Due to the present economic situation, young people are encouraged to make wise career choices. The highest paying jobs in Nigeria are mostly important jobs requiring years of training to achieve competence. These are scarce skills upon which the country and economy depend to function.

Many of these professionals are being poached by foreign countries, and so it is necessary to pay them well in order for them to stay and to continue rendering these vital services to Nigerians so that the Nigerian society does not become disrupted, and the economy does not falter.

These highest paying jobs in Nigeria may offer the best chance of a better life; with respect and connections in the society. They may even come with official vehicles and residences, and many other advantages.

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Nigeria 

1. Surgeons

Salary Range: N400,000 – N2,500,000

A surgeon is a physician that treats diseases, injuries, or defects by operating on the affected tissues and organs. Surgeons are very important members of the healthcare system; they are in charge of medical teams that include doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, surgical assistants and so on. Some surgeons can even specialize in some certain kinds of surgeries such as burns or trauma or cancer, and so on.

Surgeons may also be part of patient’s pre and post operative care. They may also be part of the rehabilitation necessary to get patients back to the state they were in before the ailment happened.

Surgeons are very important; which is why they earn such high salaries. Surgeons earn around N400,000 monthly while they are in the early stages of their careers, however, as they become more experienced, they command payment of up to N2,500,000 per month. Some kinds of surgeons like plastic surgeons are so scarce that they can even command much higher salaries than that.

Surgeons have very important and yet very scarce skills in Nigeria; this is compounded by the fact that they are being poached by countries in Europe and the middle east; thereby depleting the resources of the Nigerian healthcare system.

2. Petroleum Engineer

Salary Range: N380,000 to N1,000,000

Petroleum Engineers are vital to the sustenance of the economy; they are key professionals that keep the oil industry going. Nigeria gets about 80% of its revenue from the oil industry, and the oil industry cannot function without petroleum engineers. These highly trained professionals perform a Job that is both important and dangerous; drilling deep into the earth for oil and gas reserves. Sometimes they work on oil platforms off shore, and so they have to drill deep in the water.

Oil workers are some of the highest earning workers in the world; because they must be satisfied so as not to disrupt production and distribution. Energy is of paramount importance all around the world; people need it to drive their cars, to power their industries, and to heat their homes.

All over the world they pay top dollar for petroleum, and that is why petroleum engineers work some of the highest paying jobs in Nigeria; because they are some of the biggest contributors to the Nigerian economy.

3. Aircraft Pilot

Salary Range: N200,000 – N3,000,000.

The aviation industry in Nigeria is growing, although it recently suffered a lengthy period of decline. Now, there are a few indigenous airlines in the country, such as Air Peace, and Air Nigeria, and there are even more airports in the country now, and so the aviation industry is doing better than before.

Aircraft Pilots earn anywhere from N200,000 to N3,000,000 in Nigeria; the exact salaries they earn depend on the level of experience they have. Captains may even be able to negotiate higher salaries than the figures given here.

Aircraft Pilots are not just interested in flying planes from one point to another; they are fully responsible for the safety of the plane, and of all the passengers aboard. They undergo very intensive training; and they must fit certain character profiles. However, this is a very in demand job; even if they decide not to work with a Nigerian company, they can find work with multinationals.

4. Software Developers

Salary Range: N134,000 – N400,000

Software Developers are very important as the country embraces the digital revolution. Their job includes creating, designing, deploying and supporting software which can be put to use in commerce, banking, security, information technology, and so many uses.

Software Developers contribute immensely to the economy because without them banks, e commerce websites, and other sensitive sectors would not be able to process payments. Software Developers earn anywhere from N134,000 – N400,000, although those with more experience can earn much higher.

There are even Software engineers in Nigeria who are multimillionaires; they have successfully developed products that have been adopted for use, and have earned huge amounts for their work.

5. Investment Bankers

Salary Range: N200,000- N500,000

Investment Bankers are not just bank tellers or customer care agents; they are investment professionals whose job is to make their rich clients richer. Although these professionals may not be so many in the country; those who have proven themselves to be highly skilled at this job are usually very much sought after in the financial services sector of the country.

