There are lots of houses in Nigeria. Nigeria is known as the most populous country in Africa with different types of culture. Many people still stay in the rural areas to date, development has not actually touched every place, so don’t be surprised when you see some old fashion houses in this article. We will be giving you detailed information about the types of houses in Nigeria in this article, be sure to read closely, if you are looking for a house, you might find the kind of house which you want.

Types of Houses In Nigeria

  • Bungalow

Bungalows are storey buildings with a small roof at the top, it can also be called a cottage house which usually has dormer windows and can be surrounded with wide verandahs. Living in a bungalow means that there are no stairs between the living areas and this has been made possible because of the design of the house. People in bungalows have more privacy than those with two-storey houses.

Storey building has more heights but in the case of bungalows it’s not like that, you can plant trees around a bungalow which will cover the houses while in the case of storey buildings, you will need trees of higher height which will enable you to do that. Bungalows are also known to be economical and easy to maintain so they are popular in Nigeria.

  •  Terraced House

Terraced houses are now becoming popular in Nigeria, they are often called the new trend of houses.  They are often two to three storey buildings and less parking space and privacy, because of the tall buildings. Terraced houses are more popular in Lagos state and this is to the issue of people renting houses now and then, depending on the architectural work, terraced houses can be private or even shared.

  •  Mud House

Many people there cannot afford to build houses with blocks or any other materials because they are deemed to be expensive, so to make things more economical for them they move down to the mud house level. The owners use palm fronds and mud attached with straws to build the wall and the roof, this type of building is determined by the local environment. If you need a change then a mud house can be a big change, just you and yourself which is good sometimes.

  • Detached House

Another popular house in Lagos, you can find this type of house in estates in Lagos around Lekki, Ajah, V.I, or VGC. They are mostly called houses for the rich because they are quite expensive, detached houses can be a story building either one or two. People who build, buy, or rent detached houses are requesting more privacy because they have good parking spaces, small gardens, and even places where they can host small parties, do barbecues, and others.

  •  Semi-Detached House

Semi-detached houses are almost the same as detached houses just that you and your neighbor share one wall. This kind of house is mostly popular in the rich areas of Lagos, if you would classify them they are expensive, you can live a private life there also and have fewer houses in the aspect of using terraced houses to compare.

  •  Duplex

This house is termed to be the house for the rich, it consists of two units of houses sharing a central wall. The building is a two-storey building that is divided into two apartments. This house is perfect for a big family and it is quite affordable. There are also semi-detached duplexes as this type of house is considered to be split duplexes.

More on Types of Houses In Nigeria

Houses are not difficult to construct in Nigeria, you need a piece of land with labourers and materials, and money is needed to make sure those things are available. For you to rent a house or build one in Nigeria is not really a problem, there is manpower anytime that is always available to work and they help in making things faster. In a place like Lagos, houses are available and there are different parts in which one can live in Lagos.

Lagos has different sides, you classify areas based on the locations, there are places for the rich and there are places for the poor or even average people of the society, so wherever you want to stay determines the kind of houses you will see. Many houses in Lagos state is classified or made to be an estate, most times you find houses like this in places like Lekki, Ajah, Victoria Island, Victoria Garden City which is also known as VGC, Places like this are termed to be houses for the rich or even average persons of the society, so houses which you see there are mostly detached houses or semi-detached houses, duplexes, mansions, and others. Houses here are well built but some discomfort comes with space, houses are always closely placed with each other, so it’s mostly difficult for anyone to have full freedom in terms of spacing.

In the rural areas like villages you will see mud houses over there, it’s very common in the western villages in Nigeria.  There are still some places in Nigeria which development has not gotten to still have mud houses and they love it, they do not see it as anything, many do not know about the types of houses in the city. Mud houses are termed to very okay over there, you won’t really feel that uncomfortable that much, but if you are the type that any little thing affects you, and then this type of house is not for you.

In conclusion, there are different types of houses in Nigeria and we have been able to give you the most popular house which is quite affordable and houses which you can see easily. The houses which are listed above are quite affordable for the middle class and the high class so you can decide the type of house you would love to buy or rent.


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