Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs In Ghana (2023)

In every country, the issue of the highest-paying jobs is a concern to many people. In fact, it is one of the factors many African students consider before choosing the academic careers to venture into. If you’re keen to be a high-earning professional in the future, you should be concerned about choosing one of the most lucrative careers at the tertiary level.

Though changes occur in salary structures, it is very obvious that we can figure out the highest-paying jobs in Ghana. Owing to that, we have compiled the Top 15 Highest-Paying Jobs in Ghana. Surprisingly, the highest-paying Ghanaian jobs might not be the same in a few other African countries. 


  • Business Analysis

Business analysis is one of the professions that demand in-depth analytical skills. Therefore, the professionals in this job earn beautifully and are employed by top-level companies. In running a business –especially a multi-million business –business analysis is usually needed to attract customers on a long-term basis. By reason of this, companies employ business analysts and charge them with the role of constructing professional business plans capable of persuading customers. For a company’s sales to peak, customers’ patronage is surely needed and this is why passionate companies wouldn’t underestimate the services of business analysts.

In Ghana, an average business analyst can earn around GHc 2,200 on a monthly basis. If you’re certified in business analysis, you surely have the chance to be employed by a mega Ghanaian company. But again, you must realize that your success in business analysis depends heavily on your analytical proficiency in business management and counseling. Also as a business analyst, you’re required to examine the market to find out the products, goods, or services customers are demanding at a given time. If your company eventually realizes the products/services customers are demanding, you’re still expected to give advice on how the company can optimize production in that regard.

  • Shipping Supervision

This job is concerned with the thorough supervision of the goods delivered to a company. More so, a shipping supervisor must see that all goods are complete and in good order when offloaded. Anywhere in the world, this business comes with reasonable profit but again, one must attempt it with great caution to ascertain that stocks/goods are not lost or damaged during shipping. On average, a shipping supervisor in Ghana can earn up to GHc 10,000 on a monthly basis, making it the highest-paying job in Ghana. 

  • Fuel Handling

Thousands of people might find it hard to conceive this but it is factual that fuel handling is the highest paying job in Ghana. In case you don’t know, fuel handlers are personnel working where aircraft are fuelled. Though this job is really demanding, it guarantees whopping benefits in addition to base salaries. As a fuel handler, you must be diligent and cautious while dispensing fuel into aircraft stipulated for trips. In as much as this job requires expertise, responsiveness, and in-depth training, one could suggest that a fuel handler deserves extra benefits as part of the remuneration system. Averagely, a fuel handler in Ghana receives a monthly salary of GHc 12,000. Annually, this should amount to the mouthwatering sum of GHc 144,000. Considering this sumptuous salary, you could decide to venture into the study of fuel handling irrespective of the difficulties involved in it.

Seriously, fuel handling could be a disgusting job for you especially if you’re allergic to how fuel smells. Besides, fuel handling is so awkward that many people give up on the series of training required to become certified fuel handlers. Precisely, this strenuous and lengthy training course is very important because one has to be cautious and accurate while filling aircraft.

  • Procurement

Procurement is one of the jobs you can do in Ghana but one of the associated drawbacks is that it tends to be so competitive that some companies hardly request procurement officers. Nonetheless, a certified procurement officer should boast of qualifications that would persuade an organization to employ him. However competitive it is, procurement is certainly one of the Ghanaian jobs that fetch reasonable salaries.

As a procurement officer, your primary role is to provide a particular company, organization, or firm with the equipment, outfit, items, or other supplies needed for operation. Meanwhile, the best part of the revenue is generated from the suppliers of these items. If you’re professionally engaged to work as a procurement officer in Ghana, your average monthly salary should be up to GHc 8,000. Annually, this should amount to the whopping sum of GHc 96,000.

  • Account Management

Account management is one of the most awkward jobs to handle especially when there are numerous accounts at hand. Therefore, proficient account managers are rewarded in no small measure for managing business accounts and providing accurate financial statements.

In Ghana, account managers are often employed by banks and other financial institutions since these organizations are usually overwhelmed with numerous accounts to manage. Instead of mounting too much of work on bankers, many Ghanaian banks employ experienced and sophisticated personnel to manage customers’ bank accounts. Though account management is a herculean task, it will surely guarantee you a robust salary structure. Averagely, a Ghanaian account manager earns a monthly salary of GHc 6,500, making it one of the highest-paying jobs in Ghana.

  • Project Management

Project management is a profession that guarantees employment in several companies. Without any doubt, organizations usually need adept personnel who can handle projects and see that objectives are achieved in the most accurate manner. Broadly speaking, project management demands proficiency in generating ideas required for a company to increase its sales levels.

In Ghana, project managers are revered for their shrewd management of projects concerned with construction, manufacturing, and development. If you have the documents to prove your eligibility for project management, you could be employed as an average project manager with a monthly salary of GHc 6,000.

  • Professional Teaching

In Ghana and many other African countries, many people debase teaching with the belief that teachers get nothing other than trifling salaries. In reality, this is true but an experienced person must agree that elementary-level teachers are the ones getting peanuts as salaries. Also in certain cases, high school teachers get meager salaries but irrespective of all this, nobody would contradict the fact that professors and even Ph.D. holders are paid substantially to impart knowledge to students at universities and colleges.

