as World that influenced the global outlook? Then you have to know the most powerful countries in the world presently and in the future.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the top 10 most powerful countries in the world, as we will be ranking these countries based on a range of characteristics such as military power, economic stability, Annual GDP, Population, and FOREX. 

THE POWER RANK is one of the nine sub-rankings used to calculate the best country report. The power rank contains 5 of the 65 attributes considered in the survey. The attributes categorized as the power rank include a leader, economic influence, political influence, strong international alliance, and military strength. These ranks constitute 7.42 % of the total ranking score. The top ten (10) most powerful countries in the world are now the countries that have the highest score on the power rankings. These countries are:

Top 10 Most Powerful Countries In The World

1. United States of America (USA)

Population: 331,449,281

Annual GDP: $22.940 trillion

Land Size: 3,796,742 sq mi

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 2,245,500

FOREX: USD 123,300,000,000

President – Joe Biden

The United States of America is still, by far, the most powerful country on the planet. According to all surveys, its military is the strongest in the world. Furthermore, the United States dominates the global economy. 

According to the IMF, the United States’ $22.7 trillion GDP accounts for 24% of global GDP at current market exchange rates. The United States has the world’s largest military budget. The United States is also the world’s top importer and exporter of products.

The United States of America is a major decider in world policy from economy to security to culture. As the most racially diverse nation on earth with massive immigration into the country, her influence spread across the face of the world economically, politically, culturally. The country is bordered to the North by Canada, South by Mexico, east by the Pacific Ocean, and west by the Atlantic Ocean.

As a major nuclear power and has veto power on the United Nations security council, there is obviously no country that can beat the United States for the top spot for the top 10 most powerful countries in the world. 

2. China

Population: 1,411,778,724

Annual GDP: $26.66 trillion

Land Size: 9,596,961 km2 (3,705,407 sq mi)

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 1,394,015,977

FOREX: USD 1,598,000,000,000

President – Xi Jinping

China is one of the world’s oldest countries and is rapidly rising both militarily and economically. China holds the second-largest economy in terms of nominal GDP globally. 

China’s economic growth has been exceptional throughout the last few decades. It has been the world’s top manufacturer since 2010 when it overtook the United States, which had held the position for the past century. According to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report, China also has the highest number of persons with a personal net worth of at least $110,000. 

Currently the second most powerful country in the world, China, A nation birthed in 1949 with the second-largest landmass and the most populous country in the world record with a population of over 1.3 billion people. China is a socialist country with a market-based economy rated one of the largest economies in the world with a GDP of 26.66 trillion USD. The country is another major nuclear power and a permanent member of the United Nations security council and has a veto right and is also a member of other global organizations such as the World trade organization.

3. Russia

Population: 146,171,015

Annual GDP: $4.328 trillion

Land Size: 17,098,246 km2 (6,601,670 sq mi)

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 3,569,000

FOREX: USD 432,700,000,000

President – Vladimir Putin

Russia is the world’s largest country in terms of land size (over 17 sq. km) and also the world’s natural gas center. Aside from that, Russia is also a military powerhouse. According to the Global Fire Power Index, it has the second-most powerful military base in the world. 

In addition, Russia boasts of the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear weapons. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s decisions have a significant impact on the rest of the world.

Russia stretches across 11-time zones of the world with the capital in Moscow. The country is a permanent member of the United Nations security council and has a veto right on the council and other global organizations such as the G-20, the Council of Europe, World Trade Organization.

4. Japan

Population: 319,000

Annual GDP: $5.586 trillion

Land Size: 377,975 km2 (145,937 sq mi)

Estimated Total Military Personnel:

FOREX: USD 1,264,000,000,000

Emperor – Naruhito

Japan is one of the world’s most densely occupied and urbanized countries. It is also one of the most technologically advanced and literate countries in the world. 

Japan’s culture is well-known for its cutting-edge comics, animation, and video games. Japan is included in this list of the most powerful countries in the world because of their nominal GDP which is the third-largest economy in the world after the United States and China. 

At the same time, after the United States, China, and India, it ranks fourth in terms of buying power parity.

5. Germany

Population – 83,190,556

Annual GDP: $4.743 trillion

Land Size: 357,022 km2 (137,847 sq mi)

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 80,159,662

FOREX: USD 200,100,000,000

President – Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Germany is the second-most populated country in Europe, ranking behind Russia. The fact that Germany has a strong economy is the primary reason for its inclusion on the list of most powerful countries in the world. It has the largest economy in Europe in terms of annual GDP and the fourth largest in terms of nominal GDP. 

