Africa is actually one of the hottest continents on the planet. We have so many hot countries in Africa. Nigeria which is the most populated country in Africa with up to 155 million people generates a lot of heat daily from the sun. the northern part of the country is able to generate lots of heat that can produce a vast amount of electricity for the country. It should be known that the hottest country often changes from year to year. Which is due to weather and climate variation.

Actually, the only continent that never freezes is Africa, surprisingly right, no wonder we complain it never snows over here, but the only place it freezes is the mountaintop in Kenya. Well, let’s keep you out of suspense below are the top 10 hottest countries in Africa.

Top 10 Hottest Countries in Africa

  • 1. Ethiopia 

his country is known as the hottest country in Africa. The town of Dallol holds the record for having the average annual temperature. In dallol, it is recorded that there is never a breakdown heat anywhere in that place.

The place dallol is now a ghost town, due to the vast amount of heat that the place is producing. Back in the year 1960, the place was known as a mining settlement. The place is a volcanically active region, so the heat actually comes from a different direction.

  • 2. Botswana 

Botswana is the second among the hottest countries in Africa, for the most part of the year. The climate in Botswana is said to be semi-arid. Summer days are hot in the country especially in the weeks that precede the coming of the cooling vanes. Because of this, the shade temperature rises to 38 degrees Celsius and then reaches a blistering 44 degrees Celsius on rare occasions. It should be known that from November to march the weather is very hot over there as there is plenty of sunshine. Placing Botswana, the second position on this list was done with lots of facts and so much research has been done, to be able to place it in this position.

  • 3. Mali

Mali as number three on this list, this country is very hot. The place called Timbuktu is rated as one of the hottest places ever, the place is being referred to be slowly overtaken by the encroaching Sahara Desert. Timbuktu is known before as a city that has one of the world’s greatest collections of ancient manuscript and it is also referred to as a thriving centre for scholarship. The temperature at Timbuktu has been recorded to reach 130 degrees Fahrenheit which is earned as an essence and the street of the city and frequently buried in the windswept sand.

  • 4. Somalia 

This is a country that is known to see little rain all year long. The average temperature in Somalia is about 50 degrees and the place has been ravaged by drought and famine. The people of Somalia are in total starvation because they find it hard to grow food in their soil’s lack of irrigation is also another cause of starvation drought and famine.

  • 5. SUDAN

This country is known as one of the hottest in North Africa. Sudan has dry desert land with an average temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. The major problem a country has is desertification which is due to over rising temperatures. The city Wadi Halfa in Sudan is one of the hottest cities there, the city has to endure lots of terrible dust and storms. Famine has hit Sudan which now makes the availability of food in the country to be scarce. Sudan also receives no rainfall at all.

  • 6. Algeria 

The temperature of Algeria is very hot throughout the year and they also have deserts. In some areas of Algeria, it should be known that there are snow-capped mountains in some areas of the country but they are deserts, which is expanded all over the place. The average temperature in Algeria is about 50-53 degrees Celsius with the hottest temperature which is been recorded in the region of Sulah. Unlike other hottest countries in Africa, Algeria is blessed with rainfall.

  • 7. Tunisia 

This country is rated as one of the hottest in Africa and also ranked among the hottest in the world. Kebili is one of the places, the people go to escape the hotness of the sun, but over there is just another high temperature. Kebili is no stranger to high temperatures, the mercury has topped out at over 131 degrees which are noted as a list of the highest ever recorded in Africa. Now come to think of it, lots of people have lived in Kebili for a long period of time, people have actually stayed in that place.

  • 8. Libya 

Libya is ranked as one of the hottest countries in the world. The place in Libya called El Aziza has made history after a weather station recorded the highest temperature which is ever directly measured on earth, dropping the figure might shock you, well let’s see it. It was recorded at 136.4 degrees Fahrenheit shocking right, the record stood for 90 years. We can see that Libya is actually a very hot country but the el Aziza’s record has been downgraded, there is also doubt that the region can even reclaim it back, however, Chadames is now rated as another hot city in Libya, it has been shown that people have to live in mud houses to withstand the heat.

  • 9. Chad

Chad is one of the African countries that has been affected by desertification which is due to its hot climate. The climate in chad is desert in the north with highs above 40 degrees Celsius this often takes place from April to October and the highest recorded temperature is about 50 degrees Celsius. Chad has also recorded the hottest day in history, this was on June 22nd, 2010, the temperature in the country reached 47.6 degree Celsius this was at Faya, a place in chad. It has been noted that these hot seasons are not actually good for tourists to visit the country by then, as the country will not be comfortable for them. Chad has been placed number 9 position on this list of hottest countries in Africa.

  • 10. Niger 

This African country is very hot and very dry. It has been shown that eight migrants died of thirst while traveling across the Niger desert to Algeria. Niger has also been recorded for one of the hottest days in history on June 22, 2010, at then the temperature reached 47.1 degree Celsius in the city of Bilma, that city broke the record again on June 23 and topped out at 48.2 degree Celsius.


In conclusion, Africa is a very hot continent (for the most part), no doubt – I hope we have been able to provide short details about the hottest regions in Africa.

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