Peter Obi Phone Number, Contact Number and Email Address

Peter Obi’s phone number, contact number and email address are some of the information with which one may contact him. Peter Obi has risen to prominence in recent times; he is the presidential flag bearer for the Labour Party, and his presidential campaign has become a movement.

In view of this, many people seek an audience with him, to discuss matters of interest, or to interview him for whatever purposes. As expected from someone who has built up a youth movement, and who wishes to come across as a leader who will listen to the people, Peter Obi has made provisions for these means of communication.

In order to get information about Peter Obi, or communicate with him here is how to go about it.

Peter Obi Phone Number, Contact Number and Email Address

Peter Obi’s Phone Number: 08034051000

Whatsapp Number: Same as above

Twitter Handle: @PeterObi

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Peter Obi Page


Analysis Of The Information Above

It would be counterintuitive of Peter Obi to provide his direct phone line, considering how volatile the Nigerian political space is at the moment. Even the telephone number provided above was switched off as at the time our correspondent attempted to place a call through to it.

The Twitter handle is the most trusted means of communication with Peter Obi; although there is reason to believe that there is a media team behind it; Peter Obi is too busy with meetings, strategizing his next move. It would be unreasonable to expect him to personally be in charge of this means of communication.

Nevertheless, it is fully expected that the media team should pay attention to the important tweets, and pass them along to Mr. Peter Obi. However, there could be a considerable waiting time involved because he is very busy with meetings, consultations, and campaign matters.

The email address is sourced online; there is no way to verify whether it is truly in use; although it may have been used as his email contact sometime in the past, before he declared to run for president.

Peter Obi has a facebook page on which he shares communication with fans, of which he has plenty. There are about 301653 likes on Peter Obi’s facebook page. You may contact him using this medium, and of course, it is probably managed by a team.

Website: two websites supposedly affiliated with Peter Obi were found, but neither of them is responsive.

Overview Of The Peter Obi Candidacy

Peter Obi seems to have amassed more following in the Diaspora than within the country proper. It is therefore necessary that he finds a way of connecting to the people on a more personal basis; which may be why he has taken to social media to try and reach out to young Nigerians which make up the lager part of his following.

Peter Obi has sold his candidacy on the back of the dire need for leadership in the country. He has banked upon his tenure as governor of Anambra state, in which he managed the state on a period of infrastructural development.

Before that, Peter Obi had a career in business and finance; he was born into a business family, and his father died early, leaving him in charge of a retail business, which peter Obi expanded.

He then went into banking; he invested substantially into banking, and later became Chairman of Fidelity Bank.

While Peter Obi is nowhere near as rich as the other candidates, he has had a successful career in business and politics, and has shown that he is quite a capable man.

A central part of his campaign theme has been his persona as a frugal person. This frugality has attracted many young persons who are concerned that the country’s resources have not been properly managed. Many believe that rather than a person who spends lavishly out of his abundance, what Nigeria needs is a stingy person.

Peter Obi’s Frugality

In 2019 he sparked a controversy when he refused to make a donation after visiting Adoration Ministries in Enugu. Reverend Father Mbaka, a popular preacher, and head of the church called him out for that stinginess, but Peter Obi refused to change his stance.

In 2022, just before the Primaries; he left the PDP; writing a letter to the Chairman of the party, informing him of his resignation. He complained about vote buying, which he refused to participate in. Peter Obi said that he felt targeted by certain delegates because he refused to buy their votes with money.

He subsequently went to the Labour Party, and was immediately made the presidential candidate of the party.

Peter Obi’s Supporters

Peter Obi’s supporters are called the “Obidients.” He has an impressive following in the diaspora, as can be seen from his recent appearance in Frankfurt Germany, in which the venue was overcrowded with eager Nigerians, many who came from locations as far away as Canada.

Rallies have been held in many cities across the country even before the official commencement of campaigning. It appears that he has a lot of work to do in order to get accepted by the masses, many of whom are poor, and may not understand the benefits of frugality on the economy, and the future of the country.



While Peter Obi’s phone number, contact number and email address have been provided as sourced from the internet; please take note that the publishers of this website do not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

The publishers of this website are therefore not liable for any damages that may occur as a result of your use of this information. The article will be updated as more information comes to light.