Swiss passport visa free countries include a list of nations that passport owners can get into with no charge whatsoever. This entry is given to nationals of Switzerland to aid him or her in foreign travel. An identity card can be utilized by the Swizz citizens for their trip that is within European continents but some few countries may differ.

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Swizz Passport Visa Free Countries 2019

To enjoy swiss passport visa free countries, a holder of Swizz passport documents is free to enter the following under listed countries below on the basics of free visas;

  •    Bulgaria

Bulgaria is one of the countries that is situated in European continents that permits holders of Swizz passports documents on free visa basic to be in their land as long as they desire since there is no time stipulated for them to live there.

  •    Austria

On the basis of free visas entrance, the nationals of Swizz country are free to enter Austria and reside there as long as they wish provided that they have their passports documents with them.

  •    Cyprus

Cyprus country is among the numerous nations that are located in a European continent that gives unlimited time period to nationals of Swizz that wish to enter Cyprus without their visas but with their passport’s documents.

  •    Hungary

There is an unlimited period to the holder of Swizz passport to live in Hungary in the basics of free visas.

Swiss Passport Visa Free Countries
  •    Denmark

Denmark is a European country that gives Swizz nationals that holds their passports documents to continually residing in its land given that there are a free visas basics.

  •    Ireland

There is no stipulated staying period of whatsoever to anyone that holds Swizz passport to live in Ireland country as long as that person desires.

  •    Belgium

Just like Ireland and other countries been mentioned earlier on, Belgium gives the unlimited duration of time to Swizz citizens that possess their passports documents on basics of free visas.

  •    Greece

There is no time off whatsoever that is melted out by Greece government to nationals of Swizz that have his or her passport document.

  •    Italy

Italy has an unlimited time of duration.

  •    Luxembourg

On basics of free visas, there is no stipulated duration time for nationals of a Swizz who must have their passports to enter and resides in Luxembourg country.

  •    Iceland

Iceland as a nation in the European continent has unlimited duration.

  •    Liechtenstein

A Swizz citizen that have their passport documents with them but without their visa can travel to Liechtenstein country and resides there permanently.

  •    Finland

No limited duration time is required by the Swizz citizens that do not have their visas with them but possess their passports documents.

  •    Estonia

Estonia has an unlimited duration time.

  •    Germany

Germany is among the largest country in the world today that is endowed with both natural and human resources. This country is well planned and organized in terms of a well-stabled economy and politics that they enjoyed for a prolonged time now. There is an improved standard of living and a quality educational sector given that most of its tertiary institutions are considered the best in the world day. Therefore, with this, Swizz citizens can easily enter Germany and enjoy this thing and other ones provided they have their passport document.

  •    Lithuania

There is no limited time in Lithuania country.

  •    France

In terms of duration of time, a Swizz national can live in France on the basics of free visa, there is unlimited time.

  •    Latvia

Nationals of Swizz can live in Latvia country unlimited given that there is a backup of passport document.

  •    Malta

This is one of the nations that are on the European southern Island nation that is made up of archipelago inside the Mediterranean. Malta is a densely populated nation that grants unlimited duration.

  •    Czech Republic

No specific time is mentioned here in this country. No wonder it made our list of Swiss passport visa-free countries

  •    Bahamas

It is an archipelago coral-based nation that is located in the Atlantic Ocean. Its main best-known cities are Grand Bahamas, the northernmost Bahamas, and the paradise island. The Bahamas has a specific duration of eight months or one hundred and eighty days only.

  •    Canada

Canada is a North American country that has a limited duration of six months only to Swizz nationals that have their passports but no visas.

  • Japan

A stipulated time of six months is needed here only.

  •    Peru

Peru is a nation that is located in South America that has Lima as its capital state. Swizz nationals with passports have a period of one hundred and eighty-three days to stay in Peru country on the free visa basics.

  •    Argentina

This is a big South America country with its terrain comprising of glacial lakes, mountains, traditional grazing field for the beef cattle and then Pampas grassland. It is well known for its music and tango dance. It has a limited time of ninety days.

  •    Kenya

Kenya is an Africa nation that gives a duration of three months or ninety days maximum to holders of Swizz passport on free visa basic.

  •    Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda are among the nations that a specified time period ninety days or three months only.

  •    Kuwait

A limited time period of three months is the maximum time interval nationals of Swizz country with passports can have without their visas.

  •    Guyana

It is a nation that is located in the continent of South America that is well explained through its rainforest that is dense. Georgetown is its capital. Guyana country gives a maximum time of ninety days.

  •    Barbados

This is an independent British Commonwealth country that is on the eastern side of Caribbean Island. Its capital is Bridgetown. Cricket and tea And national spot are the two natural traditions of Barbados. Three months is its maximum duration time.

