Nigeria is a country in West Africa, that shares borders with the Niger Republic in the north, Chad on the southeast side, the Cameroon Republic on the East, and the Republic of Benin to the west. Nigeria has the Sahara Desert to its north and the Atlantic Ocean to its south. The country is often referred to as the Giant of Africa, due to its large population (Over 180 million people) and its fast-growing economy. Nigeria has over 240 languages, spoken by a similar number of Ethnic Groups.

This is probably the biggest federation of individual tribes anywhere in the World. Tribes are commonly named for the language they speak. The Yoruba people speak the Yoruba language, the Igbo people speak the Igbo language, and the Hausa people speak the Hausa language. Therefore, it is unnecessary to repeatedly mention the languages spoken by each ethnic group, as that would amount to a waste of space.

The following is an abridged list of Ethnic Groups in Nigeria, and where they can be found within the country.

Ethnic Groups In Nigeria, Their Languages And States

  • Abayon Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Abua Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Achipa Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria State
  • Adim Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Adun Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Affade Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Afizere Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Afo Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Agbo Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Akaju-Ndem Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Akweya Yachi Benue State, Central Nigeria
  • Alago Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Amo Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Anaguta Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Anang Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Andoni Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria.
    • Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Angas Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Ankwei Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Anyima Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Attakar Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Auyoka Jigawa State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Awori Lagos State, Southwestern Nigeria
    • Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Ayu Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Babur/Bura Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bachama Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bachere Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Bada Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Bade Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Baggara Arabs Borno State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Bahumono Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Bakulung Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Bali Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Bambora Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Bambuko Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Banda Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Banka Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Banso Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bara Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Barke Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Baruba Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bashiri Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Bassa Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Batta Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Baushi Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Baya Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bele Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Betso Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Bette Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Bille Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bille Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bina Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bini Edo State, Southern Nigeria
  • Birom Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Bobua Taraba State, Northern Niger State
  • Boki Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Bkkos Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Boko (Bussawa, Bargawa) Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bole Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria State
    • Yobe State, Northern Nigeria State
  • Botlere Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Boma Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bomboro Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Buduma Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Buji Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Buli Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bunu Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Bura Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Buru Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Buta Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bwall Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Bwatiye Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Bwazza Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Challa Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Chama Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Chamba Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Chamo Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Chibok (Kibaku) Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Chinine Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Chip Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Chokobo Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Chukkol Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Daba Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Dadiya Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Daka Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Dakarkari Niger State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Danda Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Dangsa Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Daza Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Degema Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Deno Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Dghwede Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Diba Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Doemak Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Ouguri Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Duka Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Duma Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ebana (Ebani) Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ebira Edo State, Southern Nigeria.
    • Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria
  • Edu Edo State, Southern Nigeria
  • Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Efik Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Egbema Rivers State State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Egede Benue State, Central Nigeria
  • Eggon Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Egun Lagos State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Ejagham Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ekajuk Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Eket Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ekoi Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ekpeye Rivers State State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Engenni (Ngene) Rivers State State, Southern Nigeria
  • Epie Rivers State State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Esan Edo State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Etche Rivers State State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Etolu Benue State, Central Nigeria State,
  • Estako Edo State State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Etung Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Etuno Edo State State, Southern Nigeria
  • Palli Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Fulani Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
    • Jigawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kano State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kastina State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
      Sokoto State, Northern Nigeria
      Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
      Kwara State, Southwestern Nigeria
      Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
      Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Fyem Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Fyer Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Ga’ anda Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gade Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Galambi Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gamergu-Mulgwa Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Qanawuri Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Gavako Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gbedde Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Gengle Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Geji Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gera Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Geruma Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Gingwak Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gira Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gizigz Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Goernai Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Gokana Rivers State State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Gombi Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gornun Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Gonia Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Gubi Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gude Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gudu Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gure Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gurmana Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gururntum Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gusu Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Gwa Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gwamba Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gwandara Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
      Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Gwari Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
    • Nasarawa State, Central Nigeria.
    • Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Abuja, Central Nigeria.
  • Kagoma Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gwom Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Waha Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Gyem Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jabba (HAm) Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Hausa Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
    • Jigawa State, Northern Nigeria.
    • Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kano State, Northern Nigeria
    • Katsina State, Northern Nigeria
    • Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
    • Sokoto State, Northern Nigeria
  • Hona Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ibeno Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ibibio Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ichen Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Idoma Benue State, Central Nigeria
    • Nassarawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Igala Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria
  • Edo State, Southern Nigeria.
    • Enugu State, Southeastern Nigeria
  • Igbo Abia State, Southeastern Nigeria
    • Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria
    • Delta State, Southern Nigeria.
    • Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
    • Ebonyi, Southeastern Nigeria
    • Enugu State, Southeastern Nigeria
    • Imo State, Southeastern Nigeria
  • Ijumu Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Ika Delta State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ikom Cross River State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Ikwerre Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
  • Irigwe Plateau State, Central Nigeria.
  • Isoko Delta State, Southern Nigeria
  • Isekiri Delta State, Southern Nigeria
  • Iyalla Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Ijaw Bayelsa State, Southern Nigeria
