30 List Of International Funding For Projects In Africa 2024

A detailed list of international funding for projects in Africa, location, eligibility requirement, grant size, and where to apply. If you are just tuning in, we have established the fact that Africa is the poverty capital of the world. Corruption and a lack of clear direction on the part of governments have meant that while a few have got fat, the vast majority of Africa’s population continues to live without the basic amenities of life.

Since Africans cannot help themselves, foreign governments and charitable organizations have taken the burden of funding developmental projects in Africa, so as to improve the quality of life and improve the chances of longevity of the average African. 

In this post, we want to study a list of available international funding for projects in Africa, which can probably better the lot of the local population in your area. If you are a local community in need, this is exactly the post you want to be reading because the information can make a difference. 

List Of International Funding For Projects In Africa

  • The JJ Charitable Trust

Their Type of Projects: The JJ Charitable Trust finances environmental projects, especially community-based agriculture Projects, which aim to help people care for themselves in an environmentally sustainable way.

Location: Sub-Saharan Africa

Eligibility: Registered charities in Sub Saharan Africa may apply

Grant size: Recently, they made 4 grants totaling $179,000 in this category.

Apply: http://www.sfct.org.uk/how_to_apply.html

  • Gisela Graham Foundation 

Their Type of Projects: The Gisela Graham Foundation has as one of the aims the alleviation of poverty and deprivation amongst children in countries that are less developed through care, education, and family support. 

Location: Worldwide

  • Segal Family Foundation

Their Type of Projects: The Segal Foundation funds projects that work on SRHR especially in secondary & tertiary education. They have grantee partners who oversee the projects on the ground, and who receive funds regularly.

Location: Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Malawi. 

Eligibility: Priority organizations are those that are small and in their early stage.

Grant size: Not specified.

How to Apply: https://www.segalfamilyfoundation.org/grant-seekers/

  • African Women’s Development Fund 

Their Type of Projects: African Women’s Development Fund is particularly interested in projects working with young women. They promote the interests of women facing multiple discrimination. They build up the women by engaging them in arts, culture, sports and technology as well as Body & Health Rights; Economic Security & Justice, as well as Leadership. 

Location: Africa 

Eligibility: Applicants must be African women’s organizations, and must be led by women. Most of the staff and board of the organization must also be female. 

Grant size: The Fund will only fund projects that cost less than 50% of an organization’s annual income.

How to Apply: http://awdf.org/main-grants-call-for-applications/

  • The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) – Technical Assistance

PACF provides international funding for projects in AfricaTheir Type of Projects: this organization has a funding programme, but now the PACF’s Technical Assistance program provides capacity-building support to some selected community-based projects that are already been funded by the organization.  

Eligibility: To be eligible for this programme you must already be funded by the Organization. 

How to Apply: https://www.viivhealthcare.com/en-gb/supporting-the-community/positive-action-programmes/positive-action-for-children-fund/

  • The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) 

Their Type of Projects: The PACF supports Projects that work to end mother-to-child transmission of HIV. 

Location: The Organization has a presence in Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi, as well as Angola, Burundi, Tanzania, and Kenya.

Eligibility: To find out if your project is eligible for funding please follow the link below:

How to Apply: https://www.viivhealthcare.com/en-gb/supporting-the-community/positive-action-programmes/positive-action-for-children-fund/

  • The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH)

Their Type of Projects:  Good Governance & Regional Cooperation; Shared Ethics & Responsibility, and special attention is given to conflict resolution and Sustainable Development. 

Location: Worldwide

How to Apply: http://www.fph.ch/article3_en.html

  • The Hemraj Goyal Foundation

Their Type of Projects:  HGF supports charitable organizations that make a difference in individuals’ lives by providing financial resources to those who need our support. HGF provides funds to organizations that promote education, women, and children’s rights and work to put an end to human trafficking.

Location: UK, Africa, and Asia 

How to Apply: https://hgf.org.uk/contact/

  • Open Gate Trust

Their Type of Projects:  Grassroots environmental, land-based, and sustainable projects which benefit local communities.

Location: UK, Africa, Asia.

Eligibility: Applications for overseas projects must be backed by UK charities.

How to Apply: http://www.opengatetrust.org.uk/contact.html

  • NST Development Trust

NST Development Trust provides international funding for projects In Africa. Their Type of Projects: Small scale projects where the projects benefit disadvantaged sectors of the community including minority groups and groups that may be sidelined by the government.

Location: in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Apply: http://www.northsouthtravel.co.uk

  • Britford Bridge Trust

Their Type of Projects: Poverty relief, education, health, the arts, culture, heritage, or science.

Location: UK, Africa, Asia.

Eligibility: Projects that work in the highlighted areas above may apply.

How to Apply: [email protected]

  • Kitchen Table Charities

Their Type of Projects: Projects that offer Primary education; Health, sanitation, and clean drinking water; Child and mother care, including taking care of street children

Location: Africa

Eligibility: UK based charities working in Africa.

How to Apply: http://www.kitchentablecharities.org/grant.htm

  • Purley Overseas Trust

Their Type of Projects: agriculture, health/sociology, and education.

Location: Developing countries

Eligibility: They support projects which are run by small organizations with an annual turnover of less than approx. £20,000 GBP or $30,000.

How to Apply: http://www.purleyoverseas.org/application-support/

  • Scott Bader Foundation

Their Type of Projects: The fund projects that work to improve education, health, food security, and vocational training of refugees.

Location: UK and Africa

Eligibility: Only open to the UK registered charities.

How to Apply: https://www.scottbader.com/humanity/our-society/how-to-access-funds/

  • The Headley Trust

Their Type of Projects: The Headley Trust funds projects that provide access to safe water, better use of water resources, and sanitation projects. They are also involved in projects that provide sustainable farming and livelihood development. They are also interested in education- particularly girl-child education.

