Nigerian Youth Parliament : The Excos Plus All You Need To Know

Nigerian Youth Parliament : All You Need to Know And The Excos

The Nigerian Youth Parliament was inaugurated in the year 2008 with the aim of preparing Nigerian youths in a decision making process while according them adequate representation in governance at state and federal level. The first session of the Nigerian youth parliament was inaugurated by the then President Umaru Musa Ya’Adua on 25th of August year 2008.

Mission And Vision Of The Nigerian Youth Parliament

The mission and vision is to provide a platform for the youth through which their voices could be heard on goverment policies which affect them directly. They also serves as an intermediary body between the government and youths in the country and also to champion the course of human development in Nigeria.

Their membership is similar to the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The parliament allows a total of 109 honorable members from the 36 states (three per state and one from the FCT) of the federation to represent their colleagues. The honourables of the parliament would debate on issues of national importance and government policies after which they will forward their resolutions to the appropriate government agencies, presidency and national assembly. The Nigerian Youth Parliament also gives it’s members the opportunity to relate with their peers in all parts of the world.

The current Parliamentary session is the 3rd session and was inaugurated December 2015. Hon. Ayodele Obe, representing, Ondo Central, who hails from Akure and a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin university,Ondo state is currently the Speaker of the Nigerian Youth Parliament. Miss. Maryam Abbas is also the Vice Speaker.

The Nigerian Youth Parliament acts as the vocal point of the Nigerian youth agenda to the world at large. There are also state youth parliamentary chapters in all 36 states of the federation.

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Tags: Youth empowerment in Nigeria , NYP Excos Executives

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