    • Delta State, Southern Nigeria
    • Rivers State, Southern Nigeria
    • Edo State, Southern Nigeria
    • Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria
    • Rivers State, Southern Nigeria
  • Jahuna Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jaku Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jarawa Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jere Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Jero Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jibu Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jidda- Abu Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Jimbim Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jirai Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jonjo Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Jukun Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Benue State, Central Nigeria
    • Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
    • Kabawa Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kadara Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kafanchan Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kagoro Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kaje Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kajuru Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kaka Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kamaku Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kambu Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kanakuru Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kanembu (Kanem) Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kanikon Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kantana Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kanuri Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
    • Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
    • Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Karekare Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Karimjo Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kariya Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Katab Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kenerm Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kenton Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kiballo Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kilba Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kirfi Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Koma Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kona Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Koro Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kubi Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kudachano Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kugama Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Kulere Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kunini Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kurama Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kulere Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kunini Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Kurama Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kurdul Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kushi Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kuteb Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Kutin Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kwalla Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kwami Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kwanchi Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kwanchi Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kwanka Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kwaro Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kwato Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Kyenga Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Laaru Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Lakka Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Lala Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Lama Taraba State, Northern Niger State,
  • Lamja Taraba State, Northern Niger State,
  • Lau Taraba State, Northern Niger State,
  • Ubbo Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • LImo Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Lopa Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Longuda Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Mabo Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Mada Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Mama Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Mambilla Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Manchok Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Manga Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Margi Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Matakarn Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Mbembe Cross River State, Southern Niger State
    • Rivers State, Southern Niger State
  • Mbol Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Mbube Cross River State, Southern Niger State
  • Mbula Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Mbum Taraba State, Northern Niger State
  • Meryan Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Miango Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Miligili Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Miya Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Mobber Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Montol Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Moruwa Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Muchalia Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Mumuye Taraba State, Northern Niger State
  • Mundang Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Mundang Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Munga Taraba State, Northern Niger State
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Mupun Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Mushere Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Mwahavul Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Ndoro Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ngas Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Ngizim Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ngweshe Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Nyam Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ningi Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ninzam Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Njayi Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Nkim Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Nakere Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Nunku Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Nupe Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Kwara State, Southwestern Nigeria
    • Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria
  • Nyandang Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ododop Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Ogori Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria
  • Ogoni Rivers State, Southern Nigeria
  • Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria
  • Ogba Rivers State, Southern Nigeria
  • Okobo Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria
  • Okamheri Edo State, Southern Nigeria
  • Okpe Edo State, Southern Nigeria
  • Olulumo Delta State, Southern Nigeria
  • Olukumi Delta State, Southern Nigeria
  • Oron Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria
  • Owan Edo State, Southern Nigeria
  • Owe Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria
  • Oworo Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria
  • Afawa (Pa’awa) Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Pai Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Panyam Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Pero Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Pire Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Pkanzom Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Poll Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Polchi Habe Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Pongo Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Potopo Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Pyapun Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Qua Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Rebina Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Reshe Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Rindire Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Rishuwa Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ron Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Rubu Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Rukuba Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Rumada Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Rumaya Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Sakbe Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Sanga Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Sate Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Saya Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Segidi Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Shanga Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Shan-Shan Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Shira Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Shomo Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Shuwa Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
    • Yobe State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
  • Sikdi Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Sukur Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Sura Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Tangale Gombe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Tarok Plateau State, Central Nigeria
    • Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Teme Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Tera Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Borno State, Northern Nigeria
  • Teshena Kano State, Northern Nigeria
  • Tigon Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Tikar Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Tiv Benue State, Central Nigeria
    • Plateau State, Central Nigeria
    • Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Tula Gombe State, Northern Nigeria
  • Tur Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Ufia Benue State, Central Nigeria
  • Ukelle Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Kwale (Ukwani) Delta State, Southern Nigeria
  • Uncinda Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria
    • Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
    • Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Uneme Edo State, Southern Nigeria
  • Ura Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Urhobo Delta State, Southern Nigeria
  • Utonkong Benue State, Central Nigeria
  • Uyanga Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Vemgo Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Verre Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Vommi Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Wagga Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Waga Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Waka Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Warja Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Warji Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Wula Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Wurbo Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Wurkun Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
  • Yache Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Yagba Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria
  • Yakurr Cross River State, Southern Nigeria
  • Yalla Benue State, Central Nigeria
  • Yandang Taraba State, Northern Nigeria
    • Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Yergan Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Yoruba Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Kogi State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Kwara State, Southwestern Nigeria
    • Lagos State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria.
    • Osun State, Southwestern Nigeria
    • Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria.
  • Yott Taraba State, Northern Nigeria.
  • Yumu Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Yungur Adamawa State, Northern Nigeria
  • Yuom Plateau State, Central Nigeria
  • Zabara Niger State, Northern Nigeria
  • Zaranda Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Zarmarawa Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Zayam Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria
  • Zulawa Bauchi State, Northern Nigeria

