Communication refers to the various ways humans impart or exchange information through actions such as speaking, writing, or some other medium. So, what are the problems of communication in Nigeria today and the possible solutions? In the modern day, communication methods have come to be known by the term ICT (Information and communications technology).

ICT is the infrastructure and components that make modern computing possible. Currently, there is no universal definition of the ICT but it is accepted to mean all devices, networking components, the many applications and systems that combine to allow people and organizations (businesses, NGOs, governments and other recognizes bodies both legal and illegal) to interact in a digital community. An ICT system is made up of both computer systems and Mobiles. It also includes old technologies such as landline phones, television, and radio broadcast as well as new and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics.


  • Overview Of ICT System

ICT encompasses both the internet-enabled sphere as well as the mobile one powered by wireless networks. It also includes old and ancient technologies such as landline phones, radio, and television broadcast. It also encompasses modern advances such as drone technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics. ICT is sometimes confused with IT (Information technology) but they are not the same as ICT is much broader and encompasses more components related to computer and digital technologies than IT.

  • Unavailability Of Skilled Labour

Even though it is worth noting that there is an upswing in the level of computer literacy amongst Nigerians, the country is just not up there yet in terms of availability of skilled labour in this industry. The government has made effort to introduce computer studies into the curriculum at primary and secondary school levels and this has contributed to the successes being enjoyed right now in this field. However, there is still much work to be done as new and emerging technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence have virtually no existence in the country. This means we are still lagging behind.

  • High Cost OF Setting Up

ICT goes way beyond owning a mobile device, a television set, and even a computer system. More advanced ICT systems such as drone technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence are quite expensive and well beyond the reach of the majority of Nigerians to set up. This high cost is a limiting factor for anyone one who may have an idea and wishes to set up something in the field.

  • Epileptic Power Supply

The power situation is one of the problems of communication in Nigeria, a well-known hindrance that has continued to slow down the growth of the nation in many fields. These ICT systems run on power even though some use batteries, these batteries have to be charged using power. Alternative power supply sources such as an inverter and solar technologies, power generating sets are very expensive to set up and maintain. Any observant person will have noticed that telecommunications masts used by our service providers are permanently run by diesel-powered generators and this further increases the running cost of these companies. The effect is that Nigerians have to pay more than citizens of other countries where their power supply is reliable and constant to enjoy these same services.

Problems Of Communication In Nigeria

  • Job Loss

Jobs which previously were being carried out by humans have suddenly been rendered inconsequential by advanced technologies or they have been taken over by smart computers. This has led to lay off of staffs whose services were no longer required. A very good and relatable example is that of postmen. In the past postmen were charged with delivering letters to their owners but in this modern day, there is absolutely no demand for services of postmen anymore. Letters are now being sent electronically and instantly through popular platforms like yahoo mail and Gmail.

  • Insecurity

This is one of the most serious plagues affecting ICT not only in Nigeria but all over the world. It is a common occurrence that people get hacked and are robbed of important properties as a result, loss of investments, loss of vital information, identify theft and so on. Even the major players are not left out. Years past, MTN a major telecommunications company in Nigeria was a victim of a major hacking that led to their network being closed for 3 days. Also, hackers had a field day in the past preying on weaknesses of the systems of all our telecommunications companies to release what was called free browsing tricks. These tricks allowed people to browse for free on those networks at the expense of the owners. This led to significant losses for our telecommunications companies.

  • Examination Malpractice

Advances in ICT are being exploited by students who engage in all sorts of illegal activities in order to pass examinations without actually preparing. There are several websites where students are told to pay for what is termed “expo” to enable the pass exams in flying colors. The so-called expo refers to leaked examination questions which are then sold to prospective candidates online for them to practice before the actual exam. Some sneak mobile devices into the examination hall and have someone from outside either text them the answers or call the answers for them through the use of carefully hidden hearing gadgets such as Bluetooth earpiece. This has led to a low level of seriousness amongst students.

  • Internet Fraud/Yahoo Yahoo

Fraudsters are over the internet using different tricks to extort money from people. They engage in elaborate schemes such as Ponzi, love scams and even fake lottery programs.

  • Corruption And Terrorism

Corrupt individuals and even terrorists have taken advantage of the internet to advance their activities also. Terrorists now use the internet to brainwash and recruit fighters known as jihadists from all over the world and they also use the internet to generate funds to sustain their hideous acts.


  1. The government should provide funding for our higher institutions of learning so that they can also teach courses on advanced technologies to our teeming youths.
  2. The power situation in the country should be fixed. Once this is done, it will generate a ripple effect that will be felt in all sectors of our economy.
  3. Companies involved in ICT should ensure their workers are well trained by constantly retraining them on new technologies as they become available.
  4. On the issue of security, the government should continue to create awareness amongst citizens that they are responsible for their own security online. They should be mindful of characters that they supply with important information concerning themselves.
  5. The government should put in place a means of filtering and identify activities and individuals that are capable of compromising the security of Nigeria both within and outside.
  6. Individuals caught in the web of internal fraud should be prosecuted and jailed so as to serve as a deterrent to others. 



The ICT sector of Nigeria is growing massively every day with more and more Nigerians being connected to the internet through their mobile phones. This is good for the country and only beautiful things can come out of this if the momentum is sustained.

Tags: What Are The Problems Of Communication In Nigeria, Communication Problems In Developing Countries