Kenya’s new constitution has established the country as an independent State with 47 counties that are specified for various administrative functions. Since 2009, Kenya is yet to conduct a new population census and based on the statistics recorded for the 2009 census, we’ve collated the names of the top 10 largest Kenyan counties.

So to answer the question:

  • Which Is The Largest County In Kenya? 

The largest counties are ranked based on their land areas as per the provisions of the population census conducted in 2009. Right below, you have a list.

Top 10 Largest Counties In Kenya According To Land Mass 2023

  • 1. Turkana County (71,597.8km2)

Turkana County takes the highest spot on the exclusive list of the largest counties in Kenya. Besides being Kenya’s largest county, Turkana County is cherished for its land that produces oil. Meanwhile, this is one of the natural endowments of Turkana land which covers almost 71, 597.8 square kilometres in size.

Turkana County stands at the peak of the highest mountain on this list, which tends to be one of the driest counties in Kenya having a very high temperature at day time and moderate temperature at night throughout the year, and at any particular time, the county is noted to have a small amount of rainfall which is estimated to be between 150mm to 400mm, following this fact, the people of this county are at a high risk of famine. Even though this county is a dry county, it serves as the home for different tourist destinations which includes places such as the Sibiloi National park, Lake Turkana, Dancing stones of Namoratunga, and lots more which also draws in waterfalls.

  • 2. Marsabit County (66,923km2)

Marsabit County claims the second position on the ladder of the largest land areas. This county is very prominent for housing the Lake Turkana in Kenya. In the aspect of land mass, Marsabit County accounts for 66, 923 square kilometres out of Kenya’s overall land area.

Marsabit County proves to be a very prominent county for housing the Lake Turkana in the country (Kenya). This county is noted to be located 530km north of Nairobi, more also, this county is known to border other three counties which includes Isiolo at the south, Turkana at the west, and Wajir at the East. However, this county consists of four communities which include, Moyale,  Sak, North Horr, and Laisamis.

Marsabit County

  • 3. Wajir County (55,840.6km2)

The Wajir County in Kenya is located at the North Eastern region and the third largest county in Kenya. The county is a strip of land that covers 55, 840.6 square kilometres out of Kenya’s entire land mass. This county also happens to be significantly blessed by the gift of nature and proves welcoming to visitors as well as tourists. This county is known to border another county, which it is the Marsabit.

  • 4. Garissa County (45,720.2km2)

Following the discovery, Garissa country is known to have a historical background which clarifies the fact that lots of Somalis originated from this land getting to the aspect of and mass, this county ranks the fourth position on the list of the top 10 largest counties in Kenya according to land mass with a land mass of about 45, 720.2 kilometres square.

  • 5. Tana River County (35,375.8km2)

Under the governorship of Dhadho Godana, Tana River County is considered Kenya’s fifth largest county in terms of land mass. With respect to this, the county’s land area extends across 35, 375.8 square kilometers.

  • 6. Isiolo County (25,336.1km2)

Currently governed by Mohammed Kuti, Isiolo is fairly large in size and its land mass makes up 25, 336.1 square kilometres of Kenya’s overall land area. This reasonably large county happens to border another county which is the Marbasit County

  • 7. Kitu County (24,385km2)

This is the 7th largest county in Kenya and it is currently administered under the governorship of Charity Ngilu. Kitu tends to be a little below Isiolo county in terms of land mass as the ted to occupy a land mass of 24, 385 kilometres square of the total land mass of Kenya.

  • 8. Kajiado County (21,292.7km2)

At the end of the election which came up in August 2017, Joseph Ole Lenku –who previously served as Interior Cabinet Secretary –struck David Nkedianye out of the gubernatorial seat of Kajiado County. At the moment, this county is governed by Joseph Ole Lenku and its entire land mass covers 21, 292.7 square kilometers.

  • 9. Samburu County (20,182.5km2)

Following the gubernatorial election that was held in August 2017, Moses Kasaine retained his position as the Governor of Samburu County. In the aspect of the land area, Samburu County stretches across 20, 182.5 square kilometres and this marks it as ninth largest county Kenya.

  • 10. Narok County (17,921.5km2)

On the last cadre on this list, though it may be small in size not looked down on across the country. Samuel Ole Tunai oversees this county. This county notably occupies 17,921.5 kilometres square land mass of the total Kenya land mass.



The country ”Kenya” is such a blessed country to have housed these counties with great landmasses across the country.

Aside from the fact that these counties mentioned above are the largest counties and as such broad in space, they are also endowed with the gifts of nature that cannot be looked down on, probably you should visit one of these counties someday to see things for yourself as the counties tend to be an attractive centre for tourists.