Africa is a very big place, and with that size comes great diversity. The best places to live in Africa will therefore depend on some personal considerations such as expenses, climate, language, cultural diversity, and of course scenery. Africa has much beauty to offer; sandy beaches where one can bathe in the sun, relax in the cool breeze or even ride the waves. Hiking trails, woodlands, and parks are all available in numbers across the continent.

Another advantage Africa has to offer is that it has local markets in every city; they are full of fresh vegetables and other food items that have no preservatives added. Africa is, therefore, the best place to eat healthily, and enjoy an active lifestyle.

Many people also choose to live in Africa for economic reasons. There are a few well-known African cities that have been retirement communities for expatriates from Europe and America for decades. These cities offer you the opportunity to live on less, without compromising your lifestyle.

Top 10 Best Places To Live In Africa

1.  Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town is largely adjudged to be Africa’s most developed city. It has everything; beauty, well-developed facilities that show excellent planning, and the best of all very lively, happy people. Cape Town is a city that appeals to people from all over the world; which is why it is quite posh and upscale.

There are fine hotels, excellent restaurants, incredible beaches, and very well patronized cafes. One can live in Cape Town and never have a dull moment; there is so much excitement in the day and during the night.

Whatever line of business you are involved in, there are very good chances of meeting prospective clients. The economy is quite good, and there is a lot of buying and selling going on in the city.

Perhaps the best thing that Cape Town has to offer is the fact that it offers the chance to meet new and interesting people from all over the world. Whether in the park, or in the cafes, or when dining in restaurants; Cape Town is a great place to meet people because it is a city with borders.

2.  Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg, also in South Africa, is a pristine city in Africa. Johannesburg was founded on gold, and even today it is the headquarters of the gold trade in Africa, and one of the most important gold cities in the world. If you are a business person, you may find that Johannesburg is one of the best cities to live in Africa because the economy is great.

Johannesburg is one of the world’s fashion capitals, and an important city for trade and finance as well. Most international businesses base their African headquarters in Johannesburg, so aside from business connections, Johannesburg is a great place to look for economic opportunities.

Johannesburg is also a great place to meet people; there are thousands of students, young professionals, and business people to socialize with in this great city. You will probably find accommodation in a gated community, and there are plenty of community activities so as to boost familiarity, as combat crime.

3.  Marrakech, Morocco

Especially for those in the fields of education, technology, and healthcare, Marrakech, in Morocco, North Africa, maybe an irresistible place to live and work.

The architecture is most ancient; almost every street corner you walk into gives you a bit of history. This was a stronghold of the ancient Berber Empire, and the city still reflects that history with its way of life. The Medina, for example, is a dense mash-up of semi-open stalls stretching as far as the eyes can see.

You can find cafes where tea (several varieties) is sold, and then another section where fabrics are sold. You will find fresh food items without any preservatives, including vegetables, fish, and cheese.

You can work or do business without any restrictions, although there is a particular need for technology, education (teaching English), and healthcare. The cost of living is quite low in this city, and all the facilities are good. Furthermore, there is very little crime to speak of.

4.  Accra, Ghana

Accra is the best city in West and Central Africa by quite some distance. This is the capital city of Ghana and is located on the west coast of Africa. Evidence of how good life is in Accra is seen in the fact that the city has expanded so much within the last 20 years.

Accra is a great place to do business; it is an important gold city in West Africa, and that is the foundation upon which a fine economy is built. For example, there are several banks severing local and international customers in the city, hotels of different classes, and very good restaurants offering both local and international delicacies.

The facilities in this city are very good; electricity is stable, the transport system is efficient, and there is good security.

In Accra, there are gated communities as well as low-income neighborhoods where people of modest income live in communities.

5.  Victoria, Seychelles

Victoria is a very popular city in Africa; there is a very marked increase in the standard of living standards in this country that is located in the Indian Ocean; off the coast of East Africa.

