In Nigeria, art departments in secondary schools are mostly seen as a place for dull students, and many feel it only ends with either Law or Mass Comm or Theater Arts.

However, there are actually a lot of courses that an art student can subscribe to when he or she gets to the tertiary institution, and there are a lot of opportunities available for students in the department of art.

This article contains all the art courses offered in Nigerian universities. Yours is to explore and choose what suits you.

List Of Courses Under Art Department In Nigeria

  1. African and Asian Studies
  2. Anthropology
  3. Arabic and IS
  4. Arabic Language and Literature
  5. Arabic Studies
  6. Arabic Studies
  7. Archaeology
  8. Arts (Combined)
  9. Chinese Studies
  10. Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies
  11. Christian Studies
  12. Classical Studies
  13. Communication and Language Arts
  14. Communication Arts
  15. Communication Studies
  16. Comparative Religious Studies
  17. Counselling and Psychology
  18. Creative and Visual Arts
  19. Creative Arts
  20. Criminology and Security Studies
  21. Drama/Dramatic Arts/Performing Arts/Theatres Arts
  22. Economics
  23. Economics and Development Studies
  24. Efik-Ibibio
  25. English and International Studies
  26. English and Literary Studies
  27. English Language
  28. English Language and Communication Studies
  29. English Language and Literature
  30. English Literature and Language
  31. English Studies
  32. European and Nigerian Languages
  33. Fine Art/Fine and Applied Arts
  34. Foreign Language and Literature
  35. French
  36. French and German/Russian
  37. French and International Relations
  38. French and International Studies
  39. Fulfulde
  40. Geography
  41. Geography and Environmental Studies
  42. German
  43. German combined with French/Russian
  44. Hausa
  45. History
  46. History and Archaeology
  47. History and Diplomacy
  48. History and Diplomatic Studies
  49. History and International Relations
  50. History and Political Studies
  51. History and Strategic Studies
  52. History/International Studies
  53. Igbo
  54. Igbo/Linguistics
  55. International and Comparative Politics
  56. International Relations and Diplomacy
  57. International Studies and Diplomacy
  58. IS
  59. Kanuri
  60. Kiswahili
  61. Language and Linguistics
  62. Language and Literature
  63. Languages
  64. Languages Arts
  65. Languages Arts and Yoruba
  66. Linguistics
  67. Linguistics and African Languages
  68. Linguistics and Communication Studies
  69. Linguistics and Communication Studies
  70. Linguistics, Igbo and Other African Languages
  71. Linguistics/Edo
  72. Linguistics/Urhobo
  73. Linguistics/Yoruba
  74. Lingustics and Nigerian Languages
  75. Literature in English
  76. Mass Communication
  77. Modern European Languages
  78. Modern Language and Translation
  79. Music
  80. Nigerian Languages
  81. Performing Arts
  82. Performing Arts and Culture
  83. Philosophy
  84. Philosophy and Religious Studies
  85. Political Science and Conflict Resolution
  86. Portuguese
  87. Portuguese/English
  88. Psychology and Human Development
  89. Religion and Philosophy
  90. Religion and Science
  91. Religious and Cultural Studies
  92. Religious and Human Relations
  93. Religious Studies
  94. Religious Studies/Theology
  95. Russian
  96. Russian with French/German
  97. Sociology
  98. Sociology and Anthropology
  99. Theatre and Film Studies
  100. Theatre and Media Arts
  101. Theatre and Performing Arts
  102. Theatre Arts
  103. Theology
  104. Yoruba
  105. Yoruba and Communication

Courses Under Art Department In Nigeria Universities: O’level and UTME Requirements

Here, we’ve attached the SSCE/NECO and UTME requirements for some of the popular Art courses offered by tertiary institutions in the country:

Anthropology; Archaeology; Classical Studies; Communication and Language Arts

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You need Five SSC credit passes, including one of Government/History, Religious Studies, Geography and Economics.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You need any three of History, CRS/IS, Geography, Economics, Literature-in-English, and French.