Some of them work at Stock broking firms, investment houses, banks, and similar places where they get to analyze the markets and advice their clients accordingly. Some have the right to execute the trades on behalf of their clients; or in some cases, the company operates mutual funds.

Investment Bankers are important members of the finance world; which is why they earn hefty salaries. Aside from their salaries; they also get inside information; helping them to make money for themselves and their families.

6. Telecommunications Engineer

Salary Range: N200,000 – N1,000,000

Telecommunications Engineers work in the area of telecommunications. They are very necessary because without them we may not be able to communicate with our loved ones; business partners, and with our work mates. Without any doubt; Telecommunication is a vital sector in society; it is necessary for family, for commercial applications, and even for the military.

Such an important sector has to pay well; this is why telecommunications engineers make anywhere between N200,000 and N1,000,000 per month. Aside from their basic salaries they are often given extra cash to mobilize them to work in sites or communications masts which may be faulty. Telecommunications Engineers also have juicy welfare packages to take care of them.

7. Aeronautical Engineers

Salary Range: N350,000 – N700,000

Aeronautical Engineers are vital workers in the aviation sector; they maintain airplanes and other aircraft, ensuring that they are in optimum shape to flight. This is no small job; without the input of aeronautical engineers the aviation industry would soon collapse. Aside from their work in civil aviation; aeronautical engineers also work in the military.

They are very important because air travel is the quickest way to move people, goods and services from one place to another; and without Aeronautical Engineers air travel would just not be possible.

Aeronautical engineers can also work as weapons experts; they can develop missiles and drones, and other flying weapons that can help the country gain the advantage in any military engagements.

8. Accountants

Salary Range: N140,000 – N1,500,000

Accountants do the work of the ensuring that monies are well disbursed within companies and organizations. This includes taxes, salaries, sales, and every other thing concerning money. Accountants help the management, or the government to identify the way the money is coming and going in an organization.

Accountants are very important; without them, businesses would not survive. Accountants discover leakages in the corporate purse before those leakages drown the companies.

Every company wants to have good accountants because they will help them keep the business alive. This is why they pay accountants quite well in Nigeria. Furthermore, accountants have to be paid well, so that they are not easily corrupted.

9. Lawyers

Salary Range: N150,000 to N1,100,000

Lawyers make very good money; they are professionals who interpret the law, and who argue cases for their clients in court. Whenever, people have civil disputes, or whenever there are criminal matters to be resolved; people turn to Lawyers. But it is not only people that need lawyers whenever they have legal problems; companies also maintain corporate lawyers who work with them in-house; representing the interests of the company.

Lawyers in Nigeria make money from people, companies, and politicians who are always litigating corruption charges, election outcomes, and every other thing they can find.

Lawyers usually make from N150,000 to N1,100,000 when they work with Law firms; although they can earn much more when they have their own practices, or when they become Senior Advocates of Nigeria.

10. Pharmacists

Salary Range: N120,000 to N180,000

Pharmacists administer medications based on doctor’s prescriptions. These are healthcare professionals; very important workers in the healthcare system. Without Pharmacists patients would take unsafe medicines, and they would also overdose on their medications.

Pharmacists therefore protect the health of their patients; they even care for those who have recently had surgeries; ensuring that they get the correct dosage of the proper medicines, thus ensuring that they recover.

Other High Paying Jobs Include



Logistics Jobs (Especially for Oil Firms)

Construction Engineering

Teaching (Lecturing)

Coaching (Football)


Hospitality Jobs

Police Jobs (Senior Officers)



The highest paying jobs in Nigeria are also some of the most respectable jobs in the country. Aside from the prospect of making very good money; professionals who work in these fields can also get the satisfaction of knowing that they make incalculable contributions to the Nigerian society, and humanity as a whole.

5 Replies to “Top 20 Highest Paying Jobs In Nigeria 2023

    1. Is civil engineering not among the highest paying engineering jobs in Nigeria? Guide us with your counselling

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