Location: Sub-Saharan Africa

Eligibility: Registered charities in the UK may apply

How to Apply: http://www.sfct.org.uk/how_to_apply.html

  • The Alan & Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund

Their Type of Projects: Education and young people’s employment and projects which promote freedom of speech or advance peace and reconciliation between warring parties.

Location: Sub-Saharan Africa

Eligibility: Registered charities that already have projects in Africa may apply.

How to Apply: http://www.sfct.org.uk/how_to_apply.html

  • The Peter Cundill Foundation

Their Type of Projects: Projects which make a difference in the lives of young people. The main focus are education, health, sport, and the arts and humanities as well as civil rights.

Location: Worldwide

How to Apply: http://www.thepetercundillfoundation.com/applications.html

  • Friends of Liberia

Their Type of Projects: This organization funds projects in the fields of Education; Health, Psycho-Social Support System Rehabilitation, and Entrepreneurship for the poor population in rural areas of Liberia.

Location: Liberia

Eligibility: Applicants must be organizations officially registered by the Liberian government as NGOs.

How to Apply: http://fol.org/programs/small-grants/

  • The Wallace Global Fund

The Wallace Global Fund provides international funding for projects in Africa. Their Type of Projects: This organization funds projects that bring significant change in the areas of advancement of women’s human rights and empowerment, Defend & renew democracy, promote truth & create freedom in the media.

Location: Worldwide.

How to Apply: http://wgf.org/grants/

  • Global Fund for Community Foundations

Their Type of Projects: This organization funds projects that work to strengthen community foundations. They are interested in philanthropic institutions, including women’s funds, human rights funds

Location: Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, East, and Central Europe, and Central Asia. 

Eligibility: Community philanthropy organizations that work directly with the people. 

How to Apply: http://www.globalfundcommunityfoundations.org/how-to-apply/

  • The Bottle Top Foundation

Their Type of Projects: They fund projects that work in Poverty alleviation and grassroots education initiatives. Their main focus is young people; they seek to empower future generations.

Location: Current projects are in Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, and South Africa

Eligibility: Small organizations in the above countries may apply.

How to Apply: http://bottletopfoundation.org/nominate/

  • The Toy Trust

Their Type of Projects: Projects supporting disadvantaged and disabled children aged under 13 years of age.

Location: UK, Africa.

Apply: https://toytrust.co.uk/how-to-apply/

  • Rivers Foundation

Their Type of Projects: The Foundation generally assists with funding for specific projects involving the education, social development, and medical well-being of young people who are disadvantaged.

Location: UK, Africa

How to Apply: https://riversfoundation.co.uk/how-to-apply/

  • Draper Richards Kaplan

Their Type of Projects: This organization funds projects that offer Innovative strategies, systems changing approaches, and disrupting technologies that improve the lives of people and the world. They are ready to offer to fund up to $300,000.

Location: Worldwide

Eligibility: Individual leaders, domestic (U.S.) and international organizations. NGOs working directly on projects may apply. 

How to Apply: https://www.drkfoundation.org/apply-for-funding/

  • Cumbria Overseas Aid Trust

Cumbria Overseas Aid Trust provides international funding for projects in Africa. Their Type of Projects: They fund Projects which contribute to the relief of poverty. However, these projects must prove that they will have some long-term and sustainable benefits to a local community. 

Location: Developing countries; Africa and Asia.

Eligibility: UK registered charities working directly in developing countries may apply

How to Apply: http://www.cumbriaoverseasaidtrust.org.uk/funding-criteria/

  • The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation

Their Type of Projects: This fund bankrolls projects that are involved in Conflict resolution. They want to see projects which deal primarily with the causes of the violence and try to address those social issues by providing money to deal with them.  They also provide protection for civilians, especially displaced persons and refugees.

Location: They are currently funding projects in Switzerland, the UK, Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Angola, Central African Republic, as well as Chad, Myanmar, Yemen, and Syria.

Eligibility: Registered UK and Swiss civilian non-profit organizations working in the above-stated countries may apply.

How to Apply: https://www.johnsonstiftung.ch/en/applications/submitting-an-application/

  • The Scurrah Wainwright Trust

Their Type of Projects: The Charity provides financial support for charitable projects with an emphasis on innovative, hard-to-find work in the field of social reforms in volatile areas.

Location: Southern Africa, Zimbabwe, UK.

Eligibility: Small charities working for the public good, which have small budgets; less than £250,000.

How to Apply: http://www.wainwrighttrusts.org.uk/swc2.html

  • Lord and Lady Lurgan Trust

Lord and Lady Lurgan Trust provide international grants for projects in Africa. Their Type of Projects: The trust provides funds for projects that are focused on music and arts education and participation among people with deafness and other disabilities. It also provides funds for medical research.

Location: South Africa, The UK, Northern Ireland.

Eligibility: Only registered charities in the UK may apply.

How to Apply: http://www.lurgantrust.org/apply.html

  • Fonds Suez

Their Type of Projects: This foundation fund projects that provide access to water and sanitation for disadvantaged or poor populations in developing countries.

Location: Developing countries; Africa and Asia.

Eligibility: Organizations that are Legally registered in their countries and established for at least 1 year may apply.

How to Apply: https://www.fondation-suez.com/en/ 



As you have seen, there is available funding for humanitarian projects. What you must now do is find a donor that has a history for funding the kind of project that your organization is involved with. However, many donors require registration with the appropriate authorities. Even if your NGO is not registered, you can still get funds by requesting any foreign charities with which you have worked before to write on your behalf. Good luck!