  •    Hong Kong

This is a unique administered territory situated on the eastern region of the pearl Restudy inside the part of southern China. Its main ethnic groups are Filipino, white, Chinese and Indonesians.  It gives only three months.

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  •    Honduras

It is a South America nation that has the Pacific Ocean at its south and on the north is Caribbean Sea. Swizz nationals with passports on free visa basic have a limited duration of three months to be in Honduras nation.

  •    Malaysia

Malaysia is an Asian country that allows a duration of three months only.

  •    El Salvador

This is the least nation in a central American. It is featured for its surf spots, Pacific Oceans beaches, and mountainous landscape. San Salvador is serving as its capital city and it allows only three months.

  •    Costa Rica

A limited time of Three months.

  •    Serbia

Serbia is a nation that is on the southeast area of Balkan Peninsula of Europe with the northern mountains and platens and on its south lies the ski resorts. Belgrade is the name of its capital city. Its limited time is only three months.

  •    Bolivia

This is a nation that is inside the central South America continent that has terrain spanning that varies around Atacama Desert, Andes mountains and Amazon Basin rainforest. With an acquisition of passport document by a citizen of Swizz, they are free to enter Bolivia country on the basis of free visa basics with the limited duration of ninety days.

  •    Botswana

A specified time of ninety days is permitted.

  •    Paraguay

This is a landlocked nation that is between Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia nations. Asuncion is its capital city. Paraguay allows only three months or ninety days.

  •    Guatemala

Guatemala as a country serves as a habitat to rainforests, volcanoes and the ancient Mayan sites. Guatemala country is also one of the Central America country situated between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.  Guatemala gives Swizz citizens on free visa basic and who are with their passports a duration of three months only.

  •    Bosnia and Herzegovina

This nation allows a specified duration of three months only. No wonder it made our list of swiss passport visa free countries

  •    Colombia

A maximum of three months is allowed.

  •    Nicaragua

This nation is well known for its volcanoes, dramatic terrain lakes and beaches. It is part of central America country situated between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It allows Swizz citizens with their passports documents a duration of three months.

  •    Chile

Chile is a narrow-longed nation that is stretching along the western edge of South America. Its capital is Santiago and Spanish is their official language. Three months is its limited duration time.

  •    Moldova

This is the previous Soviet Republic that is in the eastern part of Europe. Its varied terrain is made up of rocky hills, forests and vineyards. The limited time it gives to Swizz nationals with their passports is three months or ninety days only.

  •    Bangladesh

It has a limited time of three months.

  •    Belize

A maximum of thirty days only is allowed for holders of Swizz passports to dwell in this nation on the free visas’ basics.

  •    Thailand

This nation is well known for its opulent royal palaces, ornate temples, tropical beaches and an ancient ruin. Its capital state is Bangkok. Thailand country allows only three months.

  •    Indonesia

Indonesia is well known for its jungles, beaches and Komodo dragons. Jakarta is its capital state. A duration of thirty days is its maximum period it grants to Swizz citizens with his or her passport but with no visas with them.

  •    Egypt

A limited time of one month only.

  •    United Arab Emirates

One month only.

  •    Philippines

This is an Asian country that is among the nations ta national of Swizz country with a passport can enter on basics of free visa and dwell in just twenty-one days only.

  •    Dominica

Dominica is a nation that is on the mountainous Caribbean island featured with tropical rainforest and a natural hot spring. Its currency is Eastern Caribbean dollar. It gives only three weeks or twenty-one days.

  •    Bahrain

This nation is famous for its rivers, bustling cities, beaches, and Buddhist pagodas and it is in southeast Asian continent. Its capital state in Hanoi.  Swizz citizens with their passport have a limited time of two weeks to live in Bahrain nation.

  •    Brunei

Brunei is a small country that is on the side of the Island of Borneo that is being surrounded by the South China Sea and Malaysia. It is famous for its biodiverse rainforest and the beaches. Its limited duration of time is only fourteen days or two weeks.

Things To Know About Swiss Country

  • The Swizz Confederation that is the official name of Switzerland is a nation inside the European continent. It is made up of the city of Bern that is the place of the federal authorities and twenty-six cantos.
  • Central, western and southern Europe are the Federal Republic of the sovereign state. Switzerland is also one of the landlocked nations divided geographically among the Swiss plateau, Alps and Jurua.   This country called Swizz has a boundary with these following nations; France to its side of the west, Liechtenstein and Austria on its east, on the south lies Italy and then on the region of the north is Germany. Its official languages are French, Romansh, German and Italian languages.


Conclusion on Swiss Passport Visa Free Countries 2018

In summary, Swizz passport is a crucial document that has made a name in the globe today because of the numerous countries the holders of these passport have right to enter on the basics of free visa. Citizens of Swizz country passport documents can renew his or her passports once in every ten years in order to still be utilizing the benefits that are attached to the passport.

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