In addition to its dominance as Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria is blessed with many ethnic groups but only a few of these groups are very prominent. Other than the three most influential groups (particularly Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo), several other ethnic groups constitute Nigeria’s major ethnic background and in an attempt to acquaint everyone with the beauty of Nigeria’s diversity, we have gathered efforts together and come up with a list comprising minority and major ethnic groups in Nigeria.

List Of Major Ethnic Groups In Nigeria and Minority

Concerning the list below, we have conducted thorough research and as the outcome of our efforts, we’ve been able to provide the names of the major ethnic groups alongside their population estimates and what distinguishes them from one another.


  • 1. Hausa

Forming part of Nigeria’s diverse ethnic ideology, the Hausa maintains its stance as the Nigerian ethnic group with the highest population. Having occupied almost 30% of Nigeria’s entire population, the Hausa group has produced numerous people. Owing to the high rate of monogamy and early marriage among the Hausas, the Hausa population is believed to have stretched up to almost 70 million persons.

With Islam regarded as the long-established religion of the Hausa populace, many Hausa people have also been associated with activities such as cattle breeding, farming, and several trades. In addition to this, many Hausa indigenes have stood their ground in the political arena and for this, it is widely believed that most of Nigeria’s politicians are Hausa.

  • 2. Yoruba

Just behind the Hausa, the Yoruba appears as another influential major ethnic group in Nigeria, which covers nearly 21% of the entire Nigerian population. Given this population estimate, the Yoruba claims the second spot on the list of Nigeria’s most populous ethnic groups.

Yoruba are clearly distinguished given their flairs for Western education. Owing to this belief, Yoruba indigenes dominate the Nigerian education sector.

In the aspect of religion, the Yoruba maintains partial fairness between Islam and Christianity, meaning Yorubas are equally Muslims and Christians. Many Yorubas cherish their religious ideology based on Christianity or Islam, some minority Yoruba groups still indulge in their ancestral religious doctrine of worshipping idols.

  • 3. Igbo

As almost 90% of the Igbo group comprises Christians, many incidents of religious misunderstandings have occurred between the Igbos and the Hausas. Meanwhile, these incidents are greatly centred on the Igbo’s rejection of Sharia Law which serves as the basis of the Hausa judicial system.

Concerning the business sector, lots of Igbos have earned themselves reputable positions stemming from their notable contributions to Nigeria’s voluminous growth. Other than the oil sector which many Igbos have contributed to, Igbos have continually striven hard and recorded achievements in other business-related aspects.

With the Igbo’s strong kicking against the long political reign of the Hausa, many Igbo youths are currently in the event of agitations, implying that a Biafra State should be created as an effort towards Igbo sovereignty.

