As we enter admission season in the Nigerian University System and intending students gather around trying to gain entrance into institutions of higher learning, we find it imperative to compile the list of courses offered in one of the impressive universities in Nigeria today, the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University.

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU as it is commonly known) is an internationally-recognized Nigerian university and is located in Bauchi the capital town of Bauchi State. The university is named after Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, who was the first Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The motto of the university is “Doctrina Mater Artium”, which translates to “Education is the mother of the practical arts”.

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University has been officially inducted and accredited and/or recognized by the National Universities Commission of Nigeria (NUC).

List of ATBU Courses {Undergraduate/PostGraduate} Requirements

ATBU Courses & Programmes listed in this post take the following order: Firstly we list the first degree courses on offer at the University, and then after that, we list the ATBU postgraduate courses. immediately below here is a list of First degree courses on offer.

B.Sc or B.Sc equivalent ATBU Courses For Undergraduates:

  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  ACCOUNTING TECHNOLOGY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  AGRIC-ECONOMICS AND EXTENSION
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  AGRICULTURE
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  ANIMAL PRODUCTION
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  APPLIED GEOLOGY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  APPLIED BOTANY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  APPLIED ECOLOGY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  APPLIED ZOOLOGY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  ARCHITECTURE
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  BANKING AND FINANCE
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  BIOCHEMISTRY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  BUILDING TECHNOLOGY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  BUILDING TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  BUSINESS EDUCATION
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  CHEMISTRY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  CIVIL ENGINEERING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  COMPUTER SCIENCE
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in  CROP PRODUCTION
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   ECOLOGY
  • Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) EDUCATION AND BIOLOGY
  • Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) EDUCATION AND CHEMISTRY
  • Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) EDUCATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCE
  • Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) EDUCATION AND MATHEMATICS
  • Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) EDUCATION AND PHYSICS
  • Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) EDUCATION AND SCIENCE
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   ESTATE MANAGEMENT
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   GEOPHYSICS
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   INDUSTRIAL DESIGN
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Technology (B.Tech)  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   MATHEMATICS
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
  • Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech)  MECHATRONICS AND SYSTEM ENGINEERING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    MEDICINE AND SURGERY
  • Bachelors Degree Technical (B.Tech)  METAL WORK TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    PETROLEUM ENGINEERING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    PHYSICS AND APPLIED PHYSICS
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    QUANTITY SURVEYING
  • Bachelors in Education (B.Ed) SECRETARIAL EDUCATION
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    STATISTICS
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    SURVEYING AND GEOINFORMATICS
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in    URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc) in   VOCATIONAL EDUCATION
  • Bachelors Degree Technical (B.Tech)   WOODWORK TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION

