Nigerian Export Promotion Council NEPC : All You Need To Know

Nigerian Export Promotion Council NEPC : All You Need To Know

Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) is the Nigerian Federal Government Agency that was established for the purpose of promoting non-oil export in Nigeria in order to diversify away from oil and build a formidable economy. This Council was first made public in March 1977 after the promulgation of the Nigerian Export Promotion Decree No. 26 of 1976. From this, it is important to note that the sole focus of this council is on the locally produced goods and how these produced goods can be exported out of the country. Maintaining a good cordial relationship with this council, they can introduce you to prospective buyers among other benefits.

The Council currently have 15 zonal offices in. These includes their office in Aba, Akure, Benin, Enugu, Gusau, Jos, Kano, Lagos, Maiduguri, Makurdi, Minna, Owerri, Port-Harcourt , Uyo, Yola; with Lagos, Kano and Port-Harcourt as Area Offices to enable easy co-ordination of the other zonal offices.


The Nigerian Export Promotion Council Act was first established in the Nigerian Export Promotion Decree No. 26 of 1976. This led to the establishment of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council in 1977. This Act was later amended by Decree No. 72 of 1979 and further amended by the Nigerian Export Promotion Decree No. 41 of 1988. Added to the Act through these amendments is the Export Incentives and Miscellaneous Provisions Decree No. 18 of 1986 and the Nigerian Export Promotion Council Amendment Decree No. 64 of 1992 among other changes.

The last amendment was made in order to boost the performance and efficiency of the council. This would be done by minimizing bureaucratic bottlenecks and increasing autonomy in dealing with members of the organised private sector.


The main objective of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council is to promote the export of non-oil goods so as to make it the key driver of the economy. It also was established to enhance diversification of the economy.

Below are some of the functions Nigerian Export Promotion Council :

  • NEPC is saddled with the responsibility to to promote the development as well as the diversification of Nigeria’s export trade.
  • The council helps in the promotion of the export industry in Nigeria.
  • NEPC spearhead the creation of appropriate export incentives and actively promote the implementation of the export policies and programmes of the Federal Government.
  • NEPC co-ordinate and monitor export promotion activities as well as to collect and disseminate information on products available for export in Nigeria.
  • Also, it enlightens the Nigerian local manufacturers as well as the local exporters with Information on the current foreign market trend.
  • It helps in maintaining a good export relationship with other countries.
  • NEPC also carries out research on the current economic conditions in order to aid it in advising the Government.
  • Last but not the list, it plans and organize outward trade missions in order to benefit the country.


The Nigerian Export Promotion Council have certain requirements to be met before one can be registered to enable him/her export goods out of the country.

Before you can get a license from NEPC ;

  • Your business must be duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as a limited liability company (LTD).
  • Alternatively, you must be a registered co-operative body.

If you had meet this requirement, follow the below steps :

  1. Go to their office and obtain an application form which cost N1000 only.
  2. Fill the form correctly and take along with you to their office, a copy of your business certificate of incorporation or evidence of reregistration in the case of a co-operative society and N10,000. { N10,000 is the processing fee }
  3. The processing time is usually a week after which a license would be given to you. This registration can also be done online by visiting their website www nepc gov ng , looking out for the REGISTER HERE and click then follow the prompts.

That’s all on Nigerian Export Promotion Council “, share your thoughts and suggestions with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or follow us on twitter @



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