Germany’s economy is booming thanks to its highly skilled workforce, low levels of corruption, and high levels of innovation. Germany is home to 29 of the Fortune 500 firms in the globe. The country is presently the most populated country in Europe with a population of 82 million. It boasts of the second-largest economy in Europe with a GDP of $4.743 trillion.

6. The United Kingdom

Population: 67,081,000

Annual GDP: $3.276 trillion

Land Size: 242,495 km2 (93,628 sq mi)

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 275,000

FOREX: USD 150,800,000,000

Queen – Elizabeth II

Prime Minister – Boris Johnson

The United Kingdom is made up of the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and several smaller islands within the British Isles. 

The United Kingdom is currently the fifth country with the largest economy, sitting at the second spot in Europe, behind Germany. The UK is a regular and active member of NATO. London, the United Kingdom’s capital, is one of the world’s largest financial capitals, ranking second only to New York City.

The United Kingdom is an exporter of technology, industry, pop culture, and majorly the English Language which is the official global language. The country is a nuclear state and a permanent member of the United Nation security council and the closest ally with the united states.

7. France

Population: 67,413,000

Annual GDP: $3.232 trillion

Land Size: 640,679 km2

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 450,000

FOREX: USD 156,400,000,000

President – Emmanuel Macron

France is one of the most powerful countries in Europe and across the globe, holding the world’s largest exclusive economic zone. Aside from the mainland, France possesses a number of overseas territories around the world. This is why it has 12 time zones, which is the highest in the world. 

According to the Global Fire Power Index, the French Armed Forces are the sixth most powerful military in the world and the second most powerful in Europe, trailing behind Russia. In addition, France is one of the most industrialized and powerful countries in the world.

France is famed for its wine and its beautiful architecture. The country’s economy is a mixed economy with a GDP put at 3.232 trillion, France is the second-largest economy in Europe based on purchasing power parity and has a considerable international al influence, especially in Africa. France is a permanent member of the United Nations security council and has a veto right. France is a nuclear state and has the fourth largest nuclear weapon arsenal in the world.

8. South Korea

Population:  51,709,098

Annual GDP: $2.436 trillion

Land Size: 100,363 km2

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 6,710,000

FOREX: USD 389,200,000,000

President – Moon Jae

South Korea is an East Asian country. It occupies the southern half of the Korean peninsula and borders North Korea on the land. It is the most industrialized OECD member country and is a developed country with a high-income economy. Many internationally known brands, such as LG Electronics, Samsung, Hyundai, and Kia, are based in South Korea. The country’s economy is bolstered by its educated and highly skilled workforce.

9. Saudi Arabia

Population: 34,218,169

Annual GDP: $1.924 trillion

Land Size: 2,149,690 km2

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 505,000

FOREX: USD 496,400,000,000

King: Salman bin Abdulaziz

Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East by Land size, located on the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. Aside from that, Saudi Arabia has the biggest economy in the Middle East and ranks 18 in the world. Saudi Arabia’s economy ranks one of the biggest in the world – thanks to Oil, as they are the world’s largest petroleum exporter. 

In addition, Saudi Arabia holds the fifth-largest known natural gas reserve in the world, and for this reason, we can call her the world’s “energy superpower.” In addition to oil transportation, Saudi Arabia is actively using its ports to participate in trade between Europe and China. 

“Mecca” and “Medina,” which are the two holiest places for Muslims, are located in Saudi Arabia. 

Saudi’s economy is oil and gas-based with a GDP of 1.924 trillion USD for a population of over 32 million people. Saudi Arabia is a member of the world trade organization, a founding member of the Organization of Petroleum exporting countries, and the only Arab country among the G-20 economies’

10. India

Population: 1,352,642,280 (2nd in the world)

Annual GDP: $10.207 trillion

Land Size: 3,287,263 km2

Estimated Total Military Personnel: 5,127,000

FOREX: USD 409,800,000,000

President: Ram Nath Kovind

India is the 7th largest country in the world by landmass and the world’s second-largest country by population. India has been an economic giant in the past two decades, with an average annual GDP growth rate of 5.8%. India maintains a large army due to its close ties with neighboring countries like Pakistan and China. In addition, the also owns the 4th spot for the strongest military base, according to worldwide firepower. 



These above-ranked countries are the most powerful countries based on Power metrics of a leader, economic influence, political influence, strong international alliance, and military strength. And I believed you have added knowledge that has to sharpen your global views.

7 Replies to “Top 10 Most Powerful Countries In The World (2024)

  1. Um could you revise the USA boarders…lol
    The United States boardsr Oceans are. West coast….The Pacific Ocean and East Coast…is the Atlantic Oceans. Kinda sad whoever wrote this artical didnt know that.

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