Arabic Language; Arabic and IS; Arabic Language and Literature; Arabic Studies

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You need Five SSC credit passes in English Language, Arabic, and three (3) other relevant subjects.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You need to write Arabic and two (2) subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.

Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies; Christian Studies

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You need to have Five SSC credit passes in English Language, CRS and three (3) other relevant subjects.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write Two Arts subjects including CRS and any other subject.

Communication Arts; Communication Studies

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You will need Five SSC credit passes or equivalent including English Language, Literature-in-English, Arts/Music depending on the combination.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

Comparative Religious Studies

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You will have to have Five SSC credit passes to include the English Language, IS, and three (3) other Arts/Social Sciences/Science subjects.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You will have to write CRS/IS and two (2) other Arts or Social Science subjects.

Drama/Dramatic Arts/Performing Arts/Theatres Arts

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You will have to write Five SSC credit passes to include English Language and Arts subjects.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write Literature in English and two (2) other relevant subjects.


  • O’Level Requirements:
      • You will need to have Five SSC credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and at least two (2) other relevant subjects from Commerce, Government, and Accounting.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and CRS/IS.

English and International Studies; English and Literary Studies; English Language; English Language and Literature; English Language and Communication studies; English Literature and Language; English Studies; European and Nigerian Languages

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You need to have Five SSC credit passes to include English Language, Literature in English, and any other three (3) Arts/Social Science subjects.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write Literature in English, Government or History or any other Arts subjects.

Fine Art/Fine and Applied Arts; Fine arts and Design

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes to include English Language and Fine Arts For holders of NTC, the relevant subjects could be General Woodwork, Building/Engineering Drawing, Introduction to Building Construction; Decorative Painting; Spray Painting, Lining, Sign and Design; Wall hanging, Colour Mixing/Matching and Glazing; Printing Origination; Machine Printing and Finishing; General Metal Work, Basic Electricity, Spinning, Weaving, Surface Design and Printing; Bleaching, Dyeing, and Finishing; Graphic Design; Graphics Printing and Ceramics.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You should write Fine Arts and two (2) other Arts subjects or Social Science subjects.

French; French and International Studies; French and International Relations

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes including French and English Language plus one (1) other Arts subject.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write French and any other two (2) subjects from Arts.

German; German combined with French/Russian

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five (5) SSC credit passes to include French, English Language, and any three (3) other subjects.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write French and any two (2) other Arts/Social Science subjects.

History; History and Diplomacy; History and Diplomatic Studies; History and International relations; History and Strategic Studies; History/International Studies

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes to include History/Government and English Language.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write History/Government and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

Igbo; Igbo/Linguistics

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes to include Igbo, English Language, and any other Arts subject.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write Igbo and two (2) subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

International and Comparative Politics; International Studies and Diplomacy; International Relations and Diplomacy

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes to include English Language, Geography, Government/History.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write History/Government and any other two (2) subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Communication Studies; Linguistics and Nigerian Languages; Language and Literature; Linguistics; Linguistics and Communication Studies; Linguistics and African Languages; Linguistics/Edo; Linguistics/Urhobo; Linguistics/Yoruba

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes to include English Language and any other Arts, Social Sciences, and Sciences.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write One Arts and two (2) other subjects.

Mass Communication; Philosophy; Philosophy and Religious Studies; Religious and Cultural Studies

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes to include the English Language.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write any three Arts and Social Science subjects.


  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes including Music and English Language.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write Music, one other Art subject plus any other subject.

Religious and Human Relations; Religious Studies; Theology

  • O’Level Requirements:
    • You are to have Five SSC credit passes to include English Language and CRS/IS.
  • UTME Subjects:
    • You are to write CRS/IS and any other two (2) subjects.

That’s all about Courses Under Art Departments in Nigeria, Art Courses Offered In Nigerian Universities