Island countries usually appeal to people as abodes of tourism, and Seychelles is no different. In Victoria, Seychelles, you find many people from all over the world lazing around on the beaches, and lounging in the hotels.

However, business is also quite good in Victoria; after all, tourism is not complete without visiting the local markets, restaurants, cafes, and malls. Colorful fabrics are of particular interest to the visitors, and one could also explore the business opportunities available in the restaurant sector.

6.  Port Louis, Mauritius

Port Louis is the capital of Mauritius, another country in the Indian Ocean, just about 2,000 kilometres off the southeast coast of the African continent.

Port Louis is an interesting place because of its architecture; at different times, this city has been ruled by the Arabs, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the French- each of those peoples left their marks on the architecture.

Port Louis is now a centre of shipping and commerce, as well as tourism, manufacturing, and financial services. This is a great place to live because the pace of life is a lot slower than what one would find in other cities.

Plus all the facilities that make life pleasurable are available in Port Louis; explaining why so most of the country’s population lives in this city.

7.  Algiers, Algeria

Algiers has repeatedly been described as the “Paris of North Africa.” This beautiful city with its whitewashed buildings has always attracted people, especially from Western Europe. In its location just off the Mediterranean coast; Algiers offers a cool climate, beautiful architecture, and a blend of European and Arab cultures.

Algiers is a top destination for retired French workers; they choose to live here because it is a cheaper option than downtown Paris. All the facilities they are accustomed to are also present in Algiers; including security, transportation, and good education for their kids and grandkids.

There is no need to make any changes in one’s lifestyle; French is spoken along with Berber and English.

8.  Durban, South Africa

Durban is another South African city that anybody would love to live in, or at least visit. Durban is often described as the cultural melting pot of Africa.

Aside from the native rainbow population, it draws in expatriates from all over the world, thus leading to the interaction of people from different angles on the globe who would ordinarily have little chance of meeting.

Durban has everything a great road network, suitable accommodation, sandy beaches, shopping malls, theatres, universities, and hotels. You can also try out the cafes and restaurants for a taste of the local cuisine.

Durban offers economic opportunities for work or business, the city is quite affluent, and the rate of buying and selling is quite high. There are even opportunities to invest in agriculture via sugar cane planting, livestock farming, and so on.

9.  Cairo, Egypt

Cairo is the capital of Egypt; in the north of Africa. One can say that Cairo comes in two parts; the central district; which is designed to give an international appeal; and then the suburbs.

Central Cairo has international hotels, restaurants, shops, and schools. English is spoken as well as French or Arabic. There is hardly any need to adjust one’s life too much in the central districts of Cairo; it compares to any other major city in Europe or Asia.

However, in the outskirts of Cairo, it is more tuned to the Arab culture; you may have to make some adjustments in the area of dressing and grooming, and Arabic is mostly the language of commerce and communication.

Nevertheless, Egypt is full of historical sites, green parks, and a rich culture that will keep you hooked and staying for a long time.

10.  Windhoek, Namibia

Windhoek is the capital of Namibia; and is not intrinsically African in nature. Yes, the whole country is tied to South Africa economically, but in Windhoek, you get a better taste of the Afrikaans culture, which is more or less German or Dutch.

The architecture has been described as German, and the people are quite friendly although they ask just as many questions from you as you ask them.

Expats find economic opportunities abundant, but especially in finance, tourism, and transport industries. Live moves at a slower pace in Windhoek, so if that is something you like, you can easily fit in.

The whole city gives the feeling of a small town; and there are a lot of intellectual conversations to be had, especially with students of Namibia’s national university.

The city is peaceful, friendly, and clean, and one place where you can actually find people of different races living together without any tension at all.



When choosing the best places to live in Africa, there are quite a lot of options to choose from. This shows how developed the continent has become, and how attractive Africa has become to expatriates.

The relationship between peace and progress is once again brought to the fore; the cities on this list could not have attained the level of development they have had if steps were not taken years ago to ensure peace and prosperity.

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