ATBU Postgraduate Courses

  • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in Agricultural Extension
  • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in     Agricultural Economics
  • Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and Extension
  • Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension
  • Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
  • Animal Farming
    • Master Degree (M.Sc) in Breeding and Genetics
    • Master Degree (M.Sc) in Animal Health and Production
    • Master Degree (M.Sc) in Mono-gastric Nutrition and Management
    • Master Degree (M.Sc) in Reproductive Physiology
    • Master Degree (M.Sc) in Ruminant Nutrition and Management
    • Ph.D. in Animal Production and Health
    • Ph.D. in Animal Breeding and Genetics
    • Ph.D. in Mono-gastric Nutrition and Management
    • Ph.D. in Reproductive Physiology and Management
    • Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition and Management
  • Crop Science
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in Agricultural Etymology
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in Plant Pathology
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in Agronomy
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in Genetics and Plant Breeding
  • Soil Science
    • Ph.D. in Agronomy and Farm Management
    • Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding
    • Ph.D. in Agricultural Etymology
    • Ph.D. in Agronomy
    • Ph.D. in Plant Pathology
    • Ph.D. in Soil Science
  • Engineering and Engineering Technology
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng) in Farm Power and Machinery
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng) in Farm Structures and Environmental Control
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng) in Food Processing and Storage
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng) in Soil and Water Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Farm Power and Machinery Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Soil and Water Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng)  in Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng)  in Chemical Engineering (Biochemical and Environmental)
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng)  in Process and Engineering Optimization
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng)  in Materials Engineering (Polymers and Ceramics)
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng)  in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
    • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
    • Ph.D. Chemical Engineering (Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals)
    • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (Process Engineering and Process Optimization)
    • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (Biochemical and Environmental Engineering)
    • Ph.D. Chemical Engineering (Catalysis & Reaction Engineering)
    • Ph.D. in Materials Engineering (Polymers and Ceramics)
  • Civil Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Civil Engineering (Geo-technical)
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Civil Engineering (Water Resources)
    • Ph.D. Civil Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Geo-technical)
    • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Structural)
    • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Water Resources and Environmental Engineering)
  • Electrical Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Power System and Machine Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Control System Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Computer Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Electrical Engineering (Electronics)
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Telecommunication Engineering
    • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Electronics Engineering)
    • Ph.D. Communications Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Control Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Power System and Machine Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng).in Power and Process Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng).in Production Engineering
    • PGD in Mechanical Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Automotive Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Materials)
    • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Energy)
    • Ph.D. in Production Engineering
  • Mechatronics and System Engineering
    • Masters in Engineering (M. Eng). Machine Design and Mechatronics
  • Petroleum Engineering
    • PGD in Petroleum Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • (Architecture)
    • M.Tech in Architecture
    • PGD in Architecture
    • Ph.D. in Architecture
  • (Building Technology)
    • M.Tech in Construction Management
    • M.Tech Construction Technology
    • PGD Construction Management
    • Ph.D. Construction Technology
  • Environmental Management Technology
    • M.Tech. in Environmental Management Technology
    • PGD in Environment and Development
    • Ph.D. in Environmental Management Technology
  • Estate Management
    • M.Tech. Estate Management and Valuation
    • PGD Estate Management and Valuation
    • Ph.D. Estate and Valuation
  • Industrial Design
    • M.Tech Industrial Design (Ceramics and Ceramics Technology)
    • M.Tech Industrial Design  (Metals and Jewelry Technology)
    • M.Tech Industrial Design   (Graphics and Graphics Technology)
    • PGD Industrial Design
    • Ph.D. in Project Management
    • Ph.D. Industrial Design (Metal and Jewelry Design)
  • Quantity Surveying
    • M.Tech in Project Management
    • M.Tech   in Quantity Surveying
    • PGD in Quantity Surveying
    • Ph.D. in Project Management
    • Ph.D. in Quantity Surveying
  • Surveying and Geoinformatics
    • M.Tech in Surveying and Geoinformatics
    • PGD in Surveying and Geoinformatics
    • Ph.D. in Surveying and Geoinformatics
  • Urban and Regional Planning
    • M.Tech Urban and Regional Planning
    • PGD in urban and Regional Planning
    • Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning
  • Management Sciences
  • Accounting and Finance
    • M.Sc Accounting
    • M.Sc in Finance
    • Master of Accounting and Finance
    • Master of Development Studies
    • PGD in Accounting and Finance
    • Ph.D in Accounting
    • Ph.D in Finance
  • Management and Information Technology
    • M.Sc in Management
    • M.Sc in Management Information Technology
    • MBA in Engineering Management
    • MBA  in Entrepreneurship and Business Development
    • MBA  in  Environment and Sustainable Development
    • MBA  in Finance and Investment
    • MBA in Human Resource Management
    • MBA  in Human Resource Management
    • MBA in Management
    • MBA  in  Marketing
    • MBA in Technology Management
    • Master of Health Management
    • Master of Information Technology Management
    • PGD in Finance
    • PGD in Management
    • PGD    Management Information Technology
    • Ph.D in Management
    • Ph.D Management Information Technology
  • Biological Science
    • M.Sc Applied Ecology
    • M.Sc Botany (Applied Taxonomy)
    • M.Sc Botany (Medicinal Plants)
    • M.Sc Cell Biology and Cytogenetics
    • M.Sc Food Microbiology
    • M.Sc Industrial Microbiology
    • M.Sc in Zoology (Entomology)
    • M.Sc in Zoology (Invertibrate Zoology)
    • M.Sc in Zoology (Parasitology)
    • M.Sc in Zoology (Vertibrate Zoologogy)
    • M.Sc in PGD Botany
    • PGD in Community Health and Hygyine
    • PGD in Epidemology and Control of Communicable Disease
    • PGD in Microbiology
    • PGD in Public Health
    • PGD in Parasitology
    • Ph.D in Applied Parasitology
    • Ph.D in Botany
    • Ph.D in Ecology
    • Ph.D in Entomology
    • Ph.D Food Microbiology
    • Ph.D Helaminthology
    • Ph.D in Industrial Microbiology
    • Ph.D in Medical Microbiology
    • Ph.D in Parasitology
    • Ph.D in Protozoology
  • Chemistry
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in Analytical Chemistry
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in in Inorganic Chemistry
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in in Organic Chemistry
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in in Polymer Chemistry
    • PGD  in Industrial Chemistry
    • Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry
    • Ph.D in Industrial Chemistry
    • Ph.D in Inorganic Chemistry
    • Ph.D in Organic Chemistry
    • Ph.D in Polymer Chemistry
    • Ph.D in Physical Chemistry
  • Geology
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc) in in Economics Geology (Mineral Exploration)
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc)  in Sedimentology / Petroleum Geology
    • Ph.D in Economics Geology (Mineral Exploration)
    • Ph.D in Environmental Geology
    • Ph.D in Sedimentology / Petroleum Geology
  • Mathematical Sciences
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc)   in Mathematics
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc)   in Statistics
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc)  in Computer Science
    • PGD in Mathematics
    • Ph.D. in Computer Science
    • Ph.D. in Mathematics
    • Ph.D. in Statistics
  • Physics
    • Masters Degree (M.Sc)  in Theoretical Physics
    • PGD in Geophysics
    • Ph.D. in Physics (Communication and Electronics)
    • Ph.D in Physics (Energy Studies)
    • Ph.D. in Physics (Medical)
    • Ph.D. in Physics (Solid State)
    • Ph.D. in Geophysics
    • Ph.D. in Physics (Theoretical)
  • Technology Education
  • Educational Foundation
    • M.Tech Educational Administration and Planning
    • M.Tech in Educational Guidance and Counselling
    • PGD Education
    • Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies
    • Ph.D. Educational Administration and Planning
    • Ph.D. in Educational Psychology
    • Ph.D. in Educational Guidance and Counselling
  • Science Education
    • M.Tech in Biology Education
    • M.Tech Chemistry Education
    • M.Tech in Computer Science Education
    • M.Tech in Mathematics Education
    • M.Tech in Physics Education
    • M.Tech in Mathematics Education
    • M.Tech in Science Education
    • M.Tech in Computer Education
  • Vocational and Technology Education
    • M.Tech Metal Work Technology Education
    • M.Tech Agricultural Educational
    • M.Tech Automobile Technology Education
    • M.Tech in Building Technology Education
    • M.Tech in Business Education (Accounting)
    • M.Tech in Business Education (Management)
    • M.Tech in Electrical Electronics Education
    • M.Tech in Woodwork Technology Education
    • M.Tech in Agricultural Education
    • M.Tech in Building Technology Education
    • M.Tech in Electrical Electronics Education

That’s all about the List of ATBU Courses Offered for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses with their requirements.


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