Recalling facts from historical events, the Igbo’s once engaged with the pair of Yoruba and Hausa in a hardened war termed “Biafra war’’. The vicious war resulted in the great massacre of the Igbos as it lasted almost 3 years (1967-70). With the sad memories of this war still intact, many Igbo youths feel aggrieved and believe the only beneficial decision is that the Igbo populace should secede from Nigeria.

  • 4. Ijaw

Forming another large ethnic group just behind the trio of Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, the Ijaw is also among the list of major ethnic groups in Nigeria and believed to have covered about 10% of Nigeria’s entire population. With the best part of its indigenes found across the Niger Delta, the Ijaw has encountered serious setbacks caused by oil issues within Nigeria. Based on some historical facts, Ijaw territories are endowed with sufficient quantities of crude oil but owing to some factors, the Ijaw people have been deprived of absolute possession of their rich terrain. Amongst the factors are notable, insistence dominance by the Igbos and the other greater ethnic groups and several political crises over oil exploration.

  • 5. Kanuri

With population estimates identifying the Kanuri group with nearly 4 million natives, the Kanuri population occupies 4 4% of Nigeria’s entire population. As Kanuri remains one of Nigeria’s largest ethnic groups, many Kanuri natives can be found among Hausas simply because the Kanuri terrain is situated in the North Eastern part of the country. Undeniably, the Northern region is chiefly dominated by the Hausa populace; thus, many Kanuri indigenes have been mistaken for Hausa indigenes.

As contained in reports, Kanuri people are perceived as hardcore Muslims who adopt brutal principles in dealing with others. Because of this, the largest part of the Boko Haram sect is arguably occupied by Kanuri Islamists. Likewise, the insurgency carried out by the Kanuri Islamists supposedly symbolizes the enmity the Kanuri populace has for the government of Nigeria.

  • 6. Fulani

Fulani is undoubtedly a large ethnic group as it covers nearly 4% of Nigeria’s total population. As obtained from historical backgrounds, Fulani’s long-established relationship with the Hausas came after the Fulani War which began in 1804 and ended in 1808. For many years or probably since the era of the Fulani War, there have been cases of inter-tribal marriage between Hausas and Fulanis. As regards this, many Fulani indigenes are recognized as Hausas particularly when they share features common to the two ethnic backgrounds.

For a very long time, many Islamic clerics have emanated from the Fulani group and without doubt, this signifies Islam as the core of Fulani religious doctrine.

Likewise, lots of Fulanis derive sustenance from activities such as cattle rearing, trade, and several crafty occupations.

  • 7. Ibibio

With almost 4.5 million indigenes, the Ibibio comes below the Fulani tribe and it covers approximately 3.5 per cent of Nigeria’s entire population. The natives of Ibibio are largely found in the South East where the ethnic group is believed to have originated. Many Ibibios are married to Igbos mainly because there has been an intimate relationship between the Igbo and the Ibibio tribes for a long.

Although many Ibibios are conversant with the language of Igbos, they maintain their belief which identifies them as distinct from Igbos. Also, the Ibibios are greatly recognized for their culture which portrays a very artistic and beautiful nature.

List Of Some Minority Ethnic Groups In Nigeria

  • Itsekiri
  • Ilaje
  • Ikale
  • Ejagham
  • Boki
  • Bekwarra
  • Leggbo
  • Andoni
  • Baruba
  • Anioma
  • Ikwerre
  • Ekpeye
  • Ogba
  • Jukun
  • Kuteb
  • Ebira
  • Berom, Tarok, Afizere, Kofyar, Jarawa – Plateau State
  • Olukumi, Delta
  • Kanuri
  • Bura
  • Chibok
  • Marghi Uba
  • Marghi Lassa
  • Marghi Damboa
  • Gwoza tribes
  • Shua Arabs
  • In Yobe, the Karai
  • Ngizim, Ngamu, and Bade

Please Note that Nigeria has a lot of ethnic and over 500 tribes, but I believe we have been able to highlight some of the minority ethnic groups in Nigeria and list the major ethnic groups in Nigeria based on their popularity, population, and occupation.


Tag: List Of Ethnic Groups In Nigeria And Their Language