Military might is required for any progressive state that wishes to safeguard its boundaries and interests. By and large, judging by the continent’s greatest military presently, the continent is faring well against world superpowers.

The best ground force in Africa is Egypt, interesting, when it comes to Egypt they are the cradle of civilization. However, the ground forces of some African countries have been favoured by the influx of citizens into the military. Some African countries have substantial populations and through this, many personnel can be found in their armies.

Top 10 Best Ground Forces In Africa

1. Egypt

In point of fact and based on current estimates, Egypt is regarded as the strongest military force in Africa because it is the African country with the largest number of personnel who make up the military sector. Although South Africa is the best African country in terms of ground forces, Egypt remains Africa’s most powerful nation as regards its enormous overall military personnel which surpasses South Africa’s.

Besides, Egypt has fostered its military sector through collaborative relationships with the world’s strongest military forces from nations like Italy, France, the UK, China, Russia, and the U.S.A. With respect to this, the African giant [Egypt] receives military supplies from each of the stated countries.

The Egyptian military sector mainly comprises the Egyptian Air Defense Command, Egyptian Air Force, Egyptian Navy, and the Egyptian Army. Significantly, Egypt constitutes the powerful African country that spend heavily on their military sectors. Therefore, the Egyptian government has a budget worth $5.85 billion usually set aside for the country’s armed forces. Although several reports claim that Egypt is afflicted with political instability, the North African country has maintained its military stance, hence, making it the second-best ground force in Africa.

2. Algeria

Algeria, like its counterpart in North Africa, has benefited from its extensive maritime border. The country has developed significant military capabilities on land, air, and sea. However, the country is a distant second in the global rankings, coming in at 27th.

Algeria has more than 130,000 active frontline troops and approximately 2,000 armoured battle vehicles.

3. South Africa

Currently, South Africa is associated with the best ground force Africa boasts of. With its enormous armaments such as aircraft and armoured vehicles, South Africa claims an unparalleled stance in the African country with the most powerful army. According to some previous reports, South Africa had once attempted to devise a nuclear weapon but couldn’t achieve the purpose as a result of US intervention.

Although South Africa cut down the budget spending on its army, the country is yet considered one of the African countries with huge defense budgets. South African army comprises intelligent and sophisticated soldiers who receive solid training from British and Israeli armies. With respect to this, the South African army maintains a solid stance as the best ground force in Africa.

4. Nigeria

For the greater part of a decade, the West African army has been waging war against the Boko Haram insurgency. Despite substantial victories during Buhari’s first term, there have been a few losses in the last year, as the army is more trained for conventional combat than for the rebels’ guerrilla tactics.

As is the case with Algeria and Egypt, a plentiful domestic oil supply mitigates the financial burden of armed war. Nigeria maintains a fleet of around 1,800 armoured vehicles, 250 tanks, and 6,000 logistics vehicles, as well as roughly 300 aircraft and 25 high-powered naval warships. The country’s naval might lags behind the rest of Africa’s maritime neighbors.

5. Ethiopia

Despite being landlocked and lacking the advantages of the top three, Ethiopia is the only country in the Top 5 without a maritime border (the GFP does not penalize landlocked countries for lacking a naval force). Ethiopia has concentrated its resources on developing its army and air force to an impressive degree.

Since assuming power, Prime Minister Aby Ahmed has maintained a cordial relationship with the military, with military personnel toured several of the PM’s projects and briefed on his vision for the country.

For years, the country has been riven by internal war, making a robust military a requirement in light of the threat posed by al-Shabaab. Ethiopia now maintains a 140,000-strong active force, with roughly two million people attaining military age each year.

6. Angola

Three components comprise the Angola Armed Forces (FFA): the army, the navy, and the air force. Earlier this year, President Lourenco’s modernization plan made its way through the armed forces, with the removal of 88 generals.

This comes a year after the chief of staff was fired after being implicated in a corruption investigation by the attorney general.

The eggs from the President’s “Golden Goose” (oil reserves) have enabled the Southern African nation to maintain a sizable military budget. It now maintains an active force of up to 100,000 men, supported by 585 armoured fighting vehicles, 300 tanks, 285 aircraft, and a 57-vessel fleet.

7. Morocco

Earlier this year, King Mohammed VI requested that the government enlist 10,000 Moroccans for obligatory military service this year, up to 15,000 by 2020. The Royal Army now has a strength of 196,000 troops on active duty.

291 aircraft, 2,720 armored vehicles, 1,109 tanks, and a navy with 121 assets are at its disposal.

The army has partnered with US in joint military exercises aimed at preparing it for combating violent extremism and terrorism.

Despite its substantial budget, funding partners such as the United States have complained that it remains “plagued by corruption, an inefficient bureaucracy, and poor levels of education among the ranks.” The majority of its forces are stationed in Western Sahara.

8. Sudan

The most contentious entry in this year’s listings, heroes who became villains. The military deposed long-serving dictator Omar al-Bashir following protracted protests and a protestors’ sit-in at its headquarters.

However, tales of military violence have emerged from Sudan in recent weeks, as talks between civilian and military representatives came to a halt.

Military strength increased under al-decades Bashir’s in control, and it has received assistance from Saudi Arabia in the months since seizing power.

The military currently maintains an active force of 104,000 men, 191 aircraft, 410 battle tanks, 403 armoured fighting vehicles, and 18 naval assets. The majority of this equipment comes from Russia and China, as the country is sanctioned by the West.

9. Democratic Republic of Congo

With an estimated 86 million inhabitants, the DRC is Africa’s second-largest country. The United Nations Stabilisation Mission, Blue Helmets, remains in the country since the country’s own troops are not completely prepared to perform peacekeeping missions.

The country’s security reform began in 2003, following a period of civil conflict, and continues to struggle with the integration of armed non-state actors into national security institutions. Although it has a substantial active force of 134,000 troops, it is nevertheless falling behind other forces in terms of training.

10. Libya

Since Muammar Gaddafi’s fall from power in 2011, the country has lacked peace and stability. The military possesses an incredible store of equipment, which you have no doubt derived from oil revenues.

The country is currently divided between a Tripoli-based administration and a rogue commander, General Haftar, who has the support of Western powers like the United States.

The Tripoli government is fighting to keep the forces out of the city because of the absence of a properly united force. Regardless of the situation, the country retains 2,500 armoured fighting vehicles, 500 tanks, 600 towed artillery pieces, and 6,500 logistics vehicles.



Other countries like Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda are among the countries with the best ground forces in Africa presently.

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