Averagely, a Ghanaian college professor can earn up to GHc 5,500 on a monthly basis. With this, it is evident that teaching is still one of the lucrative jobs in Ghana but to make teaching a substantial source of income, you need to hold honorable degrees.

  • Operations Management

Operations management is one of the hectic tasks which require thorough supervision and shrewd management. As an operations manager, you’re required to bring staff members into a proper relationship so that work can be done in the most effective manner. One good reason why this job is arduous is that some staff members might decide not to comply with your directives. If you’re lucky to have compliant and diligent staff under your supervision, you would surely be delighted to be an operations manager.

In Ghana, operations managers are employed by large organizations including chain stores and production plants. Meanwhile, these people ensure the smooth running of a company through the coordination of staff and supervision of day-to-day business activities. If you’re an average operations manager in Ghana, you’re as good as somebody earning GHc 4,200 per month, making it one of the highest-paying jobs in Ghana.

  • Marketing

One major advantage of marketing is that virtually all companies employ marketers. Precisely, both infant and developed companies need experienced marketers who can attract customers/clients by creating awareness for available products or services. In Ghana, marketers are frequently employed by production and distribution companies. Based on factors that encompass qualifications, experience, and time, a marketer earns an average monthly salary of GHc 4,000 in Ghana.

  • Blogging

Blogging is no doubt one of the highest-paying jobs in Ghana. Even in many other countries, blogging has become a feasible chance for dedicated people –both youths and the aged –to make money in large quantities.

Briefly, blogging is one of the internet-based jobs which demand attentiveness, consistency, and intense passion. By reason of this, only passionate people tend to make the best out of blogging. In Ghana and many other countries, bloggers fall into different classes but a top-level Ghanaian blogger should have an average monthly salary of GHc 3000. As regards blogging, we can’t give an exact salary because a blogger’s earnings often depend on expertise, dedication, time, consistency and even the resources channeled into the business.

If you’re passionate about being a successful blogger, be certain you are skilled in writing. Whether you’re skilled in writing or not, you still have to hire professional writers who can craft stunning articles that will keep your blog interesting and blossoming. In Ghana and every other place in the world, blogging has been given a modern trend and is obviously one of the most lucrative online activities.

To ensure you don’t have a frustrating blogging career, be certain that you’re determined to succeed as a blogger. Also, your first earnings might be so low that if you’re not dedicated, you could give up on blogging momentarily. In Ghana, poor internet coverage is one of the problems associated with blogging but despite this, there are a number of Ghanaians who have succeeded in blogging.

  • Engineering

Engineering is one of the most reputed professions anywhere in the world. In its entirety, engineering covers several fields among which are petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical-electronic engineering. Ghanaian professionals are not excluded from reputed professionals but it is quite unfortunate that their salary structure is somewhat low in comparison to what many other Ghanaian professionals earn. As a Ghanaian engineer, your average monthly salary is estimated at around GHc 2,967, making it one of the highest-paying jobs in Ghana.

  • Customer Service & Call Centre

Customer service is interestingly a reasonable source of income in Ghana. Many companies –most especially telecom companies –employ a large number of customer service agents so that customers can enjoy a 24-hour service response. Though their salary structure is fairly low, call center agents constitute the highest-paid professionals in Ghana. A customer service representative in one of Ghana’s popular companies should earn an average monthly salary of GHc 2,045.

  • Human Resource Management

Human resource management is a formal profession concerned with shrewd human relations and interpersonal interaction with the employees in a company. In an organization, human resource managers are required to carry along a company’s staff to ensure they work vigorously on the task at hand. Additionally, they ensure a company achieves its set objectives through staff concentration and orientation.

In Ghana, human resource managers are employed in order to foster the relationships between companies and their staff and ensure that day-to-day activities are handled in an appropriate manner. For the fact that this job is profitable, an average human resource manager in Ghana can earn up to GHc 1400.

  • Sales Rep

Working as a sales rep requires helping a company, firm, or organization in maximizing sales through brand promotion. Sales representatives come in various standards but here we actually mean representatives who possess formal qualifications. In Ghana, these kinds of professionals are employed by mega-companies in several sectors and that’s why it is very easy for anyone with the skills of sales representation to secure employment in Ghana. As an average sales rep in Ghana, you can earn around GHc 1200.

Though this job comes with a reasonable salary level, being a sales rep in top Ghanaian companies demands great expertise, experience, shrewdness, and excellent academic qualifications.

  • Accounting

Accounting is one of the most cherished professions in Ghana not only because it commands respect but because it yields reasonable wealth. In detail, accounting requires professional handling of business accounts, and as obviously observed in Ghana, accountants fall into the category of highest-paid professionals.

Ghanaian accountants seem to be well-paid professionals but in reality, their salaries are fairly low if compared to what employees earn in some other high-rank professions in the country. Though accountants’ salaries might be quite low in Ghana, it is worth it that an average Ghanaian account could earn up to GHc 850 on a monthly basis.

That’s all about the highest-paying jobs in Ghana.


3 Replies to “Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs In Ghana (2023)

  1. Thanks a lot for this informative post which will be very useful for those job seekers who want to choose their career which will give them career growth according to money or higher position and i would like to add one point here that now a days jobs in AI, machine learning are also highest paying jobs. So thank you for this post.

  2. Thanks for the above. you can view all these categories of Ghana jobs board

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