Below is the complete list of Edo state Postal code / Zip code / postcode, differentiated into town areas and local government areas found in Edo State.

Edo State Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

Edo State Town Area:

Benin Town Area Postal Codes, Zip Codes, Postcodes

Area: Evbotube – 300271
Area: Ikpoba – 300211
Area: Ogbelaka – 300241
Area: Ihogben – 300281
Area: Uhumwuimwu – 300231
Area: G.R.A – 300251
Area: Uwelu – 300282
Area: Ugbowo – 300283
Area: Ewemade Village – 300261
Area: Ugbekun – 300233
Area: Oregbeni – 300233
Area: Use – 300272
Area: OGBA ZOO / OBA AKENZUA II – 300263
Area: Ekenhaun – 300262
Area: Uselu – 300212
Area: Iwogban – 300221
Area: Ohovbeokao – 300222
Area: Etete – 300252
Area: Ekosodin Village – 300213

Ubiaja Town Area Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

Area: Ukpaja Quarters – 300242
Area: Old Ilushi – 300211
Area: Oyomon Quarters – 300241
Area: Egbemije – 300223
Area: G.R.A – 300221

Edo Postal Code Zip

Edo State Local Government Area Postal Code

Akoko-Edo L.G.A Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Akuku/Ewan – 312114
District: Central Akoko/North – 312117
District: Igarra/East Akoko – 312115
District: Ikpeshi-Egbegbere/Atje – 312123
District: Kakumo-Anyanran – 312121
District: North Akoko – 312122
District: North-East Akoko – 312120
District: Okpe-Ijaja – 312116
District: Okukusho/Central – 312118
District: Ososo – 312119


Egor L.G.A Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Use – 300103

Esan Central L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Ebelle – 310119
District: Ewossa – 310120
District: Ewu – 310113
District: Igueben – 310117
District: Irrua – 310112
District: Opoji – 310115
District: Ugbegun – 310116

Esan North East L.G.A Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Uromi – 311115
District: Uzea – 311116


Esan South-East LGA Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Emu – 311108
District: Equare-Ewatto -311109
District: Ewohimi – 311110
District: Ifeku – 311106
District: Ilushi – 311107
District: Inyenlen – 311114
District: ohordua – 311111
District: Okhu-Essan – 311104
District: Onog-Holo – 311103
District: Oria – 311102
District: Orowa – 311112
District: Ubiaja – 311101
District: Udo – 311105
District: Uroh – 311113

Esan West L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Eghoro – 310102
District: Ekpoma – 310101
District: Idoa – 310104
District: Naoka – 310105
District: Ogwa – 310108
District: Ujiogba – 310107
District: Ukhun – 310103
District: Urohi – 310106

Etsako Central, East LGA Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Weppa-Wano – 312107

Etsako West LGA Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Auchi – 312101
District: Aviele – 312104
District: Awain – 312105
District: Jagbe – 312106
District: South Ibie – 312103
District: Uzairue-Jattu – 312102

Igueben L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Amahor – 310110
District: Ekpon – 310111
District: Ugun – 310109

Oredo L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Ogbe – 300102

Orhionmwon L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Aibiokunla – 301101
District: Igbanke – 301104
District: Oloten – 301102
District: Ugboko – 301103
District: Ugu – 301106
District: Urho-Nigbe – 301105

Ovia North-East L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Adolor – 302116
District: Iguoshodin – 302118
District: Isiuwa – 302115
District: Kokhuo – 302112
District: Oduna – 302121
District: Ofunm-Wengbe – 302113
District: Oghede – 302120
District: Okada – 302110
District: Oluku – 302117
District: Uhen – 302111
District: Uhiere – 302114
District: Utoka – 302119


Ovia South-West L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Iguoba-Zuwa – 302101
District: Ofunama – 302109
District: Ora – 302102
District: Siluko – 302105
District: Udo – 302103
District: Ugbogue – 302106
District: Umaza – 302104
District: Usen – 302107

Owan East L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Emai – 313101
District: Igue – 313106
District: Ihievbe – 13102
District: Ikao – 313108
District: Ivbi-Mion – 313105
District: Ive-Ada-Obi – 313103
District: Otuo – 313107
District: Uokha – 313104

Owan West L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Iuleha – 313110
District: Ora – 313109
District: Ozalla – 313111

Uhunmwonde L.G.A. Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode

District: Egbede – 301115
District: Ehor – 301107
District: Igieduma – 301107
District: Igieduma – 301110

Ekpan-Irhue 301108

District: Isi North – 301113
District: Isi South – 301114
District: Uhi – 301109
District: Umagbae North – 301111
District: Umagbae South – 301112

There you have it, the complete list of Edo state postal code, Edo state zip code, Edo state postcode. share your thought and suggestion with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or follow us on twitter @


tags: list of edo state postal code, Edo state zip code, post code

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