This post will guide you on how to file KRA returns on iTax. iTax system literally implies the type of tax system that is been founded by the KRA to take the place of the recently used online system –

Every citizen is expected within a given period of time allocated to meet up their citizen’s obligations which are payment of their taxes in order to avoid tax invasion. There are always penalties that follow late payment or taxes which almost all the citizens of Kenyans are victims of because before now, their method or payment of taxes is by their physical appearance in the Kenyan Revenue Authority (KRA) to fill up the forms; this method, however, is cumbersome because there is always a large number of people that popped out to do the same exercise which by the end of the day, not all of them will successfully fill out the forms.

But through the introduction of an online iTax system which was established on 1st March 2014; citizens of Kenyans can easily fill out their forms online efficiently. The citizens can as well have full access to their profile data at any given time and at any particular place apart from them filling out their iTax forms.


The following information listed below must be meet up before thinking about filling out Tax Returns of Kenyan Revenue Authority has on its website – and – apart from the password and PIN the taxpayer must have in order to have access to his or her profile.

  •    Statements of finance.
  •    For the skilled manpower that is employed, information concerning him or her is highly important.
  •    The premium on Insurance that stipulates the underwriter’s or certificate’s Mortgage or PIN Interest Certificate.
  •    The employer’s P9 form and PIN of the Kenyan Revenue Authority.
  •    When one is submitting any claims for income sent to you or any deductions, these documents which are necessary is vital.
  •    The procedure underneath fully explains the possible ways to fill up online Kenyan Revenue Authority tax Returns and these procedures are followed up with an illustration of how the different varieties of taxes can be filled up as obliged by the institution.


  1.    The link that is provided by Kenyan Revenue Authority Returns of Income tax is made public or accessible to Kenyans by firstly logging in to their page. Password and PIN are the two things one needs to be able to have access to their profile after answering a questions base on security because the inability to successfully answer these questions warrants its repetition.
  2.    One needs to find out where the navigation bar is located which is always situated at the top and it is in red color once that person successfully has access to the site, just click on the e-returns. Once the e-returns are clicked on, click on “file returns” which is one of the few options that will show up.
  3.    The tax Mandatory section where one is expected to pick up the type of tax one wishes to make payment for before clicking on the button display submit is the next page to see after the navigation bar.
  4.    Once after clicking on the submit button, the site will direct the person to the page that has a downloading link with the returns of the Kenyan Revenue Authority form. This is important for an assessment of offline. The KRA Returns form will be open on almost every modern device easily due to the fact that the form is an Excel or ODS format.
  5.    Before saving anything and then returning back to the portal of iTax, please be sure that the obligatory questions are answered correctly.
  6.    Upload the document that contains an additional detail apart from the already personal details like the tax returns period in a zip format before one press on a submit button.
  7.    An acknowledgment receipt that is the evidence of payment will be generated promptly if the whole procedure just mentioned above is successfully followed up.


The Kenyan Revenue Authority has variations deadline dependent on the type of system of tax that is expected one to pay. For example, there is a variation of the Kenyan Revenue Authority tax returns income for the deadline depending on the payment of income tax. At the end of any accounting year which is actually at the end of the year, it is expected that PAYE meaning Pay as You Earn returns will be filled up at the month end of February.

Commercial banks at the end of the month usually receive the pay -in slips otherwise called P11 by the populace from the online iTax system introduced by the Kenyan Revenue Authority.

IT1 alternatively called Individual Returns are expected to be filled up by the month end of June for the former calendar year but IT2PC’s or partnership and company returns and then IT2P’s by the month-end of June supposed to be filled up respectively following the closing period of business account.

After the deduction period which is always on the 20th day of every month for every return on VAT – Value Added Tax. Taxpayers can locate forms VAT 3 at any selected commercial banks but DTD offices receive Credit and Nil Returns. On a weekly basis, DTD offices also receive VAT Withholding returns.

In order to achieve efficiency in the payment of taxes; in every accounting business period known as income year, installment tax is expected to be cleared out by the 9th, 20th, 12th, and 4th of every month while Mondays are for payment of Withholding Tax.

The Kenyans Revenue Authority iTax system has made the KRA tax filing returns simpler. The first step to take for Kenyan Revenue Authority tax online Returns improves using password and PIN to log in to the profile. But in a case that the taxpayer does not have either the password or the PIN, it is advised that a person visit any KRA office that is closer to him or her in order to get assistance from them.

But to meet up with the deadlines allocated for tax Returns of the Kenyan Revenue Authority, the citizen should strive to meet up with these primary credentials.



The tax which is the compulsory payment that is required by any citizen of any nation especially Kenyan citizen to pay should not be in any way be invaded or ignored because the government of the state needs that money in order to keep up her government. And now, there is no reason again to give why payment of tax is invaded after the introduction of online iTax Returns by Kenyan Revenue Authority.

Tags: How To File KRA Returns On ITax Portal

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