The safest cities in the world are often tied to tourism; sometimes it is the perception of safety and security that prompts visitors to troop into these cities, and other times it is the deliberate policy of the authorities to suppress criminal activity so as to boost the city’s rankings in respects of tourism.

Whatever the case, people are often concerned about the safety and security of their lives and that of their loved ones; and so they ask questions before visiting for business or pleasure. This is especially so when a person has never visited a place before in the past.

Factors that affect a city’s rankings on the safest cities index include the rate of crime, the sophistication of the police, the readiness of the emergency services, and so on.

Top 100 Safest Cities In The World

Position City Country
1. Tokyo Japan
2. Singapore Singapore
3. Osaka Japan
4. Amsterdam Netherlands
5. Sydney Australia
6. Toronto Canada
7. Washington D.C. USA
8. Copenhagen Denmark
9. Seoul South Korea
10. Melbourne Australia
11. Chicago USA
12. Stockholm Sweden
13. San Francisco USA
14. London United Kingdom
15. New York USA
16. Frankfurt Germany
17. Los Angeles USA
18. Wellington New Zealand
19. Zurich Germany
20. Hong Kong China
21. Dallas USA
22. Taipei Taiwan
23. Paris France
24. Brussels Belgium
25. Madrid Spain
26. Barcelona Spain
27. Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
28. Dubai United Arab Emirates
29. Milan Italy
30. Rome Italy
31. Beijing China
32. Shanghai China
33. Santiago Philippines
34. Buenos Aires Argentina
35. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
36. Istanbul Turkey
37. Moscow Russia
38. Kuwait City Kuwait
39. Riyadh Saudi Arabia
40. Mexico City Mexico
41. Rio de Janeiro Brazil
42. Sao Paulo Brazil
43. Manila Philippines
44. Johannesburg South Africa
45. Lima Peru
46. Mumbai India
47. Bangkok Thailand
48. Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
49. Baku Azerbaijan
50. Quito Ecuador
51. Bogota Colombia
52. New Delhi India
53. Jakarta Indonesia
54. Casablanca Morocco
55. Cairo Egypt
56. Dhaka Bangladesh
57. Karachi Pakistan
58. Yangon Myanmar
59. Caracas Venezuela
60. Lagos Nigeria


More Details About The Safest Cities In The World

1. Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo is the capital city of Japan, as well as its economic center. This is a uniquely beautiful place; a very modern city with so much history and antiquity behind it. Tokyo was formerly known as Edo, the stronghold of the Tokugawa Family, during the days of feudal Japan.

Tokyo is not very big; it measures just 13,452 square kilometers. Nevertheless, it is the most populous metropolitan area in the world, with around 37.468 million residents.

Tokyo is also one of the most travelled destinations in the world; it is a major hub of business, technology, politics, and tourism. Tokyo is one of the most beautiful places one can ever visit; there is a unique mixture of natural beauty, ancient architecture, and modern facilities to look forward to when one visits Tokyo.

2. Singapore

Singapore is a city and at the same time a country; it is an island (group of islands) in maritime Southeast Asia. Singapore is geographically close to Malaysia, the Strait of Malacca, and China, but it is probably the most Western city state in South East Asia. Singapore is one of the safest cities in the world; maybe because it is so wealthy that most people have no time to think about crime.

Singapore is a hub for finance, technology, education, and real estate, among other very lucrative sectors. Some of the richest people in the world live in Singapore; and it is a very well managed society and economy.

3. Osaka, Japan

Osaka is the third most populous city in Japan. It is another ancient city that has much to offer in terms of history. Osaka has a population of 2.7 million people, and welcomes millions of visitors every year.

In the old days, this city was considered the economic capital of Japan; and it even served as the administrative capital for a brief period. Now, Osaka is all about history and culture; which is why it is one of the most visited city in Japan by tourists.

Osaka is also a major financial center in Japan; it is also the city of choice for many expatriates; this makes this city the most multicultural place in Japan.

4. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam is the capital of The Netherlands, and the safest city in Europe. This city has a population of nearly 1 million people, and receives millions of visitors every year. This was one a small fishing village, but became transformed into one of the worlds’ major ports during the 17th century.

Amsterdam is a major financial and business center. It is also one of the world’s major centers for tourism; it has a naturally beautiful topography; the canals are interlinked and beautiful- which is why the city is called the Venice of the North.

Another attraction to Amsterdam is the Red Light Districts; many people come in from all over the world to see how this city has managed to incorporate prostitution into its society without all the risks that are usually associated with it.

5. Sydney, Australia

Sydney is the capital city of the state of New South Wales. This is also the most popular and the most populous city in both Australia and Oceania. The city has a population of around 5,231,150 although that figure includes the whole Greater Sydney. Some of Sydney’s biggest highlights include the Sydney Harbour, Royal National Park, and the Blue Mountains.

This is one of the world’s most crime free cities; it is a hub for finance, education, and the commodities market. Sydney is considered one of the best places to live in the world; the city’s natural beauty, as well as the preparedness of both law enforcement and emergency services is laudable.

6. Toronto, Canada

Toronto is the capital city of the province of Ontario. It is probably the most popular city in Canada; and also the most populous; with about 2,794,356 calling it home. This city is an international center of business, finance, arts, sports and culture.

There are many technology development companies in this city; and people from all over the world come in to live. Toronto is recognized as one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world.

Toronto is a bustling city; one with an economy so good that it makes little sense committing anything that could land one in jail. Furthermore, Canadians are traditionally friendly, so new comers feel right at home.

7. Washington D.C., United States

Washington D.C is the capital city of the United States; it is the seat of government; and one of the most famous cities in the country. Washington D.C has several iconic landmarks that are important symbols of America. That probably explains why it is one of the most visited cities in the U.S. with over 20 million visitors every year.

Washington is very secure; there is heavy security presence in the city; even though the security is structured so as not to obstruct the experience of visitors. As far as one is not interested in politics; he will probably enjoy his stay in Washington DC.

8. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark. It is also the most populous city in the country with a population of 1.3 million people. Copenhagen is a major financial center; as well as a center for culture and the arts. Presently there are huge investments ongoing in the area of sports.

Denmark is a rich and well organized country; the rate of unemployment is very low. In such favorable circumstances, crime is naturally low. That explains why Copenhagen is considered one of the most secure places to visit.

9. Seoul, South Korea

Seoul is the capital of South Korea. The city has a population of about 9.9 million people, and is rated very highly by all the review organizations of the world. This city is also very rich in culture and very rich in terms of economy; it is a hub of finance, medical research, education, and so on.

The government of Korea has made security a priority over the years; resulting in tranquility and a sense of purpose in this city.

10. Melbourne, Australia

With Melbourne also ranking highly, Australia is certainly one of the safest countries in the world. This city has a population of about 5 million people; making it the second largest city in Australia. Melbourne has so much to offer. This city is a coastal one; and sits at the southern tip of the country.

Attractions to Melbourne include; the St. Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne Cricket Ground, and the Royal Exhibition Ground. The city is a hub of finance, business, education, and culture. This is one of the most visited places in the world.



The safest cities in the world do not claim to be completely free from petty crime; that is one thing that no government has been able to completely purge from its country. Therefore, when visiting these countries it is a good idea to maintain reasonable safety protocols. Nevertheless, the chances of suffering any major misfortune are quite low.