Briefly on  WAEC and JAMB Subject Combination For Economics course. Many higher institution aspirants today make diverse mistakes when it comes to making choices pertaining to courses and the subject combinations required to be used for both Jamb and WAEC, in today’s article we would be discussing the Jamb Subject Combination for Economics and WAEC subject required.  First and foremost a subject combination simply means the list of required subjects you are to seat for in your exam to gain entry into the higher institution for study or probably Polytechnic, College of Education and so on.

JAMB as an examining body responsible for the link of students into the higher institution gave every aspiring candidates of the university, polytechnic and whatsoever school you wish to attend for study that is under the control of JAMB a choice for picking three different subjects that suits the course you are putting in for plus a compulsory subject that would be given, which is the Use of English.

JAMB Subject Combination For Economics 2020

The subject requirement for Economics are as follows:

  • Economics
  • Mathematics
  • Any of Government, History, Lit-In-English, French and CRK/IRK
  • Use of English (Compulsory)

NOTE: The minimum score or cut off mark required for the university level is 180, while anything below 180 will be for polytechnic and other institutions, more also, if for any reason you couldn’t meet up with the subject combination or have made a wrong choice, we would recommend you have a change of course and before doing that you should check out the course that best suits your subject combination.

WAEC Subject Required for Economics

The West African examination council popularly called WAEC is an examining body that provides you, after sitting for their exam a result of the exam called an ‘O’ level result which you will print online with your scratch card. This ‘O’ level result must carry the list of required subjects you have sat for in the exam for the specific course you want to study in the University or any higher institution, meanwhile, the minimum grade for the subjects combination must be ‘C’ known as a credit pass in all the subjects minimum required for your specified course.

NOTE: In your examination, you must possess a minimum of five (5) credit pass including your course required subjects, meanwhile, the below-listed subject combination is applicable to all other external exams such as NECO, NABTEB, GCE and so on at not more than two sittings as the institution may mandate.

WAEC Subject required is as follows:

  • English language
  • Mathematics
  • Economics
  • At least two other subjects from Commerce, Accounting, Government, Lit-in-English, History.
  • A trade subject (Not compulsory)
Jamb Subject Combination For Economics And WAEC Subjects Required

Required ‘A’ level result to study economics (DIRECT ENTRY CANDIDATES)

Direct entry candidates are candidates from institutions like polytechnic, college of Education, School of Nursing, Health Tech and so on that are willing to further their study in the University I which they would be granted admission directly into 200 level In the University of their choice depending on their capability to meet up with the University requirements.

For a direct entry candidate, an NCE or Diploma with upper credits in the relevant subjects relating to Economics in the University would be required plus five (5) credits at ‘O’ level result to include English, mathematics, Economics and any two of Government, History, Commerce, Lit-in-Eng, Accounting e.t.c. in which without this subjects combination a candidate aspiring for the university won’t be eligible for admission into the University of his/her choice for study.

  • Economics as a Course

Economics is sub-divided or distributed into four (4) different Faculties in the University depending on the University and the Faculty they have present for study at the Institution and also depending on your choice of career.

The faculties that hereby offer Economics in the higher institutions are as follows:

  • The Faculty of Arts and Humanity
  • The Faculty of Administration
  • The Faculty of Social and management science
  • The Faculty of Engineering and Environment Technology.

However, the most common faculty that every candidate tends to go for when it comes to Economics is the Faculty of Arts, meanwhile; the subject combination for Economics tends to be different In the Faculty of Engineering and Environment Technology.

Subject Combination For Economics For The Faculty Of Engineering And Environment Technology

The JAMB subject combinations for Economics in this faculty are:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Economics
  • Any other two of Chemistry, Biology or Physics.

WAEC subject requirements for Economics in this faculty:

Five (5) credits pass to include the following:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Economics
  • Any other two from physics, biology, chemistry, Geography, and any trade subject.


Conclusion on Jamb Subject Combination For Economics And WAEC Subjects Required

To earn your ticket and place into the higher institution to study Economics as a dream course, one must be ready to do what it takes pertaining to the subject combination to be used both for WAEC being the ‘O’ level examination and when result is out is called the ‘O’ level result and JAMB being the admission examining body fully known as Joint admission and matriculation board. Jamb offers her candidates an option to choose three subjects plus the compulsory subject stipulated by Jamb which is the use of English, which would be a link to the course you want to study in the university, polytechnic, college of Education, School of Nursing or Health Technological Institute, and in which if your chosen subject combination is not corresponding to or required of the course you put in for, you would not be admitted or probably you would be advised to have a change of course into a course that best suits your subject combination, which is why we are bent on impacting in everyone the knowledge to choose your subjects combination wisely to avoid the university train passing you by every year.

Having a wrong subject combination for Economics would only jeopardize your chances of getting admitted into a higher institution, which is why we have laid down a guide for you to make the right choice pertaining to Subject combinations for both Jamb and WAEC.

2 Replies to “JAMB Subject Combination For Economics 2020

  1. This are my O’ level subjects
    And I did well in all can I study ECONOMICS
    With the following jamb subjects

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