Several African countries have stepped up the game by creating wonderful policies to improve the education system of their respective countries. The second biggest continent in the world is replete with several countries that have Grade A education systems. Most of these countries have dedicated a percentage of their budget to improving their education system in their countries because Education is an essential tool that is needed to succeed in today’s world as well as the basis for human development.

Seychelles has the best education system in Africa as it is the sole country in Africa that has attained the UNESCO Education for all objectives. In the same vein, Libya occupies the 10th spot on the list of African countries with the best education system as primary education in Libya costs nothing and it is mandatory as well.

Top 10 African Countries With The Best Education System

1. Seychelles

The Island country is recognized as the only African Country that has completely attained the UNESCO Education for all objectives. Free education is mandatory for children till age 18 in Seychelles today, however, Students are required to purchase school uniforms only.

Seychelles’ government is acknowledged as a huge contributor to the country’s educational development as is evident by a considerable fraction of Seychelles’ economic budget is expended on improving the nation’s educational system.

The country is rated at 69.3 points, in terms of education by the world education forum. This rating puts Seychelles as the only African country in the top 50 countries with the best educational systems. 

2. South Africa

In South Africa, Primary education is in three phases and it lasts through six years.  Free education is mandatory for children from ages 6 to 15. The government initiated the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) program in 2005 which is intended to make learning a collaborative process between teachers and students. 

The OBE program concentrates on what students should know and do which is intended to raise students with a quest for knowledge. The South African government makes huge donations to the growth of the education system in the country as 18% of the nation’s appropriation is expended on education. The huge significance that the government placed on education has made South African Universities rank high in Africa and globally.

South Africa is prominent as one of the most influential African countries in terms of economy and military. This large country at the southern tip of the African continent has been for a long time the citadel of learning where students from other African countries troop to get a quality education.

3. Mauritius

The Island country owes most of its educational developments to the colonists of British descent but has since maintained the development after attaining sovereignty. The country runs a 3-6-5-2 formal education system. The government of Mauritius makes free education available to its citizens from pre-elementary to tertiary tiers, however, education is mandatory for every citizen up until the age of 16.

Likewise, all government-owned schools own a minimum of ten computers. Primary school students have access to free textbooks however, secondary school students are required to purchase their textbooks. Furthermore, the government initiated free transportation for all scholars.

4. Tunisia

The African Arab country prioritizes education as a fraction of the nation’s budget is expended on educational developments. The Tunisian government has made education mandatory and free for all its citizens from elementary to tertiary levels. The educational system in Tunisia is structured into the elementary, Middle, Secondary, vocational, and tertiary levels.

The Tunisian government is in continuous partnership with international financiers and organizations in a bid to aid educational development in the country. Furthermore, the government and private persons have made huge donations to the development of the education system in Tunisia.

In Tunisia, joint ventures between the government and private individuals thrive, and this has boosted the level of investment in education to the benefit of the general population. 

5. Kenya

The republic of Kenya runs an 8-4-4 formal education system. In Kenya, elementary and secondary education is free but not mandatory. The different tiers of education in Kenya comprise Elementary, Secondary, Vocational, and Tertiary education. In a bid to improve Kenya’s educational system, the government expends a fraction of the nation’s budget on education. The Kenyan government policy stipulates a period of 8 years of compulsory education for its citizens.

6. Algeria

Algeria is a North African country that makes free education mandatory for children from the ages of 6 to 16. The Education system in Algeria runs on a 5-4-3 model and it is structured into the Elementary, secondary, vocational, and tertiary education levels. 

The Algerian government expends a fraction of the nation’s budget on improving the educational system. As a result of the significance that the government has placed on education, the literacy level in Algeria has increased significantly.

A sizable number of its population is literate, and the country is already reaping the rewards of this initiative. The country is politically stable and is recording a period of economic growth.

7. Ghana 

Ghana adopts the British 6-3-3-4 model of Education which is structured into Elementary, Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary, and Tertiary levels. Ghanaian children from ages 4 to 14 are entitled to mandatory and free education, however, senior secondary education isn’t mandatory but is funded by the government.

The Ghanaian government also expends 23% of the nation’s budget on education and this has made Ghana boast of many standard schools making its education system one of the best in Africa.

8. Egypt

Egypt runs a 6-3-3 system of basic education which is structured into the primary, middle, secondary levels. The basic education levels are fully funded and mandatory for every Egyptian Child by the government. Every Egyptian child between the ages of 4 and 14 is entitled to free and obligatory education.

However, free education is accessible across all levels of education in government-owned schools for all Egyptian Children. The Egyptian government places a huge significance on government which is evident by the dedication of a certain fraction of the nation’s budget to the development of the educational system. Furthermore, the government is also in partnership with international organizations in a bid to improve the educational system of Egypt.

9. Namibia 

The Namibian education system is structured into the pre-elementary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels. The government makes free and mandatory primary and secondary education available to all Namibian Children. Vocational education is available for students that do not desire to further their education in Tertiary institutions.

Namibia pays significant interest to education as the government expends over 20% of the nation’s budget on education. Today, Namibia can boast of over 1,500 top-notch schools. The literacy proportion of Namibia has experienced an increase over the years.

10. Libya 

Libyan education is arranged into the Primary, Secondary, and tertiary levels. In Libya, primary and junior secondary education is mandatory for all children. Interestingly, mobile schools are available for Nomads. Furthermore, education is mandatory for children between the ages of 6 and 15. Schooling in Libya east is co-educational while in Libya west, it is the opposite. Vocational schools are also functional in Libya offering about 44 diverse vocations in key fields.

With the huge dividends generated from the large petroleum deposits in the country, the government expends a percentage of the country’s expenditure on educational developments. Owing to the conscious efforts of the government to improve education, the literacy proportion of Libya has experienced a huge increase which makes it one of the top ten best education systems in Africa.



Undoubtedly, various African countries are making conscious and significant efforts in developing their educational systems and this has earned them a spot on the top ten best education systems in Africa. The government of the nations ranked above is expending a significant proportion of the budget of their various countries on educational development. 

Some governments take a step further by partnering with international organizations and financiers all in a bid to actualize educational developments. Seychelles has the best education in Africa while Libya ranks 10th place in the rankings of African Countries with the